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Reviews For The Lighthouse by Starrika

Sunday 21st August 2011 16:23
The Lighthouse
That was so sweet!
Harry was starting to wonder just what he'd gotten himself into...
Tuesday 16th November 2004 18:22
The Lighthouse
Ok I like this- very refreshing-Harry as a father figure- this has the makings of an interesting story- so just how does our knight win the heart of fair lass I wonder- keep it comming-very nice
Tuesday 16th November 2004 10:50
The Lighthouse
I like the basic premise here.  Your writing is a bit uneven, but that's OK -- you're developing your skills here, so please don't stop!

There's a logic problem here: if you adopt someone, you aren't their guardian; you're their mother or father.  If you want to become someone's guardian, then you don't adopt them, but they become your "ward".  When you revise this story (you do plan to revise it at some point) I'd encourage you to think on that.