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Reviews For This Means War! by Jeconais

Friday 20th November 2009 22:17
This Means War!
Thursday 2nd July 2009 09:33
This Means War!
there are very few stories that can be read every month at least once with out getting old and this is one of them.i have practically memorized ur story yet i continue to read it on an almost daily basis.there are msny many great stories on Phoenixsong and im sure that you know that but urs is by far my are is so creative and funny yet it has its serious and sad are the most incredable writer i have ever read something from and someday i hope that my writings will be a quarter as good as yours are.thankyou so much for writing such amazing stories so that people like me can enjoy hem without any payment to are magnificent.
Monday 29th December 2008 17:11
This Means War!
The last little bit about the Mmails was a little confusing. Were they second years when they learned all this? You should have added a line before it saying so, becuase when i was reading it i thought it was present time in the story. Just thought i'd say that. I love your story! I've been smiling like a goon for almost the whole thing, this is actually the second time i've read it! lol
Friday 12th December 2008 20:56
This Means War!
One more thing: I also enjoyed your tutorial about mmail and Technomagic. Very interesting and informative, and I laughed at your humorous and in-character last four lines of this chapter.
Friday 12th December 2008 20:53
This Means War!
Excellent chapter. I absolutely adored Arthur's letter to Harry. That has got to be one of the number of things that stand out about this fic. So wise and wonderfully heartfelt. No paternalistic threats, just advice to value the fact that he has been given a great gift in Ginny's love. It was so perfectly Arthur. I also enjoyed that you included his mischievous side too, with the request for "photographic evidence" of Harry's retribution for his sons' interference.

Another thing that I've enjoyed about this fic was how you depicted the faculty, particularly the Heads of House. You've used a great deal of humor (which we, your readers, love), but you've also had interesting points to make about the different qualities of the Houses and how they pertain to Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. All very interesting stuff.

Another bit that I liked was when Hermione thought about how she would never have imagined how fearlessly she could approach the Heads now, after all these years of being Harry's best friend, considering how she felt as a first-year. That was very in-character, and it was fun picturing the scene when she boldly requested an alcoholic beverage after basically bursting into the Headmaster's office, right in front of all of these important teachers. That's one spunky and brave Hermione, and I applaud you on writing her so well. She's definitely a match for and good complement to Ginny and Harry, in terms of her courage, intellect, and magical ability. That also makes me think of your analysis of Ron as being a true Gryffindor and how you spelled that out while showing how Harry, Ginny, and Hermione had some of all of the Houses in them, if you carefully examined them as characters.

I did admit to being slightly confused about Blaise Zabini being a girl, but I guess that this error is possible when one considers that this was written pre-HBP, and he didn't come up much in canon until then. Speaking of her (in this fic), I liked how you wrote Blaise's conversation with Snape. Very, very interesting.

Tuesday 21st October 2008 10:25
This Means War!
Great story so far :-) One question come you are portraying Zabini as a girl?
Thursday 2nd October 2008 14:14
This Means War!
LOL! I absolutely loved it.
Monday 15th September 2008 22:13
This Means War!
ahahahaha i love the name of the professor in the lil story at the end about mmails

Sunday 31st August 2008 18:00
This Means War!
Maybe, Techomagic should be made real. Then we could move on from computers.

Monday 14th July 2008 01:01
This Means War!
the ending was kinda confusing.... didnt fit in... lol
im loving this story though!!
Monday 22nd October 2007 04:01
This Means War!
this is one of the best stroys ive read yet! and me commenting just shows how much i like it.... also, heres another one thats really good. its one in diagon alley, and its called "naked quiditch match" it is also in m mail format, and it is were harry has to play a game of quiditch starkers... youll find out what else. anyway, keep writin, cos this is great!
Sunday 4th February 2007 06:15
This Means War!
Poor Ron. You don't really like him, do you?
Saturday 20th January 2007 19:02
This Means War!
I'm just catching up with this story. To say it is one of my favorites is just not enough. To say it is one of the best stories on this site is not enough!

This story is a classic!

It is so clever and so funny and so dramatic , all at once. How could I have missed it?

It should be on everyone's best HP stories anywhere. JKR should draft you for technical writing assistance.
Saturday 14th October 2006 18:58
This Means War!
u put urself in as a professor..
nice =]
Tuesday 10th October 2006 16:46
This Means War!
Just for the record the plural of Animagus is Animagi not Animagus .
This 'war' is very interesting -- I love it .
And Harry being able to doing anything he believes he can; I like it (not love it) but must admit its highly implausible (but then this isn't exactly a serious fic, is it? ) .
Monday 9th October 2006 15:42
This Means War!
haha i loved this chapter! but then again i love all the chapters....
i love this whole story! your a brilliant writer and the Mmail just enhances the story =] HAGRID -
Sunday 9th July 2006 13:43
This Means War!
Okay, was that a flashback? It sounded like it. And I liked the way you explained it. Very good. And I love the Mmail that Harry sent the Weasleys and Hermione. Very good.
Friday 31st December 2004 12:27
This Means War!
This is so much fun.  And I liked the Mmail class too. I hope gred and forge go AWOL in the war . . . they really do like Harry.
Midnight White
Saturday 18th September 2004 18:12
This Means War!


You know, in the last chapter, I actually wrote out the whole coded message, then figured it out. Only took me about, oh let's say 20 minutes. (my monitor turned itself off. )

Anyway, great job!


Wednesday 1st September 2004 18:22
This Means War!
On a personal note to begin, where did you get your nom de plume? Does it mean anything? Now onto the review. I love that Harry immediately turned to his "god-canines" for a little support. Calling in the prank champs is always a good move. I can see Sirius jumping in with both feet. Will things get out of hand? Grin. Also, Hermione sending out the second part of the Draco plan is perfect-killing him with kindness might actually work.

Very emotionally touching scene when Harry reads Arthur's letter. Arthur has always been one of my favorite characters, and I like how you portray him here. "I only ask for photographic evidence." Hee. Also, Ginny taking care of Harry, returning the favor, and Harry almost unconsciously expressing his feelings, a great part of the chapter for me.

I can't believe Harry even has the slytherins on his side! Poor Snape realizing three gryffs should be a part of his house. And the code! Brilliant- and I now remember something like this from girl scouts. (I must not have gotten that badge.) I like seeing Sev relate to his students. He treats them intelligently, not something readily apparent in cannon.

Pansy's email made me laugh out loud. What do star fish have to do with anything, and Crabbe and Goyle fearing for their virtue-pricelees. I actually giggled. Would Voldie really be so stupid as to email his enemy? I'm not going to rule it out. Nothing he's done in cannon has made much more sense.

Gotta love a broom closet scene, even is it wasn't very conventional-especially if it wasn't conventional. What a great way to balance Harry the Hero and Harry the Teen. I believe she would have distracted him for a while there. Nice to see Ginny keep an even temper and not be offended by his control. Wow, it looks like mmail will have an even bigger part in this story. I first thought Harry could send a tracing device, but creating a portkey to physically grab him is even better. Ginny and Hermione working on this together is great to see. I mentioned earlier how much I enjoy their friendship, and now that Ron is persona non grata, there will be no stopping the new trio.

Hermione belting back a shot of whiskey in front of a group of teachers and Ginny repeating Blaise's graphic question to Snape charmed me. Very telling of Sev to use the girls first names. Was that intentional?

Yay to explaining super Harry. It's a little like Neo, but in a magical application. I like the idea. Minnie as a table dancer? Would love to see that. Also, Harry mmailing the brothers red about how much trouble they just bought was great. The marauders strike fear into the hearts of any true prankers, and Forge know they are outclassed. Can't wait to see Peter get his punishment and the Weasley boys get their prank. Whew! Quite a bit to comment on in this chapter. I hope I made sense.

PS thank you for your tutorial on mmailing and applications. It will help as the story goes on I'm sure.

As always, thank you for taking the time to create and share your ideas, and pass along my thanks to your editors. Sincerely, Your new fan,
Monday 2nd August 2004 12:09
This Means War!
I had a question, which I partly answered while writing this review:
The little git's a full star-fish eating fudge-packer.

Is "starfish-eating" a common phrase in UK slang?

I ran a couple of searches, and only found one result for "starfish eating" or "star-fish eathing" that was appropriate in this context.

In any case, for those wondering (I certainly was; I'm a USA-born Italian-American, who's lived in Boston, Los Angeles, and New York), I discovered on
that "chocolate starfish" refers to the anus. I trust that Pansy's implication will be clear.
Monday 2nd August 2004 12:09This Means War! (Author Response)
The slang is semi-common. I can remember using it as a kid (I'm English) so I had no worries about putting it in here.

But yes, that's exaxtly what I Pansy meant ;-)
Wednesday 2nd June 2004 22:54
This Means War!
Oh Lord! This is hillarious! I just began reading the entire story today, and am on Chapter 4. While the whole plot is great, I especially love your To: and From: name usage, especially the ones between Sirius and Remus! And I think you are characterizing the characters perfectly.

Oh, and thank you for that wonderful image of Harry to put into my mind...