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Reviews For This Means War! by Jeconais

Tuesday 5th March 2013 21:39
This Means War!
I found this and just had to share it on this chapter of this story because just look at the costumes! YMCA!
Wednesday 1st June 2011 14:36
This Means War!
Wow. That's all I got to say.... Wow. ..... +
Thursday 18th November 2010 18:35
This Means War!
Thursday 18th November 2010 18:31
This Means War!
Thursday 4th June 2009 14:02
This Means War!
"I found it amusing to note that Ginny's originally read "Ginny Weasley: Research, Support - 20 pts, for managing to be drop dead gorgeous, and insanely cute in her nightie at the same time - 50 pts," but he crossed that bit out."

I have read this before so was going to wait to the end to review and say it was even better the second time round. Then I read the above bit and fell on the floor laughing and the cat gave me a very dirty look as though I was daft!
Saturday 31st January 2009 22:16
This Means War!
This is a very fun story indeed. I really like how you change the "To" and "Froms" for Mmail.

This chapter seems to drag on though. I've lost a bit of interest in the story at this point and may come back later. For the first few chapters, bravo. They were very well done and the work of a genius.

Keep up the good work.
Saturday 31st January 2009 22:16
This Means War!
This is a very fun story indeed. I really like how you change the "To" and "Froms" for Mmail.

This chapter seems to drag on though. I've lost a bit of interest in the story at this point and may come back later. For the first few chapters, bravo. They were very well done and the work of a genius.

Keep up the good work.
Wednesday 1st October 2008 09:48
This Means War!
omigod!that was hilarious!i was laughing so hard!
Tuesday 16th September 2008 15:40
This Means War!
Sunday 31st August 2008 19:11
This Means War!
That was an amazing prank on the Weasleys.

Monday 14th July 2008 02:29
This Means War!
ahaha!!!! I am loving this story! i cant believe that i never found this on my journey through all of ps... lol

Friday 21st March 2008 13:07
This Means War!
this is one of my favorite chapters!!!
Thursday 29th November 2007 11:13
This Means War!
Harry's prank was awesome. I was laughing really hard!!!!!
Tuesday 6th February 2007 07:34
This Means War!
I'm slightly overwhelmed. I'm looking forward to the explanation why Harry wants this match.
Wednesday 11th October 2006 10:31
This Means War!
'Only Sirius Black would escape from certain death, end up on a gorgeous island, and fall in love.' -- ; almost makes up for this aspect being AU
Great chapter ... Great prank ... and nice rescue of Snape by Harry and gang .
Sunday 9th July 2006 16:06
This Means War!
Hahaha. That's all I have to say.
Thursday 16th March 2006 09:43
This Means War!
Just love it! I could not stop laughing Can not wait to read the rest again, as this seems to be about the fifth time of rereading I'm doing. Please keep up the great work!!
Sunday 29th May 2005 10:13
This Means War!
I LOVED the prank!!!!!!!!!! And the rest of the chapter was great too!! Especially the letter Harry sends the Dark Tosser!! Hilarious!
Friday 31st December 2004 14:12
This Means War!
Brilliant.  My mental image of the Weasley Brothers as the village people will stay with me to cheer me up through the darkest hours.
Thursday 2nd September 2004 18:36
This Means War!
Dear Jeconais,

Great start to this chapter. Sirius should be called in for detention for overtaxing Harry that way. The boy did just free him a few hours ago. Let him take a nap in between adventures at least! Remus said almost exactly what I was thinking. Only Padfoot could end up in love in Paradise while his friends think he's dead. Nice attention to detail, it would never occur to me to find out the native language of the Galapagos Islands. Of course, it would never occur to me to send a presumed dead character there to begin with. Grin.

The new Harry Potter fan club is a lot more organized than the Ginny incarnation. I love that Orla has the troops divided into missions. Ravenclaws really are great with details. Getting Harry a reward is a nice touch. Ginny and Hermione supporting the club surprised me, and I bet it will surprise Harry too. Their reasons made sense though. Also, creating port-coins is an interesting idea. I would like to see this come into play as a plot point sometime in the future.

Harry actually has his own wing in the infirmary. Hee. It was only a matter of time. It actually sounds pretty comfortable. It has to be better than sharing a dorm room with four other noisy boys. Again, excellent use of bittersweet humor. The fact that Harry is aware enough to wake up carefully in an unusual place (in case he's in captivity again) speaks to how he almost takes for granted that life will soon be kicking in the ribs. For some reason, this little comment struck me as very sad. I felt this was very evocative of a younger less open Harry.

But quickly this segues into one of those funny tender moments I so enjoy in your writing. Harry's seeing Ginny, and thinking, " . . .that Ginny would be a lot more comfortable in bed with him." I'll bet.

Yes! I know that this is something I have brought up before, but so happy to hear Harry's internalized explanation of what is going on with his powers. (I feel like I'm nitpicking, but I felt it needed mentioning.) The fact that he realized his strong emotions motivate him, and the positive are just as powerful, is a major breakthrough. (Thank you for articulating this even further with Abe and Albus.) Even if it doesn't play out that way as you write it, this scene helped me as a reader come to terms with where you were taking Harry. Not that you need permission.

What a great way to describe a passionate kiss.

I enjoy the easy way Harry and Ginny relate here. A little more romance couldn't hurt. Grin. I'm a sucker for hospital cuddling.
I'm starting to realize just how many plot threads you are weaving together. I almost forgot about Draco. Not only does his father think he is gay, Draco has now sold Snape out to the Dark Lord. This sounded serious and I was right.

I originally began this story for a little light reading of humor and romance with characters that wouldn't normally have a chance to behave this way. Allow me to say this next section of the story surprised me in the best possible manner. You have written a scenario with tension, action, and at least a little adventure. Harry's expectations of a quiet night ended when Voldemort decided he wanted Harry to witness Snape's death. To quote Harry, Big mistake. It was wonderful to see him instinctively seek out Ginny for the support he needed. Then, he takes the next step, gathering Hermione and the others to save Sev, create a complicated potion, unite members of the four houses, neutralize Pansy as well as Draco, and achieve the impossible in removing the dark mark. The fact that Snape was saved by the same method Peter was caught shows how little real thought Voldemort puts into the reality of his situation. I always enjoy poetic justice.
And evil overlords having temper tantrums.

Dark Tosser. -Giggle. Death Munchers. -Hee. Death Nibblers. -Giggle-snort.

I like the byplay between the teachers keeping a careful eye on proceedings, but still allowing the students to work together to solve the problems. You're creating fully realized characters that are holding my interest. I love Blaise grabbing Ginny and laughing. Slytherins are people too. (This should be a bumper sticker.) Again, nice attention to detail drawing of tribal tattoo practices and combining them with the Dark mark.

A happy Snape is a joy to see. It would probably scar his students for life though.

Brilliant way of bringing Percy in as a player. I would like to see Fudge deal with the fallout, and Percy would make an excellent investigator. He also seems to be a leader in the Weasley scheme as well. Glad to see Ron is a little lonely and jealous. He should realize Harry would treat Ginny like a queen. And if their parents approve, what on earth is the problem? Git.

I love that Harry and Ginny take the time to reconnect before heading off to Abe's. This was a gentle sincere moment and I enjoyed it. Abe snarking at Albus's taste in women and about not having paintings to remind him of everything was very cute. I also agree with Harry the word 'inappropriate' does bring up some odd images.
I felt that you creatively used Harry's magic to show how close Ginny and he are now. Ginny has always shown unconditional trust in Harry. This would make their relationship stronger than most. The necklaces allowing them to feel each other's emotions is intriguing. I love this scene. You write the quiet emotions so well, and intersperse such real honest moments in the middle of this, for the most part comedic work. You've actually gotten me to say Aw. How girly can I get? And then to end it with what can only be an off color story involving dogs, women in wimpoles and salted meats? Priceless.

It's great to see the prank against the Red Six begin. Involving the Significant Others of the boys is a nice touch, and was sure to add to the humiliation. Arthur and Molly showing up, and he remembered the camera! I was hoping he would. Arthur shows where Ginny gets some of her insight, by calmly stating that Harry can do what others cannot.
The Prank. Ha ha hee hoo whew. Just picturing all those redheaded boys dressed as the village people is funny enough, but singing and choreography is almost too much. (I said almost.) The twins would love it, and I can see them throwing themselves into the performance. They would be impossible to embarrass. Ron handled it well though. I'm glad to see he won't hold a grudge. The victory kiss was perfect; as well as the boys running commentary on lung capacity, strength ect. But what are you doing? Quidditch as the deal breaker? Who on earth would be on his team? I can't tell you how tempted I am to jump into the next chapter, but I know I won't be able to do it justice.

I'm running out of adjectives to describe my pleasure in this story. I never realize how long your chapters are or how much they contain until I start my second read in order to accurately review. Thank you for creating a multidimensional, interesting funny smart story that I can't stop reading. Once again, I appreciate your courage to share something from your own imagination. I'm certainly not that brave. As always, my thanks to your beta.

I can't wait to read the next chapter, but it will be a few days.
Your new fan,