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Reviews For More Than Meets the Eye by Aggiebell

Saturday 19th May 2007 13:54
More Than Meets the Eye
Neville is certainly having a rough time. Only 2 days into the term and he's had detention with Snape, his grandmum is missing and he's helping teach 5th year herbology. That and Malfoy is harrassing him. I hope things get better for Neville soon. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 21st February 2005 08:43
More Than Meets the Eye

For another take on the Potterverse meets special forces, read Aaron St. Vines's "The Granger Defense".  Excellent fic.

I like how you have Neville's life seeming a bit more like Harry's - the pointing and whispering, especially given the contents of the prophecy.

Another thing I like is the plant lore.  It makes a Neville fic much more believable.

Wednesday 10th November 2004 16:52
More Than Meets the Eye
Now I'm going to make myself crazy trying to figure out when I read this before. sigh. wonderful as usual
Bring and Fly
Wednesday 10th November 2004 05:47
More Than Meets the Eye

A very-true -to-life description of Neville's disorientation and heartache. I loved the line about him feeling a sudden kinship with Harry. I have always felt that those two have more in common than they realise.

And I could easily see that his love of Herbology would be both a support and a subtle ache in his heart too. You really are very insightful in this chapter IMHO, and are getting into Neville's head so well.

Monday 8th November 2004 13:44
More Than Meets the Eye
A fantastic description of "the wait" for news. You have brought in Hermione, Ron, Harry and ginny superbly as supporting roles, whilst maintaining your focus on Neville. You mentioning the grief, and the constant reminder of small things that aren't there anymore is realistic and true to life. Whilst Neville is worried for his grandmother he can't seem to focus on the possibility of his Grandmother's potential death, but he mourns the loss of his plants with a poignance (is that a word?)
Myth xxx