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Reviews For Beneath the Eye of the Storm by Tari

Thursday 14th April 2005 11:45
Beneath the Eye of the Storm

Well as bad as the Crucio spells and all are..I can deal with seeing Ginny under that sort of long as the Ferret keeps his grubby hands off her I can deal.

My, my, my isn't Harry a stubborn mule...has actually extended the war most likely by shutting out his greatest power.

Saturday 12th June 2004 09:41
Beneath the Eye of the Storm
Tari, I'm absolutely loveing this story! You're definitely keeping the reader interested by giving us clues of back story and future plot developments. Your characterizations are amazing as well.

I can't wait to read the next chapter!

Saturday 12th June 2004 09:13
Beneath the Eye of the Storm
I just started reading this story and I am loving it! This chapter is by far the best. I love the way you portray Ginny, she is a fighter, not a doormat. Harry is in love with her and that will be the key to Tom's downfall. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Saturday 12th June 2004 07:02
Beneath the Eye of the Storm
Wooo update! Oh man Tari... they're so close!! Trust Harry to leave out the essential part of why Voldemort couldn't truly posess him

Your characterisations are spot on and the story rolls along so nicely. I love this story!!

Ginny closed her eyes and wished for freedom. Or death. Either one would be welcome at this point.

Poor Ginny