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Reviews For But A Shadow by Alexandra Lynch

Saturday 1st September 2007 16:32
But A Shadow
writen like a pro
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Thursday 2nd February 2006 14:12
But A Shadow
Thursday 1st December 2005 15:09
But A Shadow
What a brilliant job. I loved how the two scenes intertwined with the grasping of the hands, really nice touch. Brilliant.
Wednesday 15th December 2004 22:31
But A Shadow
Very nice; dark patches, but the warm memories seep through and rule.

"When she lets her hair loose, she is enveloped in flame, and she burns his darkness away".  Shucks, I wish I could write (like that).  I'm just glad I have enough in me to appreciate what you've written.  Very, very nice.  Thank you!
Alexandra Lynch
Monday 14th June 2004 18:15
But A Shadow
Thank you all, so much. This one germinated off listening to Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" and getting a review for "Someday" where someone wanted a sequel. It's not a sequel exactly, but it could be in the same universe.

I'm trying the summer angst challenge. (grin)
Monday 14th June 2004 17:58
But A Shadow
Very poignant, very nice. I love this very poetry-esque style.
Monday 14th June 2004 16:12
But A Shadow
Oh, I love your work. It's so poetic; it has so much feeling. So wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Monday 14th June 2004 16:10
But A Shadow
Wonderful stuff
Monday 14th June 2004 15:01
But A Shadow
Wonderful, Alexandra -- just wonderful!