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Reviews For Salvation by Tosca

Monday 19th May 2008 14:27
nice chapter!! although wouldnt you think that voldie would find out about this and do someting about it...
at least they decided to do it without the pressure of the spell on them
Monday 14th January 2008 20:37
yeah!!!! im glad!
Monday 23rd October 2006 14:52
I LOVED it!!! (I love the whole story!)
But, I'm sorry for this stupid question, whats checkmate?
Saturday 26th June 2004 22:30
i wanna cry!! you killed remus!! normally stories dont get me this upset when an author kills someone off, but you write so well. I cried when jkr killed sirius and now i cried when u killed remus!! wah!! extremely well written! and if i were them i would do the spell and have sex asap, if it got voldy out of my mind. why r u they waiting??? once he realizes THEY know how to break the connection he could attack someplace or kill someone else in a rage!!!! but great writting and i cant wait till the next chapter..
Lady Chi
Saturday 26th June 2004 21:35
What a wonderful, wonderful chapter. Most of the time, I'm uncomfortable with stories that take this kind of turn, but in this case, I'm willing to suspend reality and canon for a while and just bask in the glow of a well-written chapter.

In particular, this line:
Besides, the way of doing it wasn't repulsive at all.
made me laugh hysterically.

Certain other parts, like:
Don't... Don't you want me, Harry?" she asked, voice constricted. Her eyes shone gently in the approaching sunset.
were spot on and absolutely perfect teenaged uncertainty.

Thanks for sharing this story with us!