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Reviews For A Slinky Kind of Summer by kim22041

Sunday 9th September 2007 07:07
A Slinky Kind of Summer
I really liked this story, it takes some time to get threw his big scull but in the end he gets to see that Ginny is a person with more grasp on how to handel Harry then an other in his world.
Thursday 16th August 2007 14:29
A Slinky Kind of Summer
This is a great story. I really like the fact that it is leading to Harry finally discovering just how wonderful Ginny is. Thanks for writing. p
The Boss
Friday 15th June 2007 23:20
A Slinky Kind of Summer
What a nice ending to a somehow troubled Harry
Excellent work

The Boss
Saturday 14th April 2007 13:39
A Slinky Kind of Summer
I know this is from 2004, but I absolutely loved it. It was so sweet and genuine, and it showed a remorseful, grieving Harry without being utterly over the top. Very tastefully done.
Friday 13th April 2007 17:27
A Slinky Kind of Summer
That was perfectly sweet! And just how I would have imagined it happening. Ginny rambling on, and here's Harry *actually* listening. MM.
Wednesday 11th April 2007 14:35
A Slinky Kind of Summer
How lovely! Thanks for posting this. Well deserving of SOTW.
Wednesday 11th April 2007 13:18
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Congratulations on having this story chosen as Story of the Week!

I really like how persistant Ginny is and that she just keeps Harry company while not asking anything of him other than to let her be in the same room with him.

I smiled all the way through. Great story!
Tuesday 10th April 2007 19:02
A Slinky Kind of Summer
In a world on angst, a nice bit of fluff is SO welcome. I've noted before that fluff gets boring if not done well, but you really captured the essence of the canon characters and made them come alive!

Oh, and congradulations on an excellent guess at when Harry finally starts to notice Ginny.
Tuesday 10th April 2007 17:49
A Slinky Kind of Summer
This was adorable. Great job!
Tuesday 10th April 2007 17:15
A Slinky Kind of Summer
In a world on angst, a nice bit of fluff is SO welcome. I've noted before that fluff gets boring if not done well, but you really captured the essence of the canon characters and made them come alive!

Oh, and congradulations on an excellent guess at when Harry finally starts to notice Ginny.
Tuesday 10th April 2007 06:31
A Slinky Kind of Summer
This is the very best,'learning to deal with, and slowly move on from Serius,s death' that I have ever read. Extremely well thought out and written.
Tuesday 10th April 2007 06:00
A Slinky Kind of Summer
I still like it, and the thing I like best is the mental image you create with Ginny's incessant talking like a constant stream that starts turning the wheels in Harry's head.
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 10th April 2007 02:22
A Slinky Kind of Summer
This is a delightful story. I absolutely loved Ginny's monologue and Harry's thoughts. Chatty Ginny, indeed.

His bringing her a slinky was such a kind thing to do.
Monday 9th April 2007 18:24
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Well, that was just wonderful. Very well done! I hope to see more from you. PLEASE???
Monday 9th April 2007 18:12
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Very nice moment of healing. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Monday 9th April 2007 15:33
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Awww very cute. Harry and Ginny connecting over a slinky, who would've thought? lol
Monday 9th April 2007 06:36
A Slinky Kind of Summer
this is perfect!!!! thank you so much for sharing it. I really loved reading it and giggling my way through.
Friday 8th September 2006 21:38
A Slinky Kind of Summer
This was sweet.^^
Wednesday 5th January 2005 12:17
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Very nice story.  Not mushy, just a nice beginning of a deeper friendship.

Wednesday 1st December 2004 01:10
A Slinky Kind of Summer

So many sixth year fics (mine included) involve lots of storm and stress for Harry...big relevations, gasping, sobbing, was sort of his M.O. in Book 5...but this is so perfect...SUBTLE. Subtle and perfect.


Nicely done!

Saturday 10th July 2004 15:02
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Aww, what a great story. I really like the idea of Ginny talking nonstop to cheer Harry up. It definitely seems like something she would do. Very creative title too. Loved the ending.
Sunday 4th July 2004 13:26
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Oh, those were funny stories!

Great job, I really like it.
Tuesday 29th June 2004 21:28
A Slinky Kind of Summer
The idea behind this story was very interesting. I really liked that you went back to something we know about Ginny (she never shuts up) and expanded on it. It was a nice little friendship story.
I might go back and edit the parts with Hermione just a bit. A few of her lines seemed a little out of character. Examples:
"[The books I already own] didn't make me happy!"
"Blushing Harry? I suppose you saw Cho Chang down the street with Michael Corner then?"
Those lines just didn't sound right to me. I don't think Hermione finds happiness or fulfillment in her books (although she enjoys them) and I don't think she would tease Harry like that. But that's just my opinion.
I liked the story though, and thought the little Weasley ancedotes were adorable. And it was great to see Ginny reaching Harry just through her persistence. It's just so...Ginny of her, I guess. Anyway, good job.
Tuesday 29th June 2004 21:28A Slinky Kind of Summer (Author Response)
Thank you for the comments and feedback, but I think I will leave the story the way it is.
Tuesday 29th June 2004 18:29
A Slinky Kind of Summer
Ah that was terribly sweet! I really enjoyed it... and I miss Keen Eddie too. lol
Tuesday 29th June 2004 08:34
A Slinky Kind of Summer
"but none of that mattered as Harry reveled in being a teenager"

Finally! People push him far too far sometimes, he just needs to be a kid!

Glad you resurrected the slinky, it was my favourite childhood toy.

Nicely written and stays true to form. Thank God Ginny is there to save Harry. Congrats!
Ima Quidditch Fan
Monday 28th June 2004 23:57
A Slinky Kind of Summer
That was great! Go, Ginny!

I love that she talked him out of his stuper.