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Reviews For Someday by Alexandra Lynch

Tuesday 3rd July 2007 14:37
PTSD, something some of us worry about. Thanks for writing it, I think its good to write about it in a different setting.
Monday 1st May 2006 06:52
Very lovely story. Very realistic. I do hope Harry doesn't have this to deal with when the series are over. If he does though Ginny will be there for him. Again, very heart-breaking.
Sunday 12th March 2006 22:23
That's amazing! Great work, I'm just blown away by all the emotion and how real the characters are.
Monday 14th November 2005 11:28

Very powerful. It could be made into a poem--One that is all about feeling.

Cherry xxx

Tuesday 18th October 2005 18:15
Nice job. Poor Harry. I'm glad he admitted something was wrong. Him and Ginny can sort out anything together. : )
Thursday 3rd March 2005 20:42
You do such a good job of writing about people's emotions and having it so believable.  I love how you talked about Post Traumatic stress after the battle.  What an excellent job.

Mr. Intel
Wednesday 16th February 2005 16:26
Jen recc'd this on CrackBroom and I thought I'd give it a try.

I find it amazing how certain, poignant emotions can be so effeciently transported from writer to reader.  You've a gift for it and I hope that you use it more often.
Thursday 16th December 2004 04:41
Found this through a fic rec list from Jenadamson, and I'm glad I did. A powerful piece of writing.
Wednesday 15th December 2004 22:24
Excellent.  Thank you very much for this.  I'm going to have to re-read it several times just to discern the various 'phases' that Harry and his wife experience in this story - I'm sure I didn't catch it all the first time through.  But first I'll read your other work!  Thank you again.
Wednesday 8th December 2004 17:35
Ooohhh break my heart.  Lovely, very lovely.
Monday 11th October 2004 11:58

Ms. Lynch,

I just finished reading the stories you have archived here at, and I wanted to tell you that I think your writing is beautiful. It's not just the words you've chosen or how you've strung them together that creates this beauty, it's the emotions and images that rise from them. I wish I could explain better, in a way that would show you the wonderful, and heartbreaking, experience it has been reading what you've written. Your stories (especially "Someday") will stay with me a long while, making me wish I could create magic with words as well.

I hope to read more of your writing in the future.

Wednesday 14th July 2004 23:50
This always gets me. I'm just stunned at how well you capture the turmoil of both Harry and Ginny; it's breathtaking and heart-wrenching. Just a bittersweet, beautiful tale.
Wednesday 9th June 2004 13:45
I liked it, but truthfully I was a little confused. I dont know why exactly, but I did get confused. other than that I thought it was good... It kept my attention.