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Reviews For Some Day My Prince Will Come by Allie Kiwi

Thursday 12th February 2009 19:13
Some Day My Prince Will Come
My name is Hope! That is totally awesome!
Saturday 6th December 2008 04:43
Some Day My Prince Will Come
good one !
Friday 13th July 2007 09:49
Some Day My Prince Will Come
this is so funny, I really liked the character Hope all ready but she just keeps getting better.
I really loved her for turning snape into a toad which he is of course, pitty she had to kiss him thow.
Wednesday 20th September 2006 16:38
Some Day My Prince Will Come
'Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that, Professor. But you really should see a good hair dresser.' -- good line .
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Friday 7th October 2005 21:08
Some Day My Prince Will Come
(im in this for a try for second year.)