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Reviews For The Year's Silence by Allie Kiwi

Monday 24th March 2008 20:50
The Year's Silence
Aaaaaaaaaah, I was completely not expecting that. Lol!
Saturday 16th February 2008 19:24
The Year's Silence
Great fun!
Thursday 15th February 2007 21:10
The Year's Silence
HAHA! Very cute ending!
Friday 8th December 2006 13:33
The Year's Silence
You write wonderfully. I found myself chuckling every other sentence. Great job. I'd love to read more of your stories.
Sunday 1st May 2005 08:40
The Year's Silence
It's too early to form coherent thoughts, but I enjoyed it. It was a cute fic. Are guys allowed to say cute? I hope so.

Wednesday 20th April 2005 19:02
The Year's Silence

That ending was super.  The whole story was really funny. Thanks for the entertainment and the effort to bring this story to us.



Tuesday 12th October 2004 18:50
The Year's Silence

Ron glared, then grinned.  "Trolls grunt.  That was my Yeti impression."

"Ah, I see.  Hermione has something against Yeti, despite being such an activist for Elf rights."

Ron leaned back against the brick wall somewhat nonchalantly.  His mouth tilted into a smirk as he glanced at Harry, whose face was a picture of astonishment.  "I think I'm getting the hang of this not speaking business"

OK, you are brilliant point final! I really like how the story has chocolate mentioned a lot, and the way Hermione always says "I'm never speaking to you again!" You have Ron and Hermione's characters down to an art! Well, I hope to read more from you! And in all onesty, you are one of the best comic writers. I haven't quoted funny parts to stories in a review in a while. Well, please write more!
