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Reviews For More Than Meets the Eye by Aggiebell

Saturday 19th May 2007 14:54
More Than Meets the Eye
This is a great chapter. Neville is getting a lot of support from his friends and he is giving it too. It is helpful for Harry to be pushed from a new direction and Neville fills that bill very well. You have done so well with this story up to the point to where you stopped. I am so sorry your momentum stopped. I hope you can get it going again. I really would like to see how Neville and Harry learn more from Snape. I would like to see Neville and Luna get together! I would like to see Harry interact with Ginny. See Ron and Hermione finally get their act together. I can see you writing all of this. Think about it. Thanks, p
Wednesday 16th May 2007 10:33
More Than Meets the Eye
wow i love your story its great i wish you could write more but if youre stuck then youre stuck. its great, i especially liked
"I was in the RAF—the Royal Air Force. No, I was not a pilot—nothing so glamorous as that."

Neville heard Ron whisper to Hermione, "What's a pliot?"

Andrews smiled again. "A pilot...Mr....Weasley, correct?" At Ron's confirming nod, he continued, "is someone who flies an aeroplane."

"Like you fly a broom?" Ron asked.

"No, more like you fly a Ford Anglia," Andrews responded
i would have reviewed every chapter but i got too involved in the story
thanks for writing!
Monday 21st February 2005 09:17
More Than Meets the Eye

"You're asking us?" Neville said. "Don't know that you could find two blokes who know less about women."

"Hey, I resent that!" Harry said.

-That whole conversation was very funny.  Nice to see Neville interacting with his fellow Gryffindors.

the "Live life to your fullest" bit seemed a bit out of place for some reason.

I liked Harry's helping Neville with the spell.  That light spell put me in mind of the laser targeters that some attach to guns.  Hope you update soon.

Thursday 18th November 2004 19:40
More Than Meets the Eye

Awww... I'm loving this story!  Poor Neville is so sweet!  I had to laugh in this chapter, though, when Harry said, "I'm not very hung--"  Apparently my mind's in exactly the WRONG place, because my first thought was, "Ginny'll be disappointed!" ;)

Nice job! I'm looking forward to an update when Tyler lets you. :)

Monday 22nd November 2004 21:45More Than Meets the Eye (Author Response)
*snort*  I didn't even think of that when I wrote it--I can't believe I missed that!  Ginny'll be disappointed, indeed.

*shakes head*

Wednesday 10th November 2004 23:39
More Than Meets the Eye

You're asking us?" Neville said. "Don't know that you could find two blokes who know less about women."

This line confused me.  Otherwise, wonderful.  Where's the rest? (As if you have nothing better to do while you're in labor!)

Wednesday 10th November 2004 21:23
More Than Meets the Eye


Yours had been one of those stories I'd been avoiding because I'd never found Neville all that exciting a character and because you're not particularly far along. But, in the spirit of the story of the week idea, I figured I'd give it a go, and I found rather more entertaining than I expected I would.

Lest I sound like a prude, that's not meant to sound like I had initial doubts about your writing; rather I had doubts about Neville as a star of a novel-length fic, especially considering my singular devotion to H/G. Now having read this far, I realize I needn't have worried. Your Neville comes off as very real and his unique characteristics -- the obvious self-doubt, hesitation and somber depression -- make him entirely likable. Next to Harry, he seems normal.

You also deserve a lot of credit for building on the group of six we see form a the end of OotP. It's let you keep what we know and expect of school life from canon -- Ron and Hermione's bickering; Harry's brooding and hatred for Snape; Luna's uniqueness -- and freshen it up with the new perspective. I think that works especially well because of Neville's somewhat more trusting personality makes it easy to understand his growing dialogue with all the major characters.

Also, I thought the way emphasize the parallels between Neville and Harry -- the wands, their parents, their singular hatred for the villians and so on -- really helped draw me into the story. The potions training and gran's disappearance make it obvious you're going somewhere with Neville's role in the prophecy. Now I just need to figure out where ...

Anyway, thanks for the eye-opening story. I'm definitely liking it so far,

Monday 22nd November 2004 21:39More Than Meets the Eye (Author Response)
KC, I've been meaning to respond for a while now, but I got a bit distracted by, and things are just beginning to settle down.

Anyway, thanks so much for the great review!  I knew when I started writing this that Neville as the main character might throw some people off the story, but I'm a Neville fan-girl, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  I'm glad you gave the story a chance. It's nice to know that Neville is coming across like I see him.  I definitely think that Ginny/Neville/Luna are going to play an important part in the future books, and I thought it would be interesting to explore how they might become closer to Harry, so that's why I'm including them.

As to where I'm going with Neville and his role with the prophecy...I'm honestly not totally sure myself.  I have some ideas, of course, but I need to work out the details.

Thanks again!
Bring and Fly
Wednesday 10th November 2004 06:21
More Than Meets the Eye

Oh dear! LOL at the first part where Harry and Neville gang up on Ron! So very boyish behaviour and yet still in character.

What can I say? You have Neville going from strength to strength and showing that will some positive re-inforcement he will definately be a great wizard. I feel his lack of confidence stems from having his dads wand foisted on him and being raised by an elderly lady. I love the way you have paired him up with Harry and how they support eachother. I'm hoping you find time to work on this as it is a really great fic, although I'm aware how full your plate is.     and all. I'm in awe how you fit it all in!


Tuesday 9th November 2004 03:34
More Than Meets the Eye
Sorry I didn't get this review to you yesterday, I keeled over witha  migraine before I could organise my thoughts. So, here goes: Fantastic, as susual, your characterisation is still spot on and your keeping your plot in focus and on target. You're working hard on building up those very frail character relations that JK has established. Basically, great job, and I can't wait to read chapter 6 :)
Myth xxx
Monday 8th November 2004 15:31
More Than Meets the Eye
I just discovered your fic and the interaction between neville and harry is great. Your characterization is also very true to canon.

Loved the part about Ron's "inner eye"
Tuesday 9th November 2004 17:36More Than Meets the Eye (Author Response)
I had a lot of fun torturing Ron in that scene (just ask my beta!).  And thanks so much for the comments.  I really appreciate you taking the time to read and review.

Monday 8th November 2004 11:19
More Than Meets the Eye

     Well now, what to say about this story. I can't put it into the words that I want to use. My Daddy said,"Using curse words shows that you have a limited vocabulary." But on the other hand, I grew up in a generation that uses curse words as adjectives. So I will use a phrase that should be accepted here. "THIS STORY IS BLOODY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!"

     I've always enjoyed stories that the 'underdog' is the hero. Thats our Neville, the ultimate underdog. He is powerful, but he just doesn't know it. The relationship you are giving him with Harry and the gang, will give him the boost of confidence that he needs to grow emotionally to the wizard he can be, one to rival his parents' power. 

     I guess I see myself in Neville a little, but I'm subconsciously giving him my American atitudes (My family is from the south.).  While Neville loves his parents, he has no memory of interaction with them other than at St. Mungo's.  Bellatrix torturing them to the point of insanity and when she used the "crucio" curse on him would give him enough to hate her. After his Grandmother's disapearance-even if LaStrange personally had nothing to do with it, Neville is beginning to prepare for what I see as "The Feud", a state of war between the families Longbottom and LaStrange. I just know that our hero Neville is going to win this feud.    I don't know if it is cannon, or something that I have read in other fanfics, Bella is very conscious of her looks/figure. May I reccomend a spell/curse/hex that alters her looks/figure forever? That is if you want Bella to survive. A broken wand, and big open sores while trying to live in the world would be the beginnings of 'just deserts' for our villaness.

Thanks again for your awesome story,


Tuesday 9th November 2004 17:34More Than Meets the Eye (Author Response)
Wow, Takon!  Thanks for the fantastic review!  I see you share my views of Neville and his feelings for Bella--I sincerely hope that in canon Neville will get to prove himself against her.  And I love your suggestion for her! *files it away for future use*

Thanks again for taking the time to read and review.

Friday 24th September 2004 05:53
More Than Meets the Eye
This just keeps getting better.  I love what you are doing with Neville.  The way that he is blossoming is great to see.  He's becoming a force to be reconed with, even though his friends and teachers are having to drag him into it kicking and screaming.

I still say this is the best treatment of Neville I have ever read, hands down.  (Okay you are my beta, so I might be a tiny bit biased.)

My only complaint is that I don't know what happens next. 


Monday 30th August 2004 20:28
More Than Meets the Eye
hi just wanted to say that i really liked this fic.your neville is so much like canon that it makes the story so much fun to read i cant wait to read more of it i also like the way that you put it that seamus is not very good at magic wich is why i think that it will be him that is the turn-coat of the books he has so much in common with voldie hence my screen name please update soon this story is among the best ive read so-far
Friday 13th August 2004 16:50
More Than Meets the Eye
I'm so in love with this fic! Finally, a gorgeous fic about Neville that isn't set out to make him some pathetic, squib-like character! I really do love what you've done with the characters - they're all in character, but with a touch of something extra that I can't quite put my finger on. It's go though. Brilliant job, I'll be looking for more!