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Reviews For Chances by Jeconais

Saturday 21st March 2009 22:27
hahaa I think I've read it before, but didn't review. I am now! And I'm so putting this on my list of favourites!
I have to admit, I wish I could've seen this
The gasp was followed a second later, by the sound of female jaws hitting the ground. Hard.

Haha, but I believe it.
Continuing on!
Friday 12th September 2008 22:47
ahahahahahhaha! i love reading this story!!!! that was soo funny! i love this harry!
Thursday 11th October 2007 16:31
lol I love this story!!! Harry sure has changed!!!!!! That he actually kissed hermonie and the feast... wow!!! good job!!!!
Thursday 15th February 2007 20:56
ah! i almost had a heart attack whan harry kissed hermione. its still awesome though
Tuesday 11th July 2006 18:07
Now that was great. I am on the the next xhapter to hopefully see how Ginny dumps Dean and everything else. I love the new Harry.
Sunday 4th June 2006 13:33
This is amazing. I've read several of you fics. You have quite a range. From depressed and morose to light-hearted fluff. This is fun.
Tuesday 22nd November 2005 07:21
Very entertaining, but you've turned Harry into a real pain in the ....
Friday 14th October 2005 17:50
`Tis awesome!  For some reason, I seem to love fluff.  Please keep writing, Jeconis!    In this story, Harry is very mature.  ... at least, his character is.  I also enjoyed the part about Snape, getting him to blush.  My favorite phrase was as so;   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The whole school seemed to gasp at one, as the smoke cleared, to reveal Harry Potter.

The gasp was followed a second later, by the sound of female jaws hitting the ground.  Hard.

In his haste to get back on time, Harry hadn't bothered to change, and as such, was still wearing the shorts he had been sunbathing in....  And nothing else


 Hehehe very VERY good.  I did not look at the rating for this story, but this is my type of fanfiction.     Please PLEASE make another story with this much fluff, enough to make cotton candy! Thanks, Purple Frogger


Monday 18th April 2005 13:05
This was great and I can't believe I haven't found this story until now.
The "Death Eaters" as a band - man, you're the master at the funny aside. *in best Trelawney voice* "I sense many in your future."

Ah. Harry has made a new spell. Wandless magic and stuff. Good show. This is all we'd ever want. And Gin's little problem of thinking naughty things is going to get her into trouble, I'd bet.
Good work. I'm going to read all of this now. Hope to see the twins and maybe even some more DA!
Thursday 2nd December 2004 19:06

You make me laugh – teeth rotting fluff?  Does that mean this fic was written when you weren’t grumpy?  The stark contrast between “Chances” and “Despair” is frightening.


You definitely have a grand imagination, a flair for the dramatic, and a gift for prose. 


JKR has reminded Harry often (through many of the adults in her books) that he has to remember to live, and not allow Voldemort to take away his childhood.  I am glad that you were finally able to convince Harry that it was best that he do that!


“Chances” was a real pleasure to read – it was upbeat, lively, naughty, and still somewhat believable. 


Thank you for sharing it.

Friday 12th November 2004 06:30
Ohh, I love this.  I'll review when I've finished the whole thing, but I just found one misspelling.  11 lines up from the bottom:  as they realised that there biggest fear.  I believe it should be their.

Wednesday 13th October 2004 23:30
Once again you pull off a super!Harry with a cockiness that amuses and never annoys, which is darned impressive. Well done =)

Also, I gotta say, the interaction with the ickle firsties gives me the warm fuzzies every time I read this. Your Harry's going to make a great dad to lots and lots of red-heads someday =)

(OK, OK, only half of them will be redheads. Still.)

-Mike (same as from your LJ)
Saturday 18th September 2004 19:28
I laughed out loud at the scene when Harry get Severus "blushing like a bride" :D
(My only hope that I didn't wake the others up) :)
It was just too hilarious!
Saturday 4th September 2004 18:28

What a romp of a story- that was the first reaction I had. I do love a confident, capable Hero Harry. (And apparently alliteration.) I grinned at the idea of a 17 year old boy lying on a beach sipping a pin~a colada. Did it have an umbrella?

This is obviously a humorous work, and I appreciate the tidy way you took care of those pesky “death nibblers.” While such a simple solution wouldn’t have done justice to one of your longer works, it clears up the reader’s attention for Harry’s new life of freedom.

You underscore this with the Sirius visitation. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I can see it as a clever plot idea to absolve Harry from angsting over the death and loss, but it does feel a little too easy. Although it continues the idea of Harry owning himself finally,and having fun. I decided to treat these two sections as a backstory, or prologue-information I needed to appreciate the story proper. I may have misread where you were going though.

I like your portrayal of Ginny here. Attractive, but not overly beautiful, and no longer the shy uncomfortable girl- she knows what she wants and plans to get it. And no quick owl to brush off Dean and set up the true love match either,showing respect to the past relationship. She may regret that if he doesn't stop running off before she can talk to him though.

Interesting scene with Ron and Hermione. I’m glad to see he’s committed to supporting Harry, but as a baby sister, I felt weird with the final warning he gives Gin. Have a little faith in the girl, she’s never hurt him, you have. Git. I seem to say that about Ron a lot.

Does our boy know how to make an entrance or what? Yummy suntanned men wearing nothing but shorts. That’s such a wonderful way to start a school year. Sigh. Very subtle, very sexy moment with Gin’s reaction. Very funny and unsubtle moment of Sevvie’s. I can’t call it sexy though, sorry. Hee Hee.

I can’t believe you were able to deal with the Ron Hermione drama within the space of five minutes. Is it just me or is Harry channeling the mauraders?

Harry. Kissed. Hermione. Well. I certainly didn’t see that coming. I’m so glad Ron didn’t explode. Nice to see him follow through on the speech he gave Ginny. I also am glad to see the little signs that Ginny is in his thoughts. Hopefully our girl won’t have too much chasing to do. Not that chasing can’t be fun as well . . .

All in all a very funny, engaging story. I can’t wait to see how and when our couple gets together. They do, don’t they? As always, thanks for taking the time to let others enjoy your creativity. Thanks to your beta readers, and on a personal note, to you as well for your guidance into the wonderful world of fan fiction.
One of your obsessed fans, ellie
Sunday 25th July 2004 18:08
the story
Thursday 22nd July 2004 06:02
There's nothing like unmitigated fluff to bring one to hysterics. This is great! The plot's total nonsense, but you give it just enough reasonable background with the Sirius scene to make it enough like a real plot.

I loved Harry apparating (or whatever) right into the Great Hall half naked. And the conversation with Snape was brilliant. You seem to be a master of toying with Slyterins' sexuality!

Also, you have a keen grasp of frustration. Ginny being unable to break up with Dean fits so well the flippant tone (and gives you a bit of a hook too). And Harry's frustration with Ron and Hermione is just brilliant. Hilarious!

Incredibly funny as always!
Tuesday 20th July 2004 03:42
please update soon. i really like this story. in fact i love all your stories.
Monday 19th July 2004 12:04
False advertising

This isnt teeth rotting, that was being around you and lacey when she first came to visit.

AS alway, or so it seems, another fantasticly written piece, cant wait for the rest (if only to see a completed story )

Monday 19th July 2004 12:04Chances (Author Response)
Watch it, monkey boy - I know where you live

And Abyss was completed!

I added a bit more to part two - which'll be out soonish, and will probably try and get the final part finished tonight... MIL not withstanding.

Monday 19th July 2004 11:53
Wow.. that's a completely different Harry than I could ever imagine. Not that it would be bad, but.. stupid book 5.

I can't wait to read the rest.. and one more thing..

the table was noticeable for its absence of Draco Malfoy, who was suffering from a bad case of Death

I think I scared my cat I laughed so loud. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.
Monday 19th July 2004 01:29
Good job, now I hope the Beta's have gotten the next chapter of TMW back

Still ... looking forward to the rest of this. Th Harry's seem similar in both stories ... which is a good thing IMO
Lady Chi
Sunday 18th July 2004 20:14
Oh, Tim! Absolutely priceless!!

Just a few minor quibbles. In formal writing (like this), you always spell out "okay". OK or ok are not considered "correct". Also, you're kind of hypen-happy.

I laughed so hard at this part...

With Voldie and the Death Eaters dead, which, by the way, sounds like a cool name for a band

Sounds like Harry's a normal, free teenager. I can forgive the slightly OOC things for the sake of telling a funny story. I'm waiting to hear more!