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Reviews For Red Is The Heart by St Margarets

Wednesday 25th March 2009 15:06
Red Is The Heart
"I like it, especially the kissing part that makes your head spin."

Woo! ^_^ Lovely and fluffy!
Personally, I would've smacked Hermione upside the head-lightly of course- and told her to chill out haha.
Friday 27th March 2009 05:47Red Is The Heart (Author Response)
A lot of Hermione fans didn't like this chapter, but I think it just shows one side of her personality. (Just like Ginny isn't always sweetness and light, but Harry loves her anyway - same with Hermione. But like a sister!!!!!)
Tuesday 29th April 2008 21:41
Red Is The Heart
woh.... im gonna guess that it was DE in training lol
at least they were sensable and asked tonks to go look...
i cant really see hermonie reacting like that...
Wednesday 26th December 2007 23:14
Red Is The Heart
huh, i wonder, were those guys death eaters or former slytherins? like draco and them...
That does not sound like hermonie at all. so either your not getting your attitude at all or it really isnt hermonie or she is being controlled somehow...
Friday 12th October 2007 21:53
Red Is The Heart
Not exactly the happy hogsmeade visit Harry and Ginny were planning was it? Once again, can't say enough about the whole Theodore Nott thing. Can't help but cheer for the slytherin this time around. While I'm a little bothered about the Hermione thing as well, this is a re-review, so I know it works out in the end.
Wednesday 17th October 2007 04:36Red Is The Heart (Author Response)
You weren't the only one bothered by Hermione! And yes, it works out. You only fight that hard with someone you care about.
Marvolo Riddle
Tuesday 10th October 2006 18:55
Red Is The Heart
A nice story so far, and I will certanly read through to the end, but I really don't see Hermione acting so gutless. I am not trying to be mean, that's just my two cents. She's a Gryffindor!!
Wednesday 11th October 2006 07:45Red Is The Heart (Author Response)
If you keep reading, you'll see why Hermione is acting this way. You are certainly not the first person who didn't like this portrayal of Hermione - so don't worry about that. I felt (and still feel) it was a reasonable extrapolation of how anyone would feel after being seriously injured. And I was happy to see the Ginny/Hermione "fight" in HBP. Two strong personalities are bound to clash every now and then. Thanks for reading!
Friday 29th September 2006 15:37
Red Is The Heart
Nice little battle scene. But I hope you're not going to keep Hermione so timid. That's not the Hermione who followed Harry after the Sorcerer's Stone and to the Ministry of Magic (and also against Black).
Tuesday 14th December 2004 02:02
Red Is The Heart
Did you write this before we knew Ginny's name was Ginevra?  Good job -- I would not have thought to just skip over it like that.

Wow, the Department of Mysteries really shook Hermione, didn't it?

Thursday 28th October 2004 23:35
Red Is The Heart
The playpark sequence was simply lovely.  I know that the swing bit has been done before a bit differently, but you made it really work and the merry-go-round was excellent.  I loved the interaction between Ron and Hermione as each of them are trying to be more accomadating to each other.  A lot of people who try to promote Harry/Hermione say that Ron/Hermione is too volatile, but I think the next two books will see both of them mellowing from the extremes of their personalities.  I think they will still disagree and occasionally row, but I think they both will be quicker to forgive and be willing to let unimportant things pass.  The action was pretty good although I could see Ginny giving Harry at least a quip about dumpng her into the floor like he did.  I loved the arguement erupting between Ginny and Hermione.  I don't think this will happen in canon, but realistically I think it ultimately would have to happen in the event of Harry and Ginny becoming a couple because eventually Hermione would have to surrender her postion as the closest female friend to Ginny and I can see Hermione perhaps being somewhat resistant to that type of change.  Personally, I would think that Harry at least would try to be more sympathetic to Ginny's point of view which is closer to his own.  I am loving the character development.  Also, I kind of like the fact that you didn't automatically pair up Neville and Luna like so many do in the fanon.  I mean I guess the pairing could be interesting, but personally I think Neville would be intimidated by Luna and I'm not sure Luna will come out of the clouds long enough to notice any of the boys.
Thursday 28th October 2004 23:35Red Is The Heart (Author Response)

You are keeping me busy!  This chapter and the next caused the most headaches for me and probably lost me some readers because of Hermione. 

Since I'm not as well-read in fanfiction (just don't have the time) I like to hear what is cliched and what isn't.  I really liked the playpark idea because the opening of OotP has Harry on a swing, very depressed and this seemed like a nice inversion of that.  Circles are symbols of perfection - moving circles are the forces of life, the still center of a moving circle is eternity, etc. . . I tried to sneak some of that in with the roundabout - since it comes up later with the reconcilliation of opposites in the Chrysalis Charm. 

The action sequence is "just" ok - it is adequate for the job - but that is an area I need to work on. I know.

Neville - Luna.  I agree entirely. Neville was puzzled by her (and not in a good way) - I really don't see it.

Lady Chi
Sunday 25th July 2004 19:33
Red Is The Heart
I'm sorry I've not gotten around to reviewing this before. I've been behind on all of my reading/reviewing plans.

Yay! A new chapter from you, and an exciting one at that! You just don't know how to disappoint, do you?

Loved the bits about playing in the park, and Harry noticing her "curves". Sitting in my boyfriend's lap is one of my favorite things to do, too, so Ginny and I share something in common, LOL.

Can't wait for more! That attack on Hogsmeade was nerve racking... Don't make us wait too long to see if Tonks survived.
Friday 23rd July 2004 23:07
Red Is The Heart
Another lovely addition to your sweet and sour universe. Although your Hermione was a bit of a departure from type, I do believe that she was none-the-less in character. Harry is making many important discoveries, including when to speak and when to shut up when he's torqued off his significant other.

I'll never look at stain removal the same way again (I do the laundry in my house...)

Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

JEC (kokopelli)
Friday 23rd July 2004 18:16
Red Is The Heart
I know I've said this before elsewhere, but reading this line again made me laugh even more:

Only the thought of becoming the Roger Davies of Gryffindor held him in check

Hope to see an update here soon since you left readers with a cliffhanger!

Friday 23rd July 2004 18:04
Red Is The Heart
Oh dear…oh, good grief. The trip started off so well and then…*boom* What a cliffie! I hope we don’t have too long to wait between updates (although I’m one to talk…)!

And I loved the kiss.

Whether it was the kiss, or her nearness, or the residual motion of the roundabout, Harry's mind reeled.

"It is better at the center," she said shakily. "But I'm still a little dizzy."

"We'd better hang on to each other then." He ran his hands down her back, feeling her softness.
