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Reviews For Chances by Jeconais

Friday 17th July 2009 02:44
OH MY GOD this is funny. Thanks for the good laugh.
Saturday 21st March 2009 22:45
Ahaha YES I do remember this! And I thought it was brilliant then too!
But I'm still reading it! *grins*
"You know, if you wanted to get horizontal with me, all you had to do was ask,"

Amazing line ^_^
Saturday 13th September 2008 09:38
hhahahaha that was insane!! ginny better hurry up and break up with dean!
and snape... always the slytherin haha
Thursday 11th October 2007 16:55
lol. i love this story!!! it is so cute and sweet!!!
This idea gave the dark professor a sudden thought. With what he knew of Harry, it was fairly likely that Harry would get fed up with the stupidity of the Ministry sooner of later, and would make moves to get himself elected, so he could take care of it. It might be an idea if he started to cultivate a friendship with the boy, or at least see if he could stand him at close range. After all, it never hurt to have friends in high places, and if one thing had happened over the summer, it had been the proof that Harry was not James Potter.

such snape behaviour! good job!
Tuesday 11th July 2006 18:31
Poor Ginny. I'd hate to be in her position at the moment. Very good. And I like how Dumbledore is looking at Harry like a grandson figure.
Monday 18th April 2005 13:55
Love the banter, LOVE IT!
It's what I'd expect - But I doubt JKR will be that casual with the Harry and Dumbledore situation. But who cares?!?!

Oh, that line, "Ginny was in hell." That was hilarious!

And the new line of cards with Harry's photos - that was great. And the twin's reaction to the Harry Potter candy.... I sense a new Candy Man in the works. Look out Willy Wonka!
Monday 18th April 2005 13:55
Love the banter, LOVE IT!
It's what I'd expect - But I doubt JKR will be that casual with the Harry and Dumbledore situation. But who cares?!?!

Oh, that line, "Ginny was in hell." That was hilarious!

And the new line of cards with Harry's photos - that was great. And the twin's reaction to the Harry Potter candy.... I sense a new Candy Man in the works. Look out Willy Wonka!
Saturday 4th September 2004 19:41
Dear Tim AND Jaquelyne,

*Note to Jaq-I’m sorry I didn’t include you in the first chapter review, please know those thoughts are directed to you as well.
The romp continues! Part two is just as cute, and you add in even more back-story, providing exposition on the whys and hows of Harry’s (elemental) power. We’ve already seen fire- will he display the others?

Our boy also continues to work fast. Within moments Harry is flirting with Tonks, and getting another reaction worth blackmail material.

Leave it to Sev to laugh over an interrogation. The change from the horror he felt in the hall to his acceptance of Harry as almost friend is quick, but I can accept that Sev’s whole life has changed recently. He doesn’t have to play evil anymore. And let’s face it- this Harry
is a charming buggar.

Strangely enough, my favorite line in this installment was
“The morning started bright and early, which, coincidentally, were the two main things Harry had against mornings.”
(This has a Douglas Adams feel to me.) That pretty much sums me up every day- without the trans continental fire elemental apparating jetlag. Say that five times fast.

This is a very sweet scene between Harry and the younger students. I like that he’s relaxed, open, and it’s not all just flirtatious bravado. I’m also pleased that slytherins aren’t all treated as sinners to the gryffs’ saints. I’m not sure Harry needed the “big finish” though. I can’t imagine anyone not listening to this version of Harry.

The idea of elemental travel is interesting, why would fire work rather than air? Is it a distance thing?
Tim, a scene between DD and Harry referencing the abyss? Your Freudian slip is showing.

I always love a Forge scene, and the quartet of pranksters in the shop was a nice touch. I can picture Dumbledore stopping in when he needs a new laugh. And Harry announces his intentions towards Ginny! Not only to the twins but Molly as well. Nice to see him maneuver Albus out of the room for both conversations.

Poor Ginny has to deal with Lav and Pav moving in on her true love-and still hasn’t broken up with Dean. I can’t wait to see Harry’s reaction to the nightgown. It sounds exquisite. Doesn’t look like she’ll need it though. Aww. Harry thinks she’s gorgeous. Now if we can just get him to tell her . . .

In TMW, I mentioned you use enlightened self- interest in Sev’s relationship to Harry. You seem to echo this here, but in a more calculating way. Similar ideas, but very different feels. Maybe it’s the level of humor used or that Harry didn’t personally save Sev in this story. This time it feels more premeditated.

I really enjoyed this installment, but I had hoped for more direct Harry Ginny interaction. I can’t wait until Dean is history.

One again, I really enjoyed myself reading your work. Only one more part to go, I can’t wait. Now I’ll have to read some more of Jaq’s work. I’ll be curious to see how the styles differ. Excellent spelling and grammar, so once again thanks to your betas- please keep writing.

ellie, a reviewer

Tuesday 17th August 2004 10:45
I look forward to reading the third part of this story, and then the second and third parts of the trilogy it will be part of. This is fun. Harry's nearly perfect in this story, which worries me a bit, but it is a fun read.

Monday 16th August 2004 13:54
A 'lighter side' of TMW? Interesting...
Tuesday 27th July 2004 03:34
This is another extremely fun chapter, but then, all your chapters are fun. The notion of Harry and Dumbledore off galavanting during class time is brilliant and makes for a great story line. I especially enjoyed McGonagall's reaction to Dumbledore. Arthur and his gadgets is the perfect analogy.

I've just read back through 1-7 of TWM over the last few days and then went through this chapter. A couple of things struck me. The first, is that you always make Harry and Ginny come across as such firm and resolute characters. It's not quite canon, but it's refreshing and it makes for lively stories. Things like the Get-Out-Of-Detention cards are just brilliant touches that kind of approach allows.

I'm also impressed with the parallels between this and TWM (Snape's potential banishment to Siberia and Blais' role came immediately to mind). The contexts are quite different but the plot devices worked just as well in either situation.

Nice, fun work as always!
Monday 26th July 2004 14:09

Consider yourself paid for another good chapter

(Although it may be becasue you are my brother that you are getting more reviews than anyone else )

(Did you know it is beths 21'st ? Debbie had to tell both me and michael :blink
Monday 26th July 2004 14:09Chances (Author Response)
Yeah, I did know, Mum told me on Saturday - how old does that make us?

I sent her card to Mum's, and I've ordered her present, but want to give it to her in person - she'll flip.

BTW, I'm working on Fifth House again...
Monday 26th July 2004 12:22
Excellent job, as per usual Tim! Loved this chappie, can't wait for you to bring on the H/G!

Also, quick question for you: Why is it you always try to show Snapes "other side" in your fics, but you don't do that with Draco? Just curious!

Monday 26th July 2004 12:22Chances (Author Response)
Not a quick answer

Snape, despite being a comple ++blocked++whit (great, running into my own word filter), does have some redeeming qualities - in that he's a spy and has been for most of his life. It's something I've explored in more detail in TMW! Snape expects to die, so doesn't really care about anything at all - especially not a pretentious bunch to teenagers (as he sees them).
From a writing perspective, it's fun to find a new way bring him around - whether it be by appealing to his self-preservation side here, or by a complete series of actions bringing him around (and that's finished off in TMW8)

Draco, and by the way, I do have him as a good guy in Fifth House, is most of a time just a dick. I don't actually think he's good for anything at all, I don't think he's skilled, powerful, or has anything that would make him a useful ally for Harry.
There is also the fact that I hate D/G a lot, and through that, Draco, that I really can't be bothered to put in the effort to try and redeem him. Much better, as far as I am concenred, to use him as comic relief.
Monday 26th July 2004 10:40
Great story! Some of it's so far out of canon who care? I hope part 3 has more R/Hr/H interaction though, I feel like they're being left out.
Monday 26th July 2004 10:40Chances (Author Response)
Actaully, the next part starts with some R/Hr/H interaction, and it has one of my favourite few lines that I've written in it.
Monday 26th July 2004 01:05
I love this, waiting for part 3!
Monday 26th July 2004 00:49
Harry is OOC, but still this story is great fun! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Comet Moon
Monday 26th July 2004 00:16
The two masters have united. Let the world tremble in fear.
Sunday 25th July 2004 23:07
Well, it's not canon. this isn't a Harry I can ever imagine coming out of JKR's pen, but this is a funny Harry. Thanks for the laugh.
Sunday 25th July 2004 22:07

Great fun and a good read.

Keep it up, I'll keep reading.

Sunday 25th July 2004 22:07Chances (Author Response)
Thanks - The next, and final chapter, will have the long-awaited H/G interaction.
Lady Chi
Sunday 25th July 2004 19:48
Interesting. I'll be waiting for more.
Ima Quidditch Fan
Sunday 25th July 2004 19:36
I so love this story! Please update soon!