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Reviews For Girl Talk by Basil M

Tuesday 5th October 2004 16:07
Girl Talk

Ah, my dear, that was perfection.  Everything was so *right*, and I just love your characterisation of Ginny.  You have her down (how I hope she is, at any rate) better than anyone.  Her girliness mixed with the obvious tom boy stuff that goes with having six older brothers; the closeness of her friendship with Hermione and how much she cares for her; her dealing with Lavender and Parvati - everything is wonderful.  I especially liked the continuing corrections from present to past about liking Harry!

Great job!



Monday 27th September 2004 23:38
Girl Talk
Oh, Rachel, I love this! :yourock: It's touching and funny and angsty all at the same time. Harry and Ron both need to get their heads out of the sand. The list that Ginny and Hermione had of names to call Harry and Ron was brilliant and had me laughing hysterically. And this was great too: [quote]Parvati looked at me in surprise. "Harry asked you?" "He didn't. Ron offered me to him."[/quote] :lol: It makes it seem like an arranged marriage of sorts. Harry gets Ginny, and Ron gets 50 goats in return. Wonderful! :D
Monday 27th September 2004 23:38Girl Talk (Author Response)
Thanks, Tari! I'm so glad you liked it. And the arranged marriage--ten goats type thing was exactly what I had in mind!
Wednesday 28th July 2004 01:16
Girl Talk
Oh, Rachel, I wish I could write flangst the way you do. I just love your Ginny--you've got her so well-pegged!

You are awesome, lady.
Tuesday 27th July 2004 21:13
Girl Talk

I loved it. Very cute, and completely realistic. Great job.
Tuesday 27th July 2004 20:06
Girl Talk
*loves you back*

Tuesday 27th July 2004 13:30
Girl Talk
Very cool. I always wondered about Ginny's conversation with Hermione. Thanks for writing it!!!
Megan SQ
Tuesday 27th July 2004 13:18
Girl Talk
Nicely written - it brought back memories of how I used to think and talk at Ginny's age, and it all felt very realistic. One observation, though: melancholy is a noun, not an adjective. So "he looked so melancholy" should be "he looked so melancholic." That jarred a bit, but the rest was great.
Tuesday 27th July 2004 05:58
Girl Talk
Rachel --

Cute, cute! I love "missing scenes". I think you should make this a series. I think you'd do well with it.

Loved this:

They've got the whole of Hogwarts-professors included-paired off on a scented, pink piece of parchment in the fourth year girls' dorm.

So totally Parvati and Lavender.


Tuesday 27th July 2004 02:17
Girl Talk
Yea!!! For girl talk...

Well done! I did like this. I can almost see the conversation between Hermione and Ginny taking place. Both girls being there for each other after the brainless gits they are in love with don't notice them yet again.
