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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Lord of Storms by Shamrock Holmes

Sunday 25th January 2009 01:23
Harry Potter and the Lord of Storms
I really love Haimric and Jenna! I think that jenna is cooler than Ginny or at lest new which is nice. there is not a lot that can be done with her that hasn't been done all the time and i was hoping for some non ginny (even if they get to gether in the end). this is fun and i LOVE the elves i thought that JK's were a bit to mach like brownes (i know i didn't spell that right). keep it up!
Friday 6th August 2004 16:37
Harry Potter and the Lord of Storms
Not bad. I like that Snape can't pull one over on Harry now (even though he's still a git ) Keep up the great writing and update DAILY! Hear that? Daily:innocent Ok, well, as often as possible then!