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Reviews For Nine to Five by Calixa

Monday 26th January 2009 22:46
Nine to Five
do you think this is a long enough cliff hanger?

Saturday 16th June 2007 23:01
Nine to Five
great story loved everything about it
Friday 7th July 2006 01:03
Nine to Five
She agreeed!!!!!!!!!
Sunday 23rd April 2006 07:21
Nine to Five
I love that chapter really much, the scene with Ron and Hermione was really good, those two can to anything without figthing, no even when it's about something like engagement. but they are so cute together...
Pavatie is something thats for sure, trying to set Harry with someone he doesn't know. It's clear he is already taken by someone else even if he does know it himself.
Anyway just to tell you i really like your fic (all of them actually) and the idea of a men eater futon was brilliant i really laugh (everyone at home thougth i was mad ...loll ) really good, i'm looking forward for the next chapter.
Wednesday 15th March 2006 02:35
Nine to Five
I aboslute loved reading this fic. The reflections on the past fit the characters so well, I'm dying for more. This fic has made me smile so much, and has definitely made my day much brighter. Please update ASAP!!!
Wednesday 7th December 2005 19:41
Nine to Five
 I loved the story!!!! I hope you update again soon!!!!!!!! Bye for now!!!!! ^_^
Wednesday 7th September 2005 15:39
Nine to Five
[1] I love your loong chapters.[2]I loved the scene between  Ron and ,Mione[3] that Parvati is something,isn,t she?Trying to set Harry up with someone without even a by-your-leave.She has some nerve,but Parvati is some wierd and I thought Dean would be more choosy.No telling for some blokes choices.
Wednesday 22nd June 2005 09:54
Nine to Five
Has it really been a year since you wrote this? This is brilliant! You've written the characters perfectly and made them your own. The dialogue between them all is fantastic, right throughout the fic, and the football/proposal scene was just superlative.

Your writing is wonderful.

Tuesday 17th May 2005 17:00
Nine to Five

that was fabulos.  I loved the marrige proposal in the end, and how Ron came home that night where he found Harry's coat.  I can't wait to read more, please hurry.  I'll read more of your stories in the meantime, looking forward to them.

Great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Wolf's Scream
Monday 4th April 2005 18:01
Nine to Five
Well, that has got to be the most interesting marriage proposal & acceptance scene I've ever read.  Please don't keep us in suspense:  what happens next?  And what about Harry & Ginny?  Well done so far....
Pirate Ginny
Wednesday 9th March 2005 23:01
Nine to Five
Yeah.  That was a brilliant proposal.  I usually get squicky about proposals, but that. was. brilliant.  The drama and anger did it for me: I actually cared and wondered what Hermione's answer would be.

I read this a long while ago, but I'm going back through the archives and re-reading what I loved.  This, I loved.  So where are you, Calixa?  Pretty please bring back the prety, funny prose and continue this story.  ::begging::
Lady G
Saturday 7th August 2004 22:58
Nine to Five
Oh, Cali. I love this!!! It's brilliant! What a great plot -- I can't wait for more.
Saturday 7th August 2004 22:55
Nine to Five
Yayy! That was great! What a so typically Ron/Hermione moment. I loved it! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Friday 6th August 2004 22:40
Nine to Five
i absolutely loved seamus! that was the best R/H proposal scene I have ever read! I am still laughing about it!

more please! :-)
Friday 6th August 2004 17:25
Nine to Five
LMAO!! Yes, I can see that definitely happening! Good on Seamus! And here I thought we'd have a long, angsty row between those two, followed by a couple chapters of so of the nasty aftermath, and then the make-up . . . but I think I may like this way better.
Friday 6th August 2004 14:20
Nine to Five
You made me cry. I wub Harry. Make him want Ginny, please.
Friday 6th August 2004 14:20Nine to Five (Author Response)
But of course, my dear!