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Reviews For Harry's Realisation by Aggiebell

Wednesday 13th August 2008 18:06
Harry's Realisation
I loved this. They're so sweet and funny together here. Great job!
Monday 17th December 2007 04:14
Harry's Realisation
I loved reading both POV of this story, great job!
Friday 18th May 2007 05:06
Harry's Realisation
I really like this. It always helps to hear both sides of the story. Makes it richer. Thanks for writing. p
Friday 31st December 2004 17:52
Harry's Realisation
Wow, another great fluffy H/G piece.  I'm getting more and more impressed with your writing.  Loving it. 
Tuesday 16th November 2004 16:35
Harry's Realisation
I loved seeing both POVs.  I also enjoyed how distracted Harry was -- not such a good thing for him later in the relationship, or maybe it is, depending on your outlook!

Friday 5th November 2004 15:00
Harry's Realisation
I loved this.  Not only as a companion piece to Ginny's Realization, but as a stand alone.  Harry's emotions felt very real to me.  I love that his first instinct was to help his friend, that he got caught up in his feelings (a kiss!) and then tried to run.  Where was that gryff courage? lol. 

I loved the line " She's bloody gorgeous when she does that. If I leaned just so, I might be able to sneak another kiss...." 
Harry's thoughts as he sits with Ginny made me laugh out loud.  I like that Harry alternates from that thrilled euphoria of first love to teasing Ginny.  You've created a very sweet, cuddly Harry, and I loved reading him.
Thank you for posting and I look forward to reading more.  Your spelling and structure were excellent, as they were in your other stories.  My thanks to you and your beta.

Friday 5th November 2004 15:00Harry's Realisation (Author Response)
Thanks, Pixie!  You really made my day today when I got all these reviews from you.

LOL. I wonder what Harry would think about being called sweet and cuddly.

Thanks for picking out a favorite line, too!

Spark Soliton
Saturday 14th August 2004 11:20
Harry's Realisation
Catcalls and whistles!!! Very cute and fluffy but not overly sweet. I'm impressed with dialogue - it feels very natural and flows just right. Thanks for sharing your writing with us!
Saturday 14th August 2004 02:40
Harry's Realisation
I love this little bite of H/G goodness! I can't imagine anything cuter.
Friday 13th August 2004 17:15
Harry's Realisation
I really love this story...and its predicessor. You've written great fluff and a truly smile-making situation...I'm grinning from ear to ear. Thanks.

Friday 13th August 2004 14:21
Harry's Realisation
Nice fluff. While I do think it was Ginny who sent the Valentine, I enjoyed seeing him stutter and struggle his way through this. Ginny reeled him in nicely. I needed some good fluff today.
Friday 13th August 2004 14:21Harry's Realisation (Author Response)
Thanks for the review!

In all honesty, I go back and forth on who sent the Valentine. In this case, assuming that it was Fred and George (or someone else)worked to extend the conversation a bit more--and to make Harry squirm a bit, which is always fun.

P.S. I fully intend to review HP & the Power of Emotion--I read it all over at SIYE, and I'm re-reading as it's posted here. I'm just woefully behind in my reviews.