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Reviews For Thunder And Rainbows by Bart

Monday 25th December 2006 21:43
Thunder And Rainbows
Very good chapter. Can't wait to see the double date.
Friday 12th May 2006 21:49
Thunder And Rainbows

I think this is the 2nd time I've read this, and I keep wanting to know more.

So comeon.. Write another chappie! Please?
Friday 1st April 2005 06:21
Thunder And Rainbows
Abandoned? You left this? Why? I can see a couple of nice plotlines here. If you need a beta to help, drop me an email. I'm a betareader at Perfect Imagination as well.

This story has a lot of promise. I liked the talk that Remus gave Harry - the date has some merit and I'm looking forward to what Harry will do to work through his grief. This is a good story so far. Don't let it die a wimpering death.