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Reviews For Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf by Antonia East

Thursday 2nd June 2005 05:46
Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf

Oh that was a lovely chapter! James and Sirius cementing their friendship was really nice to watch, and all the chilling things Sirius got for Christmas -- as well as his eyes softening at Regulus's present -- broke my heart.

I love that a "simple" christmas present from Remus is a lead up to the Marauder's map. You're so clever Antonia!

Thursday 2nd June 2005 07:06Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf (Author Response)
Thank you very much for reviewing!  I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter of James and Sirius being boys together at Christmas time.  I think Sirius and Regulus must have an interesting relationship - built on mutual jealousy and affection. 

As for the Marauder's map:

Sirius: Well, Remus's present was ages ago.  It was my idea really.

James: No it wasn't!

Sirius: Was!

James: Wasn't!

Sirius: Was!

Remus: I thought it was Peter's idea?

Peter: No, I think we got the idea from Remus's parchment.  She's right, really.

Remus: Well, my dad gave me the idea for the parchment, so working out whose idea it really was could take a while.

Peter: Shall we go to the kitchens instead, then?

This is me.  Responding.  Look at me respond.

Thursday 4th November 2004 20:09
Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf

I think that my favourite part of the chapter was when James received the invisibility cloak.  I love that you gave it to him in his first year, just like Harry.  I like that there are parallels in their lives.

The search for the kitchens was good as well.  You didn't make it too easy for them, they didn't find it on the first look.  I appreciate that, as it makes it more realistic, and less constructed.

The gifts were great!  Remus' was really awesome.  I can see it coming into play later... maybe with the map...

I'm just going to go over and read the next chapter now.  I'm really loving this story, by the way!


Pineapple Queen
Tuesday 24th August 2004 18:57
Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf
Yay! You updated very quickly! Love the new chapter, especially Remus's idea of communication through writing...great job!