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Reviews For Giving Up by Bella

Monday 8th December 2008 10:07
Giving Up
ooooo what changed her mind????? tell me more!!!!!
Thursday 3rd January 2008 12:19
Giving Up
very nice missing moment - I always enjoy a peek into Hermione and Ginny's friendship.
Sunday 30th December 2007 08:55
Giving Up
Very good story. Very true to character. It moves along promptly and smoothly. I can completely believe that Ginny and Hermione could have had this exact conversation when Ginny declared she'd given up on Harry. Great job!
Tuesday 13th March 2007 04:26
Giving Up
Somehow, this makes me sad. Harry has no idea what's going on, but in a way, it seems to be understood in canon that it's all his fault.
Tuesday 14th March 2006 00:57
Giving Up
That was really good!
Friday 30th September 2005 16:12
Giving Up
Great missing moment.  I always enjoy reading them.
Saturday 20th August 2005 05:09
Giving Up

Bella is that correct? I'm new here so I'm not that used to this but after reading giving up I can't stop, it is great! it really gives us girls/women a perspective on that we can do anything if we put our mind to it more so when it comes to boys.  I LOVE IT!!!

Sunday 26th June 2005 19:39
Giving Up

Once again BEAUTIFUL story... still, I am here on a mission. I help run a Harry Potter-based Role Playing site called Pittsburgh. We are currently recruiting for staff AND students. There are no limits to how many you can have and I would strongly encourage you to come and check us out. I enjoy your writing and we can use skills like yours over at Pittsburgh.

That is the link you can visit to see more about it and fill out applications for your characters. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at

See you there!


Sunday 26th June 2005 09:45
Giving Up
Ha! This was great! I loved it. Wonderful writing. I wish there was a sequel.....  Once again, great job!!
Friday 24th June 2005 10:42
Giving Up

Very, very well done. I like this. I've known of a few people who are bothered by the idea that Ginny and Hermione are friends, but it becomes quite obvious in the fifth book that Hermione knows Ginny on a personal level, knowing things that Ron doesn't or any of the other Weasleys do for that matter (except perhaps Molly... who knows?) Still, I like this portrayl of a scene as Ginny declares this. Reminds me a bit of my roommate (though the next day she-- my roommie-- would probably go off on the question 'why am I giving up, though... I'm closing my heart off and blah blah blah' you get th pic... love her to death, though)

I especially liked the little side comment of 'just like Ron', especially since we know Ginny takes after the twins more than anything, which I think shows through with the 'tomorrow I'm going to ask him if he still wants that date', though I'm not sure you meant to make that paralell. It just reminds me of Fred asking Angelina to the Yule Ball (at least I think it was those two.... pretty certain, but I don't have my book to double check).

Now that you're probably wanting to scoop your eyes out with a spoon after such a long tedious review, I'll say thanks for writing such a fun one-shot, and I can definitely see why it's the story of the week.          



Thursday 23rd June 2005 21:14
Giving Up
lol. that was cute. is there more? 
Thursday 23rd June 2005 20:26
Giving Up
Nice. But short.
Wednesday 22nd June 2005 22:47
Giving Up
A joy to read, absolutely. Definitely one that I would reccomend. I'm jealous how you write this pair together so very well, and convincingly, too. :) Short and sweet, just how it ought to be. You should be proud of this work. ;) :D
Adeline Avin
Wednesday 22nd June 2005 12:45
Giving Up
This reminds me of some of the whispered conversations that go on at night between me and my friends when we're all at camp together. It seems as if Ginny isn't really over Harry, as much as she's trying to convince herself of that. Perhaps she's just using Michael as a distraction so that she can try to actually get over him. Sure, she's given up on him, but what's going to happen if Harry starts to return her feelings? Excellent story. I'm hoping for a sequel of some sort. 
Tuesday 21st June 2005 00:10
Giving Up
Your dialogue steals the show. The banter back and forth between the girls is rapid, humorous and brings a smile to my face. Thank you.
Monday 20th June 2005 01:43
Giving Up
Painful. Well written, but painful.
Wednesday 15th June 2005 07:10
Giving Up

Another Awesome story ... still no kissing tho ... d'you have one with kissing? I'm off to read more....



Friday 17th December 2004 14:42
Giving Up
Ooh.  Ginny sounds so unconvincing.  You can tell she still likes Harry.  And Hermione's so distracted she doesn't even notice.  This does explain why Hermione would think that Ginny got over Harry, even though she's friends with Ginny.  I wonder what Ginny expected from Hermione when she walked in.  Maybe for her to say that Harry just hasn't opened his eyes yet?  It's kinda sad that Hermione thinks Ginny's wasting her time with Harry.