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Reviews For The Letters of Summer by Kokopelli

queen maebh
Tuesday 7th June 2005 18:36
The Letters of Summer
I do believe the line was Sirius' in After the End basically likened his (and harry's) role in the Order  to being "mushrooms" that were often kept in the dark about everything and fed--as Ginny so delicately put it-- "compost." I absolutely adored AtE and am thouroughly enjoying your story as well. Your allusions to arbella's work made my day by making me feel slightly intelligent.
Thank you.
Saturday 23rd July 2005 22:23The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
You are quite welcome.

Friday 4th February 2005 08:28
The Letters of Summer
Homage is easy.  The "healthy breeze" comment. :)
Saturday 13th November 2004 14:14
The Letters of Summer
This is one of the very best fics I've found. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters.  Thanks alot
Saturday 13th November 2004 14:40The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
Beg Aibhinn - she's got the next chapter.
Thursday 11th November 2004 12:47
The Letters of Summer

I am fairly new to reading fanfiction, and most that I've read is entertaining. Your's is so richly inventive and well written, that it stands out for me. I really enjoy the original characters you've created. I enjoy the spin on Harry (a little less angst than I usually see - thank God) very much. One of my favorite moments was when, after realizing he'll be "under the radar," he practices household cleanup charms at Privet Drive for the first time. A simple, but very effective moment. I love Jasmine, although her life seems a bit unenviable at present. I look forward to updates.

Wednesday 10th November 2004 17:17
The Letters of Summer
Well, you did it Kokopelli... you made me join, just so I could log in and beg you for updates (aren't you sorry now? LOL)

I know a fic "works" for me, when I start thinking of it as canon; your works affect me much the same way as  AtE and Kisses Like He's Laughing - I'm completely convinced it could happen just like you say.     I'm caught up in the story, and feel much like your Ginny in the intermissions - I'd like to call and badger you about "what happens next?"  lol

PS, in case you hadn't heard - Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey and some others have done a sequel to the Witches of Karres... due out soon, if it's not already out.  The Wizard of Karres.

Saturday 13th November 2004 14:39The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
Thanks for joining - I'm done with Chapter 20 - it's a bit over 100 pages - it's now sitting in my Beta's in-box.
Friday 29th October 2004 00:36
The Letters of Summer
Thank you for a great story. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters.
Dauphin Argente
Thursday 21st October 2004 16:33
The Letters of Summer

 Hey there Kokopelli!

I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I've been following your story for a few months now and I absolutly love it! You do an awesome job of portraying the HP characters, I wait in suspense for the next chapter!!!!

Monday 18th October 2004 15:57
The Letters of Summer

I started reading this at and then had to come here to finish reading what you've posted so far. Then, I had to sign up at this site, even though this is the only story I've read here, just so that I can find out what happens!

A wonderful story! Very imaginative! I'm truly enjoying Abelard and his mentorship as well as the Snow Dragons and their magic. Great development of wandless magic. The romances developing seem straight from canon.

I've spent the whole day these nineteen chapters and I'm eagerly looking forward to more!




Friday 8th October 2004 01:14
The Letters of Summer
A great read! My overall impression of this chapter is one of Harry, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley and others "thinking out" the H/G romance, which is a welcome departure from other "boy's hormones meet girl's hormones" stories. Taking the time to lay down the groundwork here so we can appreciate the actual fluff when it happens? Here we have Harry asking the Weasleys first, and then Ginny, for permission to "get to know you better", and Ginny and him talking over the reasons for it and what would be entailed, rather than straight boy-suddenly-kisses-girl stuff. But still with a nice mix of attraction/romance, though (I like Harry's reactions when Ginny adjusts her hair, etc; heh). All culminating in Ginny agreeing to go ahead with a relationship (was there any doubt???). This chapter really sets the stage well for Harry and Ginny moving forward, doesn't it, after 'talking it all out' in this chapter? Other little comments/questions: o I was surprised that there was absolutely NO discussion whatsoever of the prophecy, given that the previous chapter ended with that bombshell, and everyone - Ginny, Hermione (who is busy for this chapter, fair enough), Ron, etcetera - were last seen to be bursting with questions/concern for Harry. It wasn't even mentioned. Surely someone should have said *something* about it? I hope to see some logic/analysis/reactions/concern about Harry and the prophecy in the next chapter? Did I miss Harry or Ginny even wondering about Voldemort's affect on their relationship in this chapter? o I enjoyed the humour that pervaded the whole chapter, little bits and pieces as we go along. A nice mix for the reader (entwined with all the cooking details). o I quite happily accepted that Harry was revealed to have, as intrinsic abilities, both farsight and foresight. But now Ginny has farsight courtesy of her dragon? Just a *bit* disappointed that she's going to be basically at Harry's level - farsight, invisibility, occlumency, legilimency (forgive any bad spelling), wandless magic with so little effort. Please don't tell me/us that she gets foresight too (do the dragons have that ability?). I don't know if you're going to have Harry exploit his seer abilities - Abelard said there wasn't time, didn't he. o Given my deep respect/admiration for Hermione's support of Harry in canon I loved Harry's statement that he 'loves her so much it hurts sometimes'. I just enjoy that aspect of Harry Potter and am glad to have had this reminder of it here. Still can't wait to read Hermione grilling Harry about the prophecy and ruminating on its meaning. o Having the pair of them ride the fused broom with Harry not in control was a very nice little exercise. Looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks for this one.
Saturday 13th November 2004 14:46The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
Wow, that's a lot to respond to.

Okay, here goes - Harry is an unreliable narrator, and most of this occurs in his POV.  There was a lot of discussion about the prophecy, but most of that occurs "off camera" so to speak, because for Harry, today's topic is "what do I do about Ginny" not the prophecy - he's dealt with that for now.  The prophecy does come back for a limited appearance in the next chapter.

Ginny is indeed Harry's equal, but as you will find, in the next chapter she knows that she's way behind him in some areas, just as emotionally, she's ahead of him in other areas.

This story was written, in part, in revolt against "boy notices girl, boy kisses girl, end of story" style of fan-fiction that seems to be the speciality of 15 year old authors (mainly female, not that there's anything wrong with being either 15 or female).
Wednesday 6th October 2004 07:15
The Letters of Summer

So I finally got a chance to read this and I don't have to leave you a proper review. Sorry! But I enjoyed the chapter as much as always.

I though you did a very nice job having Harry and Ginny feel each other out -- both with words and with magic through legilimency. The latter connection was a very nice tough considering it just further reinforces that connection you've been hinting at for so long but the characters themselves don't see (or don't want to see).

I also found their need to overcome lingering doubts very appropriate. Ginny comes across like a girl who had given up and is thrust into a situation she doesn't fully understand with the dragon magic. You certainly make her disbelief at Harry's initial interest plain enough. It's different seeing Harry as the outgoing one in an H/G fic, but it really makes sense considering the background.

Anyway, I'd write more, but I'm literally falling asleep at the keyboard. But good job as always.


Tuesday 5th October 2004 22:28
The Letters of Summer
Wow... I love it! Great story! I can't wait for the next chapter.
Tuesday 5th October 2004 17:40
The Letters of Summer

I don't believe that I've mentioned before just how brilliant you really are. I love this story, and you've done incredible things with it ever since I started reading it back on Gryffindor Tower.

All right, you mentioned two homages in this chapter, and to me that's a challenge. I don't know if this is the one you mean (I doubt it), but in a previous chapter Moody said that Moey's real name was Maureen Knight, who is the Cannon's Seeker in After the End. I'm pretty sure there's another one in here, but I need to review AtE again to confirm it.

The Goblet of Fire homage to Archie was the "Just think of it as a healthy breeze" which of course refers to his aversion to trousers and a prediliction for women's nightdresses, since he prefers "a healthy breeze around my privates!"

Tuesday 5th October 2004 13:27
The Letters of Summer

Fantasmic story so far.  I have only just joined you on this ride, and I must say it is enjoyable. Will Jasmine get permission to train Ginny?  I look forward to more. 

Update soon


Saturday 13th November 2004 14:48The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
Yes - she does get permission.
Monday 4th October 2004 22:41
The Letters of Summer
This is a great story!!! Im trying to overcome my tendancy to lurk and let the authors who write really well... know that they do.
Monday 4th October 2004 15:46
The Letters of Summer

It was definitely worth waiting for this chapter; and it was good of you to pay homage to sweet old Archie from GOF, who "[s] a healthy breeze" around his privates, much to the dismay of Ministry wizards concerned with muggles and our concerns over gender-normative clothing!

I so enjoy watching how you allow the characters to evolve, and look foward to Chapter 20.


Monday 4th October 2004 09:47
The Letters of Summer

Ah, the long awaited Cooking with Harry. :-)

The slow pace is still driving me up a wall, but I like it that way. I liked your dragon-linking especially.

Monday 4th October 2004 01:46
The Letters of Summer

I absolutly LOVE this story! I can't wait for the next update!

Please carry on writing.

Waywren Truesong
Sunday 3rd October 2004 14:42
The Letters of Summer
Ha! I haven't read After The End in too long ot get that one, but the Archie one is dead easy - the darling daft bloke in Goblet of Fire that Harry encountered on his way to get water, who wore a nightdress 'cos it was Muggle and when offered trousers demurred on the grounds that he liked 'a health breeze 'round his privates'. I'd find you page number, but the only HP books I actually -own- are PoA and OotP ^^ *reads this* *makes food* *reads it again* Oh, purr. I love this story so so much, always have, always will, tho I don't always review properly - yes, I suck. Drat you, now I want scones ^^
Sunday 3rd October 2004 13:44
The Letters of Summer
Its been a while but definitely worth the wait great fic...keep it up - can't wait for the next installment


Saturday 2nd October 2004 23:50
The Letters of Summer
Once again, brilliant chapter. :bowdown: Especially the dragon-enhanced bonding at the end. I, for one, don't mind the wait for your new chapters, because when the're up, they're extremely enjoyable to read. Oh, and good showing in the competition. Thanks again for the great chapter.:yourock:
Saturday 2nd October 2004 23:50The Letters of Summer (Author Response)

Thanks for your kind words.

They're not bonded yet, but they're getting there, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to write about in Chpt 20.

I was surprised that my stories got nominated in as many categories as they did - I'm not sure that people read the qualifications for each category as carefully as I did.  If the score were Olympic Style (Gold, Silver & Bronze) I would have medalled a few times, but on the whole, I'm happy with how things came out.  Like the Detroit Tigers of my youth "there's always next year!"


JEC (Kokopelli)

Saturday 2nd October 2004 22:28
The Letters of Summer
excellent part!!! I really liked the broom ride... 
Saturday 2nd October 2004 19:19
The Letters of Summer

Ohhhhhh! I can't wait to read more about the Dragon magic....purring and growling what a combo.


Saturday 2nd October 2004 19:19
The Letters of Summer

Ohhhhhh! I can't wait to read more about the Dragon magic....purring and growling what a combo.


Saturday 2nd October 2004 17:19
The Letters of Summer
Great story so far.  You've got a lot of different things going on.  Really like your descriptions as well.  Finally unrestrained H/G fluffiness :) Always good to have. Keep up the good work.  Good chapters are worth waiting for .  Looking forward to the next one ...
Saturday 2nd October 2004 16:07
The Letters of Summer

Thank you, Kokopelli, for this update.  True, I have been waiting like everybody else - but she who waits for something good, never waits in vain.  And this was really good.  I loved all the G/H interactions, Harry's magic, and his growing ability to communicate his feelings.  You write wonderfully and I also love the spiritual touches to your work.  Great.  And now I'll have to carefully re-read both this fic, AtE and GoF, to see if I can find the homages.  If I can manage to find the time.

Thank you for giving me a very good reason get a home over here too, besides SQ...  I decided a long time ago to only read the fics published at the Quill to make sure I didn't 'waste' too much time in HP fandom.  I have changed my mind now, of course - and my problem now is that none of my friends have remotely the same interests in Potterverse as I do.  Too bad.

Sending you all the writer support I can manage...  Hugs, Amamama

Saturday 2nd October 2004 11:11
The Letters of Summer
RE: the previous. You know, I *DID* put paragraphs breaks in that review. Blank lines even. What's the deal!?
Saturday 2nd October 2004 11:09
The Letters of Summer
Re: Ginny calling herself a "stupid cow". This seemed harsh to me at first... but then on reflection I think it's fine. We are so often our own harshest critics. Teenage angst and uncertainty doesn't help. Re: their conversation... I wonder if at some point the two of them would discuss the "mate for life" aspect of having a P'yrg inside them. Re: "You're pretty when you're angry". Nice touch to have him duck into the loo at that point. I can just see it... you work up the courage to give the compliment, but then immediately run and hide. I think it was a good idea to keep this section more from Ginny's POV. I like not knowing what Harry's thinking at this point. Re: taking down Moey... Again! All right. I'd like to see it again. But in defense of poor Moey, I think there are very few people that Harry could *not* now take down. I'm not sure Harry yet realizes how dangerous he's become with that dragon magic inside him. Like Jasmine said, you can't fight what you can't see. Now Ginny can do it as well. Even *without* any combat training, if she can go invisible, she can do some serious damage. OOOH! I just had a thought... wouldn't it be splendid to have Snape try some legilimency on Harry and suddenly find himself "facing" Mm'lau? Large dragon flaming him. I think he'd wet himself. Y'know, that yoking charm is kind of scary. Earlier this week I reread the section when Abelard first introduced it to Harry. Specifically, how he was warned not to use it on people. My imagination is making me think that it could be a very... er... unpleasant offensive charm. Well that's enough I think. Thanks, John. I'm going to miss this when the ride is over.
Saturday 2nd October 2004 11:09The Letters of Summer (Author Response)

This story ends September 1, 1996.  Accordingly, unless Snape is riding on the Hogwarts Express, we won't see him in the normal course of events, as I don't have him in my outline for Chapters 20 or 21.

I'm saving something special for Severus, but that will wait for another story.

Yes, Harry and Ginny are well on their way to becoming dangerous,  but they don't know the half of what they can do yet.

As to the cow line, you have St Margarets to thank for that - the original had something much harsher.

Rhymes With Orange
Saturday 2nd October 2004 05:14
The Letters of Summer

Glorious.  Just Glorious.

Harry and Ginny are perfect.  No superpowers, no fairy-tale romance, they really do *feel* like a pair of teenagers trying to work through some difficult spots.  I've never once in this whole story had any problems with the suspension of disbelief.  It's magic.  (Now if only they'd get around to the snogging.    I'm kidding.  I know it's not "right" yet.  I'm just impatient as all get out.)

More!  Write More!

Saturday 2nd October 2004 04:35
The Letters of Summer

The homage to Archie is the "healthy breeze" line.

Wonderful chapter!  I always love reading your story, because not only is it well written, but the chapters are nice and long!  The Harry & Ginny day was lovely, with lots of fun moments.  Harry's flirting was really cute, and I'm glad that Ginny finally agreed to the "courtship". 

Friday 1st October 2004 22:53
The Letters of Summer
 yippeee!!! in the immortal words of krusty the clown {im so happy i could plotz} chapter 19 is finally here dont forget kokopelli that you promised more jasminethis chapter was really good and was the best birthday present i got all day cant wait for#20 any clues when it will be posted
Friday 1st October 2004 22:53The Letters of Summer (Author Response)

 Well, I'm glad for you, really I am.  Plotz away. 

I have no clue as to when 20 will be out - it's going to be huge, as it covers a bit less than a month.  Each of the prior chapters covered a day or two at the most. It will have a little something for everyone, except for those incorrigible people who want an H-G smooch.  Sorry, that comes in the sequal. 


JEC (kokopelli)

Friday 1st October 2004 22:53
The Letters of Summer
 yippeee!!! in the immortal words of krusty the clown {im so happy i could plotz} chapter 19 is finally here dont forget kokopelli that you promised more jasminethis chapter was really good and was the best birthday present i got all day cant wait for#20 any clues when it will be posted
Friday 1st October 2004 20:31
The Letters of Summer
Well, its seemed like forever waitng for this, but it was worth the wait. I read it very slowly, savouring the words which you, and the fantastic people who've helped you, have put together. It seemed quite apt that H&G spent the day cooking, as it fitted with the care lavished on this. I don't know After the End well enough to spot the passge you're refering to so I won't try and guess that part. A few bits I'd pick out; Remus and Tonks doing Alpha? Now that's one course I'd like to run! Liked All Hallows Eve rather than Halloween. I'll put my customary moan about Brit picking - I can bet you can even tell me which bits I'm moaning about. So tomorrow I'll read it again and then I may have even nore to say. It's gone midnight here so I'll close the laptop and say 'good night' Thanks. Richard
Friday 1st October 2004 19:56
The Letters of Summer

Geez, it's been so long since I have read AtE I wouldn't even begin to guess.  I guess I need to read it again.  I really think the best part of this chapter was the flying scene.  I could really imagine the grace and elegance of both Harry and Ginny zooming around.  The fact that he let her 'drive' so to speak really shows how much she means to him.  What a lovely scene, and romantic too :)  I am looking forward to more.



P.S.  I am glad your 'problem child' is doing better.  My friend's favorite saying is 'This too shall pass', which does prove true in most all cases. 

Friday 1st October 2004 19:10
The Letters of Summer
Well, its seemed like forever waitng for this, but it was worth the wait. I read it very slowly, savouring the words which you, and the fantastic people who've helped you, have put together. It seemed quite apt that H&G spent the day cooking, as it fitted with the care lavished on this. I don't know After the End well enough to spot the passge you're refering to so I won't try and guess that part. A few bits I'd pick out; Remus and Tonks doing Alpha? Now that's one course I'd like to run! Liked All Hallows Eve rather than Halloween. I'll put my customary moan about Brit picking - I can bet you can even tell me which bits I'm moaning about. So tomorrow I'll read it again and then I may have even nore to say. It's gone midnight here so I'll close the laptop and say 'good night' Thanks. Richard
Friday 1st October 2004 18:29
The Letters of Summer

 Awesome! I like cooking!Harry! In fact I want a Harry for myself! Lucky Ginny!
