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Reviews For What Grown Ups Believe by Kewii

Friday 31st December 2004 08:40
What Grown Ups Believe
is this a one-shot or are you going to update with a story because it is really good and i know i would love to see it contued in a novle length story
Wednesday 5th January 2005 09:37What Grown Ups Believe (Author Response)
is this a one-shot or are you going to update with a story because it is really good and i know i would love to see it contued in a novle length story
I had planned on just doing a one-shot for this. But I've recently thought about a sequel to it.
I'm still toying with the idea, though.
I'm glad you liked it though ^_^
Saturday 25th December 2004 19:07
What Grown Ups Believe
this is very cute, are you going to update? please do
Tuesday 12th October 2004 17:26
What Grown Ups Believe
Oh I wish this could be true!  It would explain so much of Petunia's personality!  But Jo has, unfortunately confirmed P is a Muggle.  *sigh*.  Although, as she rejected her chance to become a trained witch, could that class her as a Muggle?  Such a sad thought, if 'twere canon ...
Thursday 7th October 2004 19:46
What Grown Ups Believe

This was a interesting story.  I think it's certainly plausable that Petunia was a Witch, but I've not seen anyone write it.

The flow of words in this story were great.  It sounded just like an eleven year old (well.. a mature one).  You didn't make the sentences too complicated, because it wouldn't have suited the tone (if that makes any sense).

This was my favourite line:

"Standing on a pile of laundry -the white laundry! - was a small tan owl."

Such a Petunia-like plot.



Tuesday 5th October 2004 23:03
What Grown Ups Believe
Interesting take on things. ive seen other stories that gave jealousy as a possible reason for Petunia's attitude. However; I think this is the first time someone has raised the spectre of a lost opportunity for the reason. Well done!