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Reviews For Gadding With Goats by AgiVega

Pirate Ginny
Saturday 30th October 2004 05:46
Gadding With Goats

It's a dinglehopper!  (er...sorry.  The silverware scene gave me childhood flashbacks)

Extremely hilarious story!  At first, the whole McGonagall/pregnancy thing had me a bit worried about where the story was headed (after all...if inappropriate goat charms are somehow involved...).  Thank goodness for Peeves's big mouth.  A very good prank indeed!  I instantly loved Aberforth for it.

And the rest of the story kept pace.  Subtle writing for maximum humor.  I enjoyed reading this piece.  :)  Thank you.

Saturday 30th October 2004 04:56
Gadding With Goats
Hi, good to see your name along side a new work. As always very well written . Thanks.
Saturday 30th October 2004 01:51
Gadding With Goats

Oh, dear.  "Improper charms", indeed! 

Great explanation for Snape's creepiness!

Friday 29th October 2004 22:26
Gadding With Goats