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Reviews For Cry Havoc by Faelaern

Sunday 30th July 2006 14:47
Cry Havoc
Well, Harry was a little insensitive about that. The Vampire thing. But I do too hope that the arrival after the Golden Snitch is much better than last time.
Saturday 11th June 2005 19:48
Cry Havoc

He looked again from Ginny to Hermione and then back to Ron. It was moments like this he hated most; time when he was left alone with his thoughts. Then he had no distractions; no excuses to talk about something other than the guilt weighing down on him.

That is a well-written paragraph that really captures the emotions that Harry is feeling at this moment.


"There is power in names, young one. Even in Voldemort's. It does not hold the power that many of the wizarding community seem to think it does… but it holds power nonetheless. It would be… unwise… to draw the attention of certain powers to this ship, and speaking the name of this book could do just that."

Hmm.  Intriguing, that is.


"This book is a copy of a text penned by Salazar Slytherin. The original was burnt to ash by Unspeakables in the late sixteenth century."

And even more intriguing.  As is the history you've given Slytherin.


Love your vampire information as well.  You've really loaded this chapter with stuff that makes me think about the ways of the world/universe/whatever.


Harry sighed heavily. "I don't know when to keep my mouth shut, that's what. That and I'm getting bloody paranoid."

And that is quite the accurate description.


"Well… it's like Ron said to me earlier, I think. Muggleborns are looked down on by a lot of people due to circumstances of birth. So are house-elves. I… I see myself in them, sort of. Or at least, I know what it feels like to be treated like scum due to circumstances of birth."

I like your explanation here.  It's nice to see reasons behind what Hermione does.


Harry laughed. "Weasley intuition is scary."

Hee.  :)


Normandy... interesting.  Love Ron's reaction to Hermione's attempt at a history lesson.

Monday 20th June 2005 21:32Cry Havoc (Author Response)

That is a well-written paragraph that really captures the emotions that Harry is feeling at this moment.

is the sort of thing any author loves to hear!

And this:

You've really loaded this chapter with stuff that makes me think about the ways of the world/universe/whatever.

is my main and constant goal, in almost all of my writing. It is the thing that is most important to me to convey, over the course of a story. And, as I am quite fond of saying, it doesn't really come from me. There's a difference between just making stuff up and being hit with a blast of "put this in the story *now*" that I get in my head sometimes. As the storyteller, I'm just the recepticle for this information, even though I add a mark on it that is distinctly mine. Story is a strange and powerful thing. People have forgotten that power, over the ages, and it to their loss.

Thank you for your review. :)

Monday 23rd May 2005 20:37
Cry Havoc
I just finished this story and the story before it, and I must say, they are wonderful! It seems you haven't updated since November though! Please continue on, as I am eagerly waiting to see what happens! Great job! 
Friday 19th November 2004 11:44
Cry Havoc

Well, Joe, another lovely chapter!  It was fairly short, but filled with good things.  First off:  this line made me laugh....

      Harry hesitated a moment, but deciding it was probably healthier    to be polite to one's vampiric acquaintances.

I wonder what repurcusions Harry will face for angering her so much, although, I sort of understand where he's coming from, poor dear.  He has a right, I think, to be a little paranoid. 

The apology between Harry and Hermione went well.  I think you showed them getting closer than they've been in a while in this story, and their friendship is so important to both of them.  I'm glad they worked things out.  Your insight into Hermione's feelings toward the house-elves was great.  I'd never thought of that before.  This line summed it up:

"Well… it's like Ron said to me earlier, I think. Muggleborns are looked down on by a lot of people due to circumstances of birth. So are house-elves. I… I see myself in them, sort of. Or at least, I know what it feels like to be treated like scum due to circumstances of birth."

I also really liked this bit.  Funny and true...

"Weasley intuition is scary."

All in all, a great chapter.  I look forward to more.

Jen :)


Thursday 18th November 2004 22:43
Cry Havoc

The Golden Snitch, eh? Cute.  As always, I thoroughly enjoy your work; particulariyl Karl.  I'm excited we'll be seeing him in Normandy soon (I hope?) Great work.


Thursday 18th November 2004 17:20
Cry Havoc
Nice mutual apology between Harry and Hermione.  They each have thier flaws, but I like them that way - more human.  I wonder what is coming next.
Thursday 18th November 2004 06:48
Cry Havoc

It was worth waiting for, but I hope more is to come....soon....please!