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Reviews For Home Alone: Shadow Rising by KEDme

Thursday 17th July 2008 22:32
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Tuesday 5th February 2008 15:28
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
what was in that letter??
this is very interesting
Monday 11th June 2007 10:23
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
This was a really nice chapter, I enjoyed getting to see the girls being pampered- I always love when a fic spends some time with the Grangers!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 12:52
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
'Muggle concealment charms' -- makeup a charm? Perhaps a potion .
Thursday 15th June 2006 01:06
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
ginny and hermione to the rescue? their together scenes always disturb me more than a little, they're so... evil when they're together
Sunday 11th June 2006 06:46
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Well, lets see what kind of trouble Harry has gotton himself into now!
Wednesday 14th December 2005 16:51
Home Alone: Shadow Rising

I like your dialog. It sounds natural and is easy to read.

Your grammar and style help make this a fun read.

Muggle Witch
Monday 18th April 2005 15:34
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
bondingAnother grea chapter
Friday 26th November 2004 07:59
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Ron being perceptive? This I have to see...
Friday 26th November 2004 08:44Home Alone: Shadow Rising (Author Response)
Ron being perceptive? This I have to see...

Hard to believe, I know, but he has potential.
Friday 26th November 2004 00:20
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Friday 26th November 2004 06:18Home Alone: Shadow Rising (Author Response)
Thanks for the review.  It's nice to know people are reading.
Friday 26th November 2004 00:18
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Loved the communication between Hermione and don't see much of that. And the comments about Ron and Harry :-D.

hmmm "harry's in trouble..." what could that mean? a new development at the Dursley's?

Friday 26th November 2004 06:20Home Alone: Shadow Rising (Author Response)
Loved the communication between Hermione and don't see much of that. And the comments about Ron and Harry :-D.

hmmm "harry's in trouble..." what could that mean? a new development at the Dursley's?

Yeah... Canon shows that Hermione and Ginny do spend a lot of time together and actually do confide in each other.  I always wonder how their conversations go, don't you? 
Thursday 25th November 2004 23:56
Home Alone: Shadow Rising
Just read the chapter ... definitely big changes from version 1.  But can you do this after updating the sequel :)

Okay ... I had to ask ... because sequel is looking quite good!
Friday 26th November 2004 06:29Home Alone: Shadow Rising (Author Response)
Just read the chapter ... definitely big changes from version 1.  But can you do this after updating the sequel :)

Okay ... I had to ask ... because sequel is looking quite good!

Still plugging away at it and I updated it yesterday, in case you didn't know.  Thanks for noticing the changes.  I've been bothered by the lack of unity between the beginning and ending of this story for quite some time now.  Look for some new material to pop up here and there, too, just to make it interesting.  It's easier to edit than it is to write, but I'm doing both and working on another NC-17 story at the same time.  I'm not rushing to publish anything anymore because I'm constantly going back and making changes.  This new chapter must have been edited 20 times and continued to undergo changes right up to publication.  But, I can look at it and say that I really like the end result, and that's what counts since it's my only payment other than such wonderful reviews!