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Reviews For The Runner Beans by Nundu

Tuesday 25th March 2008 12:15
The Runner Beans
nice story!!!!
Its nice to see why petunia would hate the wizarding world.... I wonder how different it would have been had petunia started something with sirius lol
Saturday 15th January 2005 13:53
The Runner Beans

Excellent story! Petunia is an interesting character, how her heart is so open to one child and so closed to the other child. You did a great job of explaining her motivations. Thanks!

Tuesday 7th December 2004 20:18
The Runner Beans

 You have an amazing style, and your portrayals of both Petunia and Sirius are amazingly well done, and completely In Character. Good story.

Waywren Truesong
Tuesday 7th December 2004 10:52
The Runner Beans
It's a frighteningly good writer that can make me have any tender feeling toward one, Petunia Evans Dursley.  Hail to thee.
Bring and Fly
Tuesday 7th December 2004 05:34
The Runner Beans

A wonderful interweaving of the past and present in a very believable way. I liked the way you fleshed out Petunia in a very human way. She felt full of contradictions and fears and ultimately, the kind of woman who would take Harry in, but not neccesarily for her sisters sake.

A well crafted piece and very thought-provoking. I think I need to read it again.

Cara        Baffy

Monday 6th December 2004 23:52
The Runner Beans
Interesting premise for a backstory ... you've written it quite well too.
Robert Owen
Monday 6th December 2004 23:34
The Runner Beans

An interesti9ng look into the mind of Petunia.  My compliments.

