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Reviews For The Lover's Bond by Zelthian

Thursday 29th June 2006 20:52
The Lover's Bond
Well then.
Tuesday 27th September 2005 20:43
The Lover's Bond
What a way to kick off the new story.  
Lady Ginny Potter
Monday 28th March 2005 13:19
The Lover's Bond
-Wipes tear-  Can't say much now, your bloody story is too....sweet.  But I love it!
Wednesday 22nd December 2004 11:44
The Lover's Bond

Wonderful work. I actually had tears in my eyes once I learned what they have to do. I still do, as a matter of fact. lol Well, please update soon!


Wednesday 22nd December 2004 10:16
The Lover's Bond
Very nice.  I think there must be a prequel somewhere, yes?  Perhaps I should read the backstory first.
Tuesday 21st December 2004 20:41
The Lover's Bond
I've waited forever to read the sequel to your story.  Imagine my surprise to find it here at phoenixsong.  What a wonderful start to the story.  I have no doubt that it will be as incredible as the first.  Thank you so much for writing this, it made my day.
Tuesday 21st December 2004 20:38
The Lover's Bond

Wow, I truly loved the The Gryffindor Four, but I never in my wildest dreams would of thought their would be a sequel... I read it, it sound just like all the rest of your storys which are outstanding. cant wait for the next chapter.....

Tuesday 21st December 2004 20:33
The Lover's Bond
