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Reviews For Defining Moments by TheGov

Saturday 16th April 2011 08:20
Defining Moments
This was really good! It's going, Happy, sad, happy, sad! +
Sunday 4th January 2009 19:56
Defining Moments
So sweet ... and as usual, pretty funny too. I am really enjoying this story. I loved the fact that the twins came to the rescue - I always knew they understood when to be serious and when to be funny. And when McGonagall showed up I laughed out loud - but not as loud as I laughed a few minutes later when she called Dumbledore out! And my favorite moment ... SNAPE!!!
"It was weird."
Sunday 15th July 2007 14:17
Defining Moments
There are so many delightful moments in this chapter starting with the Ron and his brothers. That activated my tear ducts, which continued the flood with the conversation after the proposal between the two professors...too funny... the voyeur, who'd a thunk it???

But what really got me was ! How wonderful!! Thanks again for this fabulous story!
Monday 5th February 2007 14:49
Defining Moments
This chapter was wonderful! The proposal was perfect. Everyone's reactions were perfect - Harry's, Ginny's, Snape's! And I loved the scene with McGonagall. Thanks! Helen
Monday 13th November 2006 17:11
Defining Moments
I love the letters from the elder brothers. Very cool. And I can't believe that Dumbledore was there the whole time. But, it does sound just like him. So I guess Harry and Ginny are going out now. Yes, the Potters with the red-headed woman. Hehe
Wednesday 20th September 2006 17:46
Defining Moments
How touching of Ron to go to the graveside to talk to Hermione's parents about marrying her . McGonagall was just a bit infuriating; how could she take away points on such an occasion, even if she did give them back (she should've given Ron 20) .
Snape's congratulations was great ... I like your Snape. .
How can a Howler say the person is proud .
Friday 23rd June 2006 08:49
Defining Moments
>>"Hermione, I don't want anything to happen to me without you knowing how much I care about you. How much I want to be with you forever. How much I can't wait to wake up next to you every morning and whisper how much I love you in your ear. How I want to grow old next to you. How much I desperately love you and need you. Hermione Granger, will you do me the honor of agreeing to marry me?" Ron poured out in a rush, pulling the small jewelry box out of his robes and holding it out to her.
Sunday 30th October 2005 19:35
Defining Moments
Awwwwwwwwww! ^^ Sap. 
Monday 31st October 2005 14:43Defining Moments (Author Response)

Hehe. Thanks for the review!

Sunday 15th May 2005 22:46
Defining Moments
Ron asking her was great. Perfect.
And that DD was watching? Heh. He's up to something, I'm sure.
McG was perfect. So canon I doulblechecked your profile to see if you were JKR in disguise. No joy. :)

Good work.
Sunday 24th April 2005 12:06
Defining Moments

The best summary possible:

"the perfect expression of their love: simple, elegant, straightforward and pure. Not to mention plainly obvious,"

There's no other way to describe the two.  Well done!


Thursday 3rd February 2005 19:37
Defining Moments
Robert Owen
Tuesday 11th January 2005 01:53
Defining Moments

Perfection all around!  Particularly loved the byplay between Dumbledore and McGonagall.


Aberforth's Avatar
Monday 10th January 2005 21:42
Defining Moments

I enjoyed this very much, but nothing more than Ron's talk with the Grangers in the cemetery.  That one short scene told us both how Ron felt about Hermione, and everything we need to know about the essence of Ron Weasley.  It was very touching.

All of your chapters have been very well done, but I liked the way that the Weasley response to the news suggests some hope for a post-Voldemort future.  Also, nice work with Fred and George.

Congratulations and best wishes to you and your fiancee!

Monday 10th January 2005 18:02
Defining Moments
So- sob- sweet- sniff- and- wipe away tears- FLUFFY! I loved it.
Monday 10th January 2005 15:23
Defining Moments

 Very Nice Ugly Brother. I like it.

I think the scene with Ron at the cemetery was very well written and touching. A very nice job with how you combined the two original chapters into one. I loved Molly's howler!

Oh, and I'm so proud of you proposing to your own Hermione. Nothing made me happier than that phone call!

Love BeckiSoup aka Sistwerp

Monday 10th January 2005 14:05
Defining Moments
About time Ron! Nice! I love this story!
Monday 10th January 2005 16:20Defining Moments (Author Response)
I'm glad you're enjoying it! More to come soon, I hope!
Monday 10th January 2005 12:57
Defining Moments
wow great chapter hoping for more soon