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Reviews For Eólach by Cera

Sunday 6th March 2005 20:58
Had to go re-read the last chapter to figure out where the story was coming from :)  I guess I missed the last update, so three months between chapter 2 and this one :)

Atleast I can read chapter 4 faster this way!  Keep up the good work.
Wednesday 9th March 2005 12:59Eólach (Author Response)

Thanks.  I think that your other review was lost.  I'm glad you got cleared up, as I am being terribly slow.  I get disinterested in stories that take forever, so I really hate that I'm taking so long.

I'm working on being faster. 

Sunday 20th February 2005 11:42

*Sigh* I do so love this chapter *glares at Max* You wouldn't be picking on my Ron, now, would you?

An excellent insight into the Weasley family dynamics my lobe! And how Harry fits in and sees himself at home there. Your Harry is so droolworthy. Looking forward to more chapters!

Sunday 20th February 2005 15:03Eólach (Author Response)

Hah.  There's a perfect icon for that now.   Although, that dude looks a little deranged...

Anyway, thanks for the review dahling.  You're a stellar beta, and this story would be crummy if it wasn't for you.

Sunday 30th January 2005 20:03
That was wonderful. You captured the awkwardness between Harry and Mrs. Weasley perfectly and the frustration and hopelessness the family must be feeling.

Looking forward to more

Sunday 30th January 2005 22:19Eólach (Author Response)

Thanks, Iris.  I feel bad for putting the Weasley's through such crappiness, but it's neccessary.  I'm glad you appreciate it.


Saturday 22nd January 2005 20:52

I just read this through and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see just how they manage to bring Ginny's memories back to her. And what I wouldn't give to let Harry and Ron have just 5 minutes with  . Grrrrrr. Ready for the next update now!

Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:39Eólach (Author Response)
Yeah,  is a snake, isn't he?  Thanks so much for taking the time to review, I'm glad that you're enjoying the story so far.
Antonia East
Saturday 22nd January 2005 11:20
Yey!  An update.  This was, as always, beautifully written.  I really enjoyed Harry and Ron's coversation with Harry's memories of Ginny.  That was very well done.  I also liked the line about Harry giving affection for the first time in his life, and how it felt appropriate to be giving it to Mrs Weasley.  You did Harry's interactions and feelings very well.  I'd like to see some Ginny, now please.
Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:36Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks Antonia!  Ginny will be coming up next... and that chapter should be much, much sooner.
Mr. Intel
Saturday 22nd January 2005 09:30
I clicked on this story randomly, thinking that you had reviewed my stories, so I would give yours a chance.  Wow.  I'm so glad I did.

From the very short prologue all the way through the end of this chapter, I could tell that you have taken your time with this story.  There is no rushed feeling to it, which is common among fanfic writers, and I was able to really soak myself in this part of the Potterverse.  Having main characters lose their memory isn't a new thing, but so far, you've done a fantastic job of building up my desire to find Malfoy, pummel the stuffing out of his weasel-like face, and right every wrong that was done to precious, violated Ginny.

Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:35Eólach (Author Response)

I'm glad you clicked on it, too, Michael.  I admit that I've been nervous about the entire plot, being that memory loss is, as you said, not new.  I really appreciate your approval, as I'm a big fan of yours.

Thank you very much.

Saturday 22nd January 2005 02:06

Nice angst on Harry and Ron's parts.  I love how Harry is trying to be strong for Ginny.

The scene with Molly was very nice as well.  I'm in love with Harry in this fic.

Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:31Eólach (Author Response)

Yeah... I'm in love with him, too.  I'm glad you liked the bit of angst, sometimes it's easy to get carried away with it.

Thanks for the review.

Friday 21st January 2005 16:50

Oh grow up Ron! *rolls eyes*

It was so sweet when Harry hugged Mrs Weasley especially since it was so natural.

I loved this chapter - as always

Maybe there could be a little less time between this one and the next?

Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:30Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks Max.  LOL.  There should be less time until the next one, as it's already written.
Friday 21st January 2005 16:41
Oh, this story has me riveted!  What a horrible thing to happen to !  I can't wait to see what happens next!
Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:19Eólach (Author Response)
Thank you so much for the review
Mop and Smith
Friday 21st January 2005 14:44

A very emtional chapter, like it should be. I loved it! So moving. Harry was so cute when he hugged Mrs. Weasley. I espcially loved Ron and Harry's interaction, and I am glad Harry didn't get too mad at Ron for some of the things he said.

Can't wait for the next installment

Love Hev

Sunday 23rd January 2005 20:19Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks Hev!  I'm a fan of cute!Harry myself.