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Reviews For Distractions by Elsha

Sunday 20th February 2005 12:19

I really like this chapter. I hope you update soon!

ps. This is one of the best stories I've read.

Friday 28th January 2005 00:23
Wow, this is a very interesting story!

I lilke your references to the 'Muggle history' that's being repeated in this world. Anne seems a really strong, yet timid character, I like that.

And I'm really enjoying your Theo, he's a great combination of arrogant and confused. Can't wait to see an update.
Finduilas of Dol Amroth
Sunday 23rd January 2005 16:55

Hey, Elsha! I'm SOOOOOOO glad you're posting this fic up here! I'm re-reading 'Distractions' here, and it's so good to actually go back to the beginning of the series, reading from where it started!

Everything's perfect here. Anne and Theo are written so well- I think JKR should read this! Just the whole idea of there being a Slytherin who is not-so Slytherin, and learning to befriend a Muggle-born Hufflepuff... it's so mad!

UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And by that, I mean for you to update in more than just here- I'm also asking for an update on sq soon...)
