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Reviews For A Hero's Gift by ProfAndrews

Tuesday 14th September 2010 02:54
A Hero's Gift
Superb! Maybe our two wounded wizards can help each other heal.
Monday 26th January 2009 01:23
A Hero's Gift
i want to know what happened when Harry showed! up pleas tell me more!
Wednesday 28th May 2008 09:52
A Hero's Gift
I love the relationship between Harry and Remus and it's definitely not explored enough. This was really touching, especially the ending. Any hope of another chapter or two?
Sunday 30th March 2008 18:22
A Hero's Gift
nice story!!!
It must have been soo hard for remus!!! He lost a friend and a borther and a mentor... so so sad
Friday 16th November 2007 20:27
A Hero's Gift
haha wow nice story :p
Monday 31st January 2005 20:09
A Hero's Gift

This story was excellent!  To many times we see Harry as the one needing help, a friend, someone to care for him.  It's not often we see Remus in this role.  I found how they both suffered really pulled at my emotions and made me want to go up and hug them. 

I know this chapter was supposed to be a stand alone, but I would really recommend a sequel.  This story has to much promise to end here.


Monday 31st January 2005 22:37A Hero's Gift (Author Response)
You captured the emotion I wanted to share perfectly! They both do need a hug. They lost something they love and believe that they have no one to turn to, but what they didn't realize was that they really have each other. I thought that this was missing at the end of OotP when Harry disembarked from the train, and I wanted to explore it a bit with this one-shot.

I will seriously think about a sequel, and I will let you know (if you like) if I will pursue it.
Monday 31st January 2005 11:32
A Hero's Gift
That was *sniff* positivley brilliant! Great job!
Monday 31st January 2005 22:34A Hero's Gift (Author Response)
I'm sorry to make you cry, but I'm glad that they are happy tears.

In many ways, Harry is a hero to those that love him. For a boy to carry such burden at his age is more than most adults can handle. But in the end, he is still a human in need for a hug. I wanted to show a bit of his vulnerable side. Thank you for enjoying this story. It was fun watching this story develop!
Sunday 30th January 2005 13:37
A Hero's Gift
IT WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, write a continuatiuon of it, please!! Maybe a summer and a 6th year fic out of this beatiful plot you've created?? PLEASE!! Your style is wonderful, and this fic...I am so happy I've read it!!
Monday 31st January 2005 22:32A Hero's Gift (Author Response)
WOW! Thank you so very much for your support!

I must admit that there is no way I could have created this story without my beta, Magnolia Mama. She deserves the most credit for deciphering through my scrambled thoughts. I have been contemplating a sequel for this story to continue throughhis sixth year, and I'm almost convinced to do so. I promise to keep you updated (if you like) if I do write a sequel.
Sunday 30th January 2005 09:22
A Hero's Gift
I love this story.  I am so glad that Tonks intervened; she was certainly the wise one for entreating Harry to contact Remus.  The two certainly needed each other, but as I see it, their respective egos and personal misery kept each man from reaching out to the other.  I am very glad the story ended the way it did.  Those two certainly needed the hope that the support of the other could give him.
Monday 31st January 2005 22:29A Hero's Gift (Author Response)
Thank you kindly for enjoying this story. Although she gives off this clumsy personality, I have always felt that there is more underneath her exterior. It shows that a good woman is always the key!
Saturday 29th January 2005 23:35
A Hero's Gift

This was very nicely done! You've taken this in an interesting direction that I look forward to following. Harry and Remus have a great deal to offer one another, and I think you'll do a good job of exploring those possibilities as the healing process moves forward. Best of luck as you proceed - great job! 

Monday 31st January 2005 22:25A Hero's Gift (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your well wishes. As we both know, MM is a wonderful beta and this story would not have been received as it is without her. I am looking forward to reading all your stories and catching up on the great fiction I have missed.
Saturday 29th January 2005 18:53
A Hero's Gift

What an outstanding start!

I have a feeling that this is going to be one of my favorites here. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Both Remus and Harry desperately need someone and it will do them both good.

Keep up the great work,


Monday 31st January 2005 22:24A Hero's Gift (Author Response)

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I have thought about preparing a second installment, so I will keep you updated most definitely!

Saturday 29th January 2005 18:33
A Hero's Gift
Well Mate, I'm sitting here and enjoying the fact that you are once again writing.  All is well in the world once more.  I think I might pick the old keyboard again myself.  Thanks for writing, and thanks for reniewing my faith in the Marauders of the Quill.
Saturday 29th January 2005 18:44A Hero's Gift (Author Response)

Yes, I must admit that you caught my little surprise red-handed. It is true that my desire to write kicked up again, but for that you can thank the AZ Authors meetings, especially Debbie Federici. I do hope you enjoyed this one-shot.

Saturday 29th January 2005 18:18
A Hero's Gift
Welcome to Phoenix Song! This is a very heartfelt look at the grief Harry and Remus feel over Sirius' death and Tonks' effort to help them both find a way to heal. I'm glad to see it here. I enjoyed reading it and working with you on it, and look forward to more of the same in the future. 
Saturday 29th January 2005 18:47A Hero's Gift (Author Response)
There is no way I could have ever done this without your encouragement, advice and sincere effort to make me into a credible writer. I know that this is not my best work, but I promise to make you proud by improving with each story I write. Thank you for being so kind during a wake of uncertainty for myself.