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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex by ProfAndrews

Monday 1st September 2008 14:43
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
lol... great story!
Sunday 30th March 2008 18:51
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
hahaha!!! That would have been totally awesome!!! It was really short though in the middle...
haha i love how harry knew what he was doing :p
Friday 16th November 2007 20:35
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
hahaha i love this! I had a feeling that harry knew what he was doing and decided to hav fun with it :p and trewleny and snape together! ahahaha
hehe harry as cupid, now that i wanna see

Saturday 16th September 2006 20:38
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
Hilarious and sweet.^^
Friday 21st October 2005 20:53
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
I laughed soooo hard! I especially enjoyed the image of Dumbledore and McGonagall holding hands and skipping around the Great Hall. This was great fun!!!
Tuesday 18th October 2005 20:11
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
LoL really adorable! Nice job!
Sunday 18th September 2005 21:20
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

OMG!  I think I cracked a rib laughing over this one.  It was really very funny.  I can just picture Harry winging around out for revenge!

And the loin cloth... hahahaha

I think this was a well written and very brave fic.  Most people keep Harry very 'safe', where you definitely pushed the boundaries!

Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:39
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
This was a fun read.  
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 12:08
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
This was too fun:  Snape and Trelawney, Crabbe and Goyle,  Sprout and a Mandrake!!!!  Thank you so much for the laugh!
James and Lily 4eva
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 07:50
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex


that was too funny !!!

my sister thought I went crazy...

Tuesday 1st February 2005 19:35
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
St Margarets
Tuesday 1st February 2005 16:02
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

That was cute.  Good use of the challenge lines and I liked the parody of all the fan fiction couples!  Esp. Crabbe and Goyle who are obviously meant for one another.

I'm also glad that Harry got into once he accepted his complex.

Tuesday 1st February 2005 14:16
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

HILARIOUS and very, very ORIGINAL!!!!!!

A Great VALENTINE FIC, hope you win the contest!




Tuesday 1st February 2005 02:44
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

You do realise that it is quarter to two in the morning, and I have orchestra practice at seven.

I swear, I let out this huge guffaw that...well, I had to freeze for about ten minutes just in case someone woke up. If mum'd caught me, I'd be worse than dead. Anyway, I loved the loincloth remarks, Snape and Trelawney, and Harry's reaction to everything. *grins* Perhaps a seeeequel....

Tuesday 1st February 2005 01:08
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
Very funny & sweet.  Great job with the "not as planned"--quite a creative idea!
Sunday 30th January 2005 21:35
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
Interesting spell - I guess a sure-fire way to turn Harry overly romantic.  :)

Fun one-shot!
Sunday 30th January 2005 19:54
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
Cute story, good use of the challenge phrases too.

Sunday 30th January 2005 16:27
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex



Sunday 30th January 2005 14:00
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
 OH MY HECK!!!!! You had me laughing from the start! That was GREAT!  as cupid! Wonder who the other unfortunate victim was? Perhaps another black haired, michivious Gryffindor?
Lunar Eclipse
Sunday 30th January 2005 13:54
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

Cute! It made me laugh when both Ginny and Hermione tried to look under Harry's loincloth.

Very original and fun writing... I really liked this!!  

Sunday 30th January 2005 11:49
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
Unusual idea that turned out better than I thought it might in the beginning.  One critisism: too much dialogue and too little description.
Sunday 30th January 2005 11:32
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
  Milk out of my nose thank's a lot, I should not of read this one at breakfast. Good One
Sunday 30th January 2005 11:31
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

You know, I'd LOVE to see Colin's photos of Snape/Trelawney

And the mere thought of Crabbe and Goyle fluttering their eyelashes at each other makes me

Nice, funny ficlet, and most creative.


Sunday 30th January 2005 05:17
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

very nice, though i think the story should of been spread out a bit more .


Lakshmi Potter
Sunday 30th January 2005 03:34
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

Ha! That was cute. Very original.

Oh but I so wish there were an accompanying picture to this story!!!


Saturday 29th January 2005 22:24
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex
 Man! You had me rolling!
Saturday 29th January 2005 19:07
Harry Potter and the Cupid Complex

This was an awesome fic!

I don't know if it was the contest makers or the authors fault--but I'm gonna have nightmares for a while for this line.."Snape was caught with Trelawney!" The foursome turned and ran back out. Colin Creevey was running up and down the stairs laughing about. "Snape was caught with Trelawney! Snape was caught with Trelawney! I've got pictures!" All I can see in my mind's eye is the characters from the movies. It made me choke on my coffee laughing at it.

I hope you win!

Have a wonderful day,
