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Reviews For To Save a Life by hairy_hen

Thursday 6th July 2006 11:37
To Save a Life
Oh, wow. Ginny is really couragus. I think I spelled that wrong, but you know what I mean. Very good.
Friday 4th February 2005 15:37
To Save a Life

This stor is everything but cheap! This is amazing! And if anyone dares say you did a bad job of making Ginny know more- I swear I'll hex them into next year! Don;t worry about your writing skills- I envy them if anything lol


Friday 4th February 2005 15:58To Save a Life (Author Response)
Thanks! Heh heh.

The main reason I didn't explain about the matches right there was that it didn't fit. It would have been too long and slowed the narrative down with needless exposition that could be better utilized elsewhere. Plus a little mystery never hurts, right?
Friday 4th February 2005 10:28
To Save a Life
I like this.   Ginny going after Harry...  following him into his 'chamber' so to speak seems right.   The only thing that didn't quite sit right with me was Hermione's reaction... I couldn't help feeling she should have realised that this was something Ginny had to do, that *she* had to do, and gone with her.

Friday 4th February 2005 16:06To Save a Life (Author Response)
Well, about Hermione . . . that's just how I decided to do it. Conceivably it could have gone another way, particularly if other events of the story were different, but it seemed to fit best like this. Of course not everyone will agree, but I'm glad to hear what people like and what they don't. Thanks for your review!
Friday 4th February 2005 07:18
To Save a Life

  Augh!    Evil, evil cliffie!!!  Oh well, I guess you had to stop at some point.   Love it so far.  Can't wait to see what you have planned.

Keep up the great work.

Friday 4th February 2005 15:51To Save a Life (Author Response)
Believe it or not, not all cliffhangers are intended solely to frustrate readers . . . It's surprising how often they really are just natural places for chapters to end--this one especially.

This, I think, is my favourite chapter, but if so then the next one isn't far behind. Definitely some interesting stuff coming up!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 23:34
To Save a Life
wow....loved the sock as a portkey trick.  Pity JKR hasn't considered using the room of requirement so Harry and Dumbledore can find Voldie. 
Keep this nails are getting shorter.
Friday 4th February 2005 16:13To Save a Life (Author Response)
Would you believe I originally considered using one of Hermione's elf hats for a Portkey? My roommate, when I asked him what he thought, jokingly told me I should use a "smelly sock". Then I remembered that socks seemed to have a peculiar significance in HP, or at least in interpretations of it, so there it is. But, embarrassing as it is to admit, I still don't quite get why socks are made such a big deal of . . . oh well.
Thursday 3rd February 2005 19:25
To Save a Life

That's so cool! What a fantastic chapter! I loved it! Yay for Ginny not giving up on Harry! It irritates me so much how Ron and Hermione would just sit back and wait for Dumbledore to save him, or for him to be dead, I'm glad that Ginny's taking some initiative and at least attempting to save him! LOVE it! Fantastic job! Yay for the Room of Requirement! Ginny's going to save Harry!!!


Friday 4th February 2005 15:38To Save a Life (Author Response)
No one really knows what the full capabilities and limitations of the Room of Requirement are (and most people don't even know about it at all, of course). That's probably why no one but Ginny thought of it--and she only because she's desperate.

Conceivably she could have just wished to have Harry back right there--but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? Perhaps the Room is able to tell that she "needs" to do this herself. It's always fun when some things in stories are left mysterious, I think.

Thanks for reading!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 16:59
To Save a Life

Bloody hell! This chapter was absolutely amazing! I absolutely loved the encounter between Ginny and Hermione, and i was sooo relieved when the Room of Requirement gave her a Portkey! But what in Heaven's name was in that match box? Well, I can't wait for the next post!  This is amazing!


Friday 4th February 2005 15:28To Save a Life (Author Response)
Ah, the matchbox . . .

Dramatic irony, when the reader knows more than the characters, is a technique often used by writers. But then there's the inverse of that, an idea I picked up from reading Timothy Zahn, where the characters know more than the reader does--an interesting trick, no? Some might call it cheap, but I think it makes for great suspense and fun reading. You will find out, I promise . . .
Ima Quidditch Fan
Thursday 3rd February 2005 13:58
To Save a Life
iOops, I meant installment!  You see.. I am just all in a dither over this fic!
Friday 4th February 2005 15:03To Save a Life (Author Response)
Ima Quidditch Fan
Thursday 3rd February 2005 13:56
To Save a Life

Go Ginny!  I love this story. 

I am so glad that she is going... she can do it!  This flows so well, I was on the edge of my seat.  I was giddy when she cursed Hermione... she and Ron both have it coming.  I can't believe that they wouldn't try to go after Harry and Ron is sleeping!  I can see all of this like a movie in my head - you are a wonderful writer.  I just can't wait for the next enstallment!



Friday 4th February 2005 15:01To Save a Life (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked this chapter--I think it's my favourite of all of them so far.

Everyone seems to be condemning Hermione and Ron for not going after Harry--but is that really quite fair? They have no reason to believe that he would be alive at all, no idea where to look for him, and a very good reason not to go doing anything too hasty, because of what happened with Sirius. Ginny's really going out on a limb, acting more from blind faith and desperation than anything else. OotP threw a wrench in the works by having the attempted rescue backfire, unlike the previous books, and I find the increasing ambiguity of the "right" thing to do in a particular situation to be a very interesting concept. For this story I wanted Ginny's rescue effort to be the right thing for her to do, at least, but for other people what is "right" may not appear to be exactly the same.
Thursday 3rd February 2005 13:25
To Save a Life

I adored the similarities in this chapter to previous canon stories.  Hermione trying to stop Ginny and getting hit with Petrificus Totalis much the same as she did to Neville in first year.

Ginny ignoring everyone saying that Harry is dead and going after him against all odds, much as he did for her in second year.

I'm very concerned about Harry.  If he's been screaming, they've been torturing him more than simply having a Dementor there.  I can't imagine the DEs would let him escape unscathed, they've had to much resentment over the years with all his escapes.  Still, I'm worried about the condition he'll be in by the time Ginny finds him.  I'm happy he's still fighting, no matter the odds.

Even with the serious tone, this was a great chapter.

Friday 4th February 2005 14:46To Save a Life (Author Response)
Last year on the Sugar Quill forums, St. Margarets first proposed a theory of inversion, in which canon events are "inverted" into different scenarios at various points in the series (i.e. Harry finds Sirius in book three, loses him in book five, etc). Taking my cue from this theory, as well as the point that different people are with Harry at the "end of the year adventure" in each book, I thought that Ginny going to rescue Harry seemed like a good idea for a story.

Glad you picked up on Hermione's role reversal from the first book--another element of inversion. I always wonder if people reading this will notice those kinds of details.

Poor Harry, indeed. I wanted the focus of his torture to be more psychological than physical, with the Dementors and the scene with James, etc. Whatever other things have been done to him are probably best left to the imagination.

Thanks for reading!