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Reviews For The Knights of Walpurgis by Majick

Saturday 11th June 2005 19:22
The Knights of Walpurgis
Good job! this is a great story!
Tuesday 8th February 2005 14:32
The Knights of Walpurgis

Still great stuff - the story is moving along quicker now and I can't wait for the next chapter. Having Bill as a teacher might be a bit of a cliche but I think he'll be a good one. So are Harry and Ginny going to get together then?

Tuesday 8th February 2005 14:58The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
I think the story is moving quicker now as well. Next stop Hogwarts!

Harry and Ginny may get together. I'm certainly not stopping them.*

Bill should make a good teacher. He's got plenty of experience handling unruly trainees, and after looking after six younger Weasleys as he grew up - including Fred and George - what fear will a classroom hold?

* Of course, if I'm not stopping them, someone else may be...

Monday 7th February 2005 18:45
The Knights of Walpurgis

Oooh, loved the twist at the end, very, very cool.  I loved the whole Firebolt incident, including the meeting with Viktor Krum.  Although, I do tend to think that the reporters wouldn't have let Harry get away so easily.  I also enjoyed his realization of Ginny coming to his rescue over the summer.  My boy is growing up.

I don't care if it is cliche, I love the idea of Bill as DADA teacher.  I won't worry about Harry, but now I have to worry about Bill.  In HBP, I have a feeling that Felix Felicitis is going to be the new DADA teacher, but we shall soon see.

Tuesday 8th February 2005 01:36The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Felix Felicitis is an interesting idea, although chapter 14 seems a little late to be introducing a new teacher. I guess we'll see, though, as Harry may have a long summer ahead of him 

Harry is definitely growing up. Slowly, painfully, clumsily, but... Let's just hope he doesn't stall along the way
Sunday 6th February 2005 18:21
The Knights of Walpurgis

"As he glanced at Ginny again, he resolved to polish his broom properly that night."    

Was that said? I totally missed it! Lmao!
Monday 7th February 2005 06:45The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Yup, it's there... Whoops
Sunday 6th February 2005 18:01
The Knights of Walpurgis

Excellent job! Aw poor Madame Bones! I was so looking forward to her becoming Minster of Magic! Well, maybe Harry can pubically support her and she'll win. I wonder why Voldemort wants Amos Diggory to be Minister of Magic, is he still mentally unstable or something?

Brilliant job! I love how Harry bought Ginny the Firebolt that's nice for the whole Weasley family. LoL Blushing, too cute!

Update soon!

Monday 7th February 2005 06:45The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Mr. Diggory gets to be Minister for Magic for now... As to why he's Voldemort's choice, well, you'll find out in due course...
Sunday 6th February 2005 15:37
The Knights of Walpurgis
Bum bum buuuum!!!

"As he glanced at Ginny again, he resolved to polish his broom properly that night."    
Monday 7th February 2005 06:44The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Halfway through the next sentence I realised exactly how that sounded... But I thought I'd wait and see if anyone picked up on it
Sunday 6th February 2005 06:37
The Knights of Walpurgis
 Thanks for the review! There's plenty more to come, so I hope you keep enjoying the story.
Sunday 6th February 2005 06:38The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
D'oh... Sunday mornings are never good, are they?
Sunday 6th February 2005 04:24
The Knights of Walpurgis

Eep!  This is so good!  Keep writing!!!


Sunday 6th February 2005 06:37The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
 Thanks for the review! There's plenty more to come, so I hope you keep enjoying the story.