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Reviews For Eólach by Cera

Friday 1st April 2005 06:45

I'm so glad she recognised Hermione!

Great chapter. Can't wait for the next one.


Wednesday 9th March 2005 11:30
This is heart breaking, and well done.  Is she ever going to get her memory back? 
Wednesday 9th March 2005 12:40Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks Kelley.  I guess I can't really answer your question... but thanks for asking. ;)
Wednesday 9th March 2005 09:25

Ah Rufus! There is so much I love in this chapter that I couldn’t even begin to share them all with you. I think you captured George perfectly, and I find it slightly ironic that it was one of the twins who was able to put her at ease 1) about not remembering his name and 2) about being faced, once again, with all of the Weasleys. I think there’s a softer side to the twins that we don’t often get to say, and I think they’d be particularly protective of Ginny (I’ve always been intrigued about where they were while Ron and Harry were in the Chamber).  So yes, that was a very touching scene for me, even though George was, well, George in every way really!


I also really like how you’ve got Ginny doubting her place in her family and wondering so intensely about them. It strikes me every time you send me a chapter how well you write them all trying to deal with such a terrible situation, but I think it’s Ginny that actually breaks my heart. I feel like a Weasley too when you write her, frustrated and hoping against hope that she’ll remember something! 


I think you’ve captured Mrs Weasley amazingly as well, with this right here:


"Of course. I'm sure you must be tired from the trip."




"The Healers said that you needed to keep resting, you'll need to get your strength back up." Ginny didn't think she needed any more rest, considering that she'd just been in the hospital for days, but her mother continued before she could protest. Turning to her youngest son, she pointed to a narrow hallway leading out the kitchen. "Ron, take Ginny up to her room, help her get settled."




"You'll have a nice rest, and I'll make you a snack when you wake. Go on now, Ron will show you the way." She gave Ginny a gentle shove as George handed Ron her shrunken belongings, which he shoved in his pockets.


Feeling as if she had no choice in the matter, Ginny followed her brother out of the room. Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at Ron's back. She wasn't tired, and felt a rising sense of irritation at being sent to her room—like a child.


It reminded me very much of the scene in OotP where Mrs Weasley dragged Ginny to bed, which means you’ve captured there relationship, their reactions, perfectly. I just love it.


As much as Ron has me gritting my teeth, I think your characterisation of him so far has been spot on. I think he really would feel responsible for what happened to Ginny, and he would react to that by pushing her away. He’s never had a really good grip on coping with his emotions, and as annoying as he’s being, I can understand him, too.


I also love that Ginny’s first reaction to Ron’s rudeness is to hammer him with questions about Harry. He’s her scapegoat, but also very much in her subconscious, which you’ve depicted quite subtley here. Loving that H/G gooderness. Also, that she suspects Lillies to be her favourite flower because Harry gave them to her is interesting. Like Harry would know her favourite flower, I mean… really.


I absolutely adored Hermione’s entrance. She is a complete whirl wind when she’s in a dither, not finishing her sentences etc. It was so completely heartwarming to see them connect that way so quickly. I think in Canon they have a much deeper friendship than what we’re allowed to see through Harry and you’ve hinted at that very well with the end of the chapter.


So powerful dude. (Yeah, really is a great word(. As to the “encouragement”, any time babe!  Twas a pleasure. I hope you update ASAP and that this mammoth of a review makes up a tiny bit of the reviews you lost on Monday. And I wrote it in word, so I don't know how it's going to turn out.


Wednesday 9th March 2005 12:56Eólach (Author Response)

You're so awesome, Duncan.  I appreciate this so much!  The only problem is, I don't even know where to start replying. 

George:  I completely agree with you.  The twins are often portrayed as easy going, carefree guys who make jokes... which they are.  But, I also think that they would be protective of Ginny, and just the relief that she needs.   There'd be less pressure from them to be a certain way, because they are easy going.  At the same time, they know when to stop acting obnoxious and be real. 

Ginny:  She's hard to write, I gotta tell ya!  But then, you know this, as I'm constantly asking you for confirmation and advice about my ideas.  This is completely new territory for me, so I'm so glad that her feelings are realistic and appropriate for the situation.  I've never lost my memory... so I can never be sure that I'm doing it right. ;)

Molly:  I feel bad for Molly.  She always seem, to me, to know how to deal with a situation.  She's such a competent and confident mother, and she always has an answer.  This time though, she's at a loss, and really doesn't know how to act.  On one hand, she wants to gather Ginny up and hold tight, but on the other hand, she's afraid of Ginny's reaction.  I think that being rejected by your child would be a terrible thing, and she can't be sure that Ginny won't do just that.

Ron:  Yeah... what's a story without a little conflict?  I'm glad that you agree with my assessment. :)

Hermione:  Your help with this part was awesome, and I completely agree with everything you said up there.  But... you already know that ;)

Thanks again, Duncan.  You'll see the next chapter this weekend. :D

Wednesday 9th March 2005 08:26
Wow!  This is such a powerful story.  I think you are doing a great job portraying Ginny's confusion and doubt.  Very well written!  I can't wait to see where this is going!
Wednesday 9th March 2005 12:39Eólach (Author Response)
Thank you so much.  I'm glad that her distress is showing.
Tuesday 8th March 2005 10:48
I really like this chapter. I think this story could easily be rushed and inconsistent, but you manage to keep it intriguing and fun to read. Keep up the good work and update soon!
Wednesday 9th March 2005 12:32Eólach (Author Response)

Thank you.  I think that's one of the reasons I'm a bit slower than I'd like to be.  I'm terrified of rushing the plot.  I'm glad you like the pace.


Sunday 6th March 2005 18:06
poor ginny, glad to know that she feels a link with hermione, maybe the memories are coming back???

can't wait for the next update

Wednesday 9th March 2005 12:21Eólach (Author Response)

Thanks Iris!  Ginny's feelings after meeting Hermione were a sort of subconscious thing, not really memories.

I really appreciate all of your reviews... thank you.