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Reviews For Defining Moments by TheGov

Sunday 4th January 2009 20:41
Defining Moments
You really packed a lot into this chapter. Your McGonagall is such a sympathetic character ... I think many of us think of our teachers and professors as not really human - and definitely not as someone you could turn to with a problem ... As you have illustrated with both Snape and her, our perceptions of these people is usually a bit skewed.
Sunday 15th July 2007 16:47
Defining Moments
Like an extra arm and leg?? Ha, that was strangely poetic! I can imagine a song: "You are my third leg, Hermione!" Mum, Dad...cute!!!
Thank you for giving Perfect Prefect Percy some humanity! And Penny is so much like Ginny! I loved the slap she gave him, followed by her proposal acceptance!
Hermione's two minds during the wedding: "'He was being so sweet. The idiot, he got me into this mess. 'Sure, I'll have some punch,' you great big oversexed git.'" Too funny!!!
Hormonal Hermione! Isn't it great that we gals always have a way to explain our bad behavior??!!!
I love the exchanges between McGonagal and Hermione, too!
Lovely chapter!

Monday 13th November 2006 18:17
Defining Moments
Thank goddness that it wasn't anything like that. I was getting a little worried. Very good chapter.
Thursday 21st September 2006 10:14
Defining Moments
Very cute. While Hermione might just have been a little over the top , I guess one wouldn't exactly expect her to be calm and rational in those circumstances .
Sunday 15th May 2005 23:33
Defining Moments
I'm going to ignore the 'i'm late' stuff and concentrate on one quote.

" some powerful being somewhere scratching out his life story on parchment."

This is either a nod to yourself or JKR. I'm not sure a computer keyboard counts as parchment, but this was fun, nonetheless. Made me think....

Good work.
Krypa Dakay
Tuesday 15th March 2005 20:06
Defining Moments
I read your whole story this morning, and it is wonderfully written and quite captivating. I think my favorite parts were the “mum and dad” scenes in Gryffindor tower (hilarious!), the proposal, Harry and Hermione’s talk about becoming adopted brother and sister, and Ron’s sweetness to Hermione throughout the story. But I’ve got to tell you, I was really pulling for them to wait until their wedding night to be intimate. I was disappointed that they broke down and went for it, when they were so close. Any chance they’ve learned their lesson after Hermione’s scare? Probably not. I realize I may be in the minority, but I truly believe that the whole “practice makes perfect” (in preparing for one’s honeymoon night) and “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die” are damning ideas. Sorry to soapbox for a moment there. But truly, it is a beautifully written story! Keep up the good work.
Tuesday 15th March 2005 20:55Defining Moments (Author Response)

Thanks for reading! I appreciate your comments.

I do appreciate your concerns, too. It's always nice to know that not everyone is following along in lockstep. I could have done without it, I suppose, but I though it was an added measure to convey the desperation of the situation. While Ron's not exactly "shipping out" to the continent or anything, I think the wizarding war has a sense of totally insecure, due to its nature. In Muggle war, people only die on the battlefront. In wizarding ar, people die anywhere, anytime, mainly due to forms of instantaneous travel. When someone says, "we could die tomorrow," it’s not an exaggeration. I wanted to convey this desperation.

Anyway, I'm rambling. (See what happens when they let me play without a beta?) Thanks for reading!

Aberforth's Avatar
Tuesday 15th March 2005 14:34
Defining Moments

I liked this immensely.  The scene between Percy and Ron was brilliant; Ron placed in the 'older brother' position and feeling awkward about it, but coming through wonderfully.  Percy and Penelope's interaction throughout was very nice.  Your fleshing out of her character provided a third dimension that I doubt that we'll see in canon.

The scenes with Ron and Hermione were very well done.  The interaction of those two has been the strength of this story, and doesn't disappoint here.  You've shown us Clueless-but-Caring Ron and Insecure Hermione, sides to their personalities that seem completely in character. 

I think you achieved a marvelous blend of humor and seriousness in this chapter.  I loved your take on McGonagall mentoring -- even mothering -- Hermione.  The closeness between those two was well sketched.  And the Gryffindors naming Ron and Hermione 'Dad' and 'Mum' was priceless. 

Thanks so much for sharing this with us! 

Tuesday 15th March 2005 20:47Defining Moments (Author Response)

Thank you, for taking the time to read it, and to reveiw. I appreciate the insightful comments you've made in the past, and I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Look for more, coming soon!

And the Mum and Dad thing? I'm going to break down and admit that the inspiration for that came from my own fraternity brothers...who were they referring to? Why, I haven't a clue.

Monday 14th March 2005 03:02
Defining Moments
Great chapter! I really thought she was going to end up pregnant there! The little Percy thing at first, to me, was out of place. You worked it in very nicely. I was thinking...where is this coming from and how does it fit in? Then you all of a sudden pulled out the Penelope pregnancy! Great stuff, can't wait for more.
Sunday 13th March 2005 08:54
Defining Moments
Oh how adorable. I really felt for Hermione when she thought she was preggers. You wrote that wonderfully!
Friday 11th March 2005 07:54
Defining Moments

Another brilliant chapter!  BRAVO!  The tone of this one is so radically different from the last that I was somewhat disappointed at first.  Then I reached the part where Percy and Ron have their talk and I decided that herein lies its brilliance.  Only those who have experienced true love can understand what Ron and eventually Percy speak of and you've written of these sentiments very eloquently especially on Percy's part.  I've never been very fond of Percy's character in canon and here I'm seeing a new side of him which I like very much.  I'm rather glad that Penny was able to evesdrop on their conversation and hear for herself the sincerity of Percy's feelings.

As for Hermione's related scare, this must have been a difficult subject to write.  I really like how you approached it and find that she seems very much in character.  I also like how Professor McGonagall mentored her and helped her see that she had supporters she could go to any time she needed to talk.  Possible pregnancy is something a woman shouldn't have to go through alone whether she is married or not.

I look forward to your next chapter.


P.S.  I chuckled every time your comic relief bit about the nicknames Seamus gave Ron and Hermione came up.  Very clever indeed!

Thursday 10th March 2005 17:08
Defining Moments

Hi Ugly Brother!

Great chapter! I really like how the second version came out. It's good.

I love you!

Love Sistwerp