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Reviews For The Lover's Bond by Zelthian

Thursday 29th June 2006 21:30
The Lover's Bond
Finally, Harry gets to be a normal person. Well, more normal than he was a Hogwarts.
Tuesday 27th September 2005 21:49
The Lover's Bond
Nothing like reading a dull technical manual.  Having read a few, I know how much fun they can be.  Great work.
Lady Ginny Potter
Monday 28th March 2005 13:40
The Lover's Bond
Very sweet the ending was.  Um, alot of good information and alot of Harry being bored.  You should think of doing romance books.  You have the plot down and you'd be great at it.  
Friday 18th March 2005 12:36
The Lover's Bond
And that Harry has the Auror book is fun.
Good job.
Thursday 17th March 2005 22:17
The Lover's Bond
I hope Harry has fun reading his boring book, all that darn theory stuff. keep up the good work.
Wednesday 16th March 2005 20:37
The Lover's Bond
I really like this story.  Keep up the great work!  I can't wait for the next chapter update! 
Tuesday 15th March 2005 03:04
The Lover's Bond
This is a wonderful story, I'm always excited when I see an update...can't wait for more.
