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Reviews For To the Gates of Hell by kaiserzacc

Sunday 15th May 2005 12:34
To the Gates of Hell
Aww good job!
Muggle Witch
Sunday 17th April 2005 19:20
To the Gates of Hell
Wow! Ron was so insightful in to Harry's psyche. The Weasleys pack was touching.Well done.
Spark Soliton
Sunday 17th April 2005 18:41
To the Gates of Hell

  Yay - this was much better! The dialogue flows a lot smoother and feels more natural in this one but there are still some awkard moments in the text. Ron seems to have become all wise and all knowing all of a sudden and it doesn't ring quite true with me.

The pledge comes a bit sudden as well - but that's a bit more of a minor niggle.

There is definetly somthing addictive with the story though!

Wednesday 23rd March 2005 17:18
To the Gates of Hell
nice start to the story. I always want Harry to get to stay at Hogwarts for the summer
Shadow Hider
Tuesday 22nd March 2005 21:18
To the Gates of Hell

wow, cant wait to see where this goes

Tuesday 22nd March 2005 18:25
To the Gates of Hell
very interesting...can't wait for the next chapter.  
Sunday 20th March 2005 14:34
To the Gates of Hell

I love the third prophesy! Very good idea. But tut tut, Albus, manipulation! I can see why he would have to wait though.

I love Ron in this. He is really growing up.]

Well done. A writer who has brought me to tears is a good one. Keep it up.


Sunday 20th March 2005 07:39
To the Gates of Hell
So far this is an awesome fic.  I absolutely love it.  The way you toy with the reader's emotions is brilliant.  Keep it going, you have a great deal of talent. 
Friday 18th March 2005 23:24
To the Gates of Hell

Yay! I get to review now! (I had to register myself for this site to do so! Yes, you, you and your wonderful story, got me to sign myself up for here! Congratz!)

The first section of the second chapter almost made me cry, really it did. The lines were all perfectly (almost suspiciously!) fit into the right spots and it really got me all emotional! lol.

But this was just so beautiful, and so sad. Awwh, Harry is one to blame himself, isn't he? Gorgeous. Really got me goin'. ;) :)

Friday 18th March 2005 20:50
To the Gates of Hell
I have read the first two chapters of your new story and I like it very much I look forward to your next installment.  I usually wait for a few chapters to see if the writer is committed to the story, so often writers will write one or two chapters and quit.  You have a good start, keep going.
Friday 18th March 2005 14:47
To the Gates of Hell
I really want to read more, this is good!
Friday 18th March 2005 06:24
To the Gates of Hell
Kinda short, but I like it.
The plot has yet to harden, but I liked the prophecy.
Dumbledore was a bit too weak, IMHO.
Molly was right on, so was Ron. I liked the interaction.
This story has a lot of potential. Hope this continues to be good. And longer.
Thursday 17th March 2005 23:35
To the Gates of Hell

Thank you so much for this story.  I don't know what to say other than maybe have a hankie warning? I cried alot reading it but it was a good cry.



Thursday 17th March 2005 22:06
To the Gates of Hell
you are off to a great start, I can't wait to see where this story goes. Keep up the good work.
Thursday 17th March 2005 19:06
To the Gates of Hell
The kids without "adult" supervision?  Should be a fun time!  Let's see what the next chapter brings ...
Thursday 17th March 2005 10:12
To the Gates of Hell
You're off to a great start with this story!  I look forward to reading future chapters.  I like the addition of a new prophecy, it was very well written
Thursday 17th March 2005 09:33
To the Gates of Hell
I just finished reading both chapters and have a lump the size of a Quaffle in my throat.  Your premise that Harry doesn't believe that he deserves love interests me greatly and I'm looking forward to finding out how Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Remus,  Tonks, and others show him that he is worthy of the love they have for him.  Please post again soon.  This is a story I will be looking for every time I log in.
Ima Quidditch Fan
Thursday 17th March 2005 09:23
To the Gates of Hell
Boo hoo... great job!  Nice setup, can't wait formore.
Thursday 17th March 2005 07:48
To the Gates of Hell

Hey, you're off to a great start and utilizing my biggest weakness in being drawn to a story - protective Weasleys.  I love that.

DD is up to his old manipulations in putting the four together mostly unsupervised (Tonks?  Puh-leeze!).  Getting the pieces in place for that second prophecy, I see.  I wonder if he'll share this one with Harry?  I can see the ramifications of telling him on this one - by saying you have to love your friends and fall in love with someone would make that love nearly impossible to feel.  I can also see Harry's rage when he finds out later that he's been manipulated.  DD is in tight spot yet again.

I liked to see Ron's developing maturity in recognizing the differences in their upbringing and recognizing he's by far the richer one. I also liked his mentioning it to Molly.  Bring on more!

Thursday 17th March 2005 12:39To the Gates of Hell (Author Response)
Yeah, Ron has grown up a little. I think that the battle in the DoM will really change his mindset. Ah...Dumbledore...when will  he learn that people are not pawns?