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Reviews For Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare by tante

Thursday 22nd September 2005 19:47
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
That is too funny.  Since I'm allergic to both cats and dogs, I think I'm safe to say that I won't have an incident with a litter box.
Tuesday 11th October 2005 18:42Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Yep, pretty safe.  Though, I'm sure your little ones will find something equally devilish to do.  Have fun!

Glad you're laughing!

Pirate Ginny
Monday 27th June 2005 13:12
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
Oh, Tante, these are great!  Heehee.  :longs for the age line...and the Book Protection Spell:
Tuesday 5th July 2005 12:43Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

I'm so glad you took a moment to check out Molly's Guide!  And VERY glad you like it. 

I'm sure Madam Pince has something that would make eating books impossible for Emilie.  Send her an owl and and sweet but chocolates (nothing messy in the library, you know) and I'm sure she'll get back to you.

Monday 18th April 2005 14:47
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare

 " I sent poor Ron skidding across the floor on his bare bottom.  It took him forever to forgive me and give it another go.  "


brilliant again, my dear!

Tuesday 5th July 2005 12:41Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Thanks Kelley!

Sorry I took so long to acknowledge your review.  I included that bit in Ron's letter just for you!


Monday 18th April 2005 06:18
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare

This just keeps getting better.  Cat poo! Ewww!  And poor Ron will never forgive his mum for this chapter, will he?

Creative use of canon in Dumbledore's age lines and Madame Pince's little book, but I especially love this line:

This spell allows you to maintain a much firmer grip on your little one so you can get them clean and out of the bath without you getting one as well.  Although in the early days that may well be the only kind of bath you have time to take.

As a mother of 6, I remember this well!

Monday 18th April 2005 11:19Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Heavens to betsy!  Mother of 6. 

I'll just budge over a bit and give you room to write as well then, shall I?  I'm glad you like it.  It was written with parents like us in mind. 

And, I'm sure Ron will forgive Molly when he's won a few more Quidditch matches and his confidence is a little higher. 

Thanks for taking time to review!  I'm very glad you're entertained. 

Saturday 16th April 2005 23:58
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare

Wow. I'm going to start waving my pencil at things and screaming 'AFFIXA' in honor of you. My 2 year old daughter LOVES to play with my DVD control. Wish my magic was real!

Patiently wating for the wizarding potty training. You skipped over teething, which I thought was brave. Don't tell new parents that those pearly whites cause sleepless nights and frazzled nerves. Wish there was a charm for that.

I absolutely love how you keep dropping the Weasley kids into this story. They're probably ALL dying from embarrassment right now, especially Ron and his little bare bum. :)

I wonder how a wizard 'time out' would work? And what happens when colic, trench mouth, allergies, ear aches, and other assorted maladies that affect toddlers and infants come around.

This is a good fic. I'm so glad to see something else other than the standard "Harry gets new powers - beats bad guy - wins the girl" fics. Good work.

Sunday 17th April 2005 15:26Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Because I wanted this fic to be primarily canon based, all the spells are at least mentioned in canon (with the exception of the temorary sticking charm, but it stands to reason that since there is mention of a permanant sticking charm, that other versions must exhist too.  

Unfortunately, JKR hasn't shared many of Madam Pomfrey's spellwork with us, so the more medical side of parenting is sadly lacking from the guide.

See my reply to Aggiebell below for how I think the children are handling Molly's work.

I'm really glad you like it!  Makes my heart happy.  Oh, and I find chopsticks are better for charm work than pencils.

Shadow Hider
Saturday 16th April 2005 23:45
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
hehehe ^_^
Sunday 17th April 2005 15:28Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)
Saturday 16th April 2005 23:38
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
Oh thank you for the giggle... I spent the day house cleaning and doing the litter box *snicker* it helps knowing i have stories to look foreward to
Sunday 17th April 2005 15:29Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

You're welcome!

More on the way!

Saturday 16th April 2005 22:08
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
Nice chapter.  Keep 'em coming.
Sunday 17th April 2005 15:29Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)
As you wish... 
Saturday 16th April 2005 21:48
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
I was laughing so hard at the cat litter incident that I almost fell off my chair!  Bravo!      for another wonderfully entertaining chapter!
Sunday 17th April 2005 15:31Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

You might want to put a cushioning charm around your chair if you're prone to those kinds of incidents. 

Thank you!  Thank you! 

Saturday 16th April 2005 21:07
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
This is great!!! i'm lovin it and can't wait for more. I'm actually feeling a little bit sorry for you, with a daughter like the twins in your house, but i'm sure that sometimes its funny to watch.
Sunday 17th April 2005 15:33Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)
I do appreciate your sympathy.  But your laughter is what really makes it worth it.  Thankfully I was first in the que for sense of humour in heaven.  So it's not too bad.  And she really is the most affectionate little thing, if I do say so myself.
Saturday 16th April 2005 16:05
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare

It's very sweet to hear all of the little anecdotes about the Weasley children.  You're still doing a great job showing Molly's personality through it all.

Saturday 16th April 2005 17:33Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)
The anecdotes are my favorite bits - that's the real fanfic part of the story.  You just get the details in guide form rather than in the traditional narrative.  Thanks for reviewing! 
Antonia East
Saturday 16th April 2005 10:54
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
Hey, Tantey M

Have sorted the stretched text - I'm not sure why the lines did that, but, on my computer at least, it now looks normal.


Saturday 16th April 2005 17:36Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)
Thanks AE!  I see there were several comments.  I noticed it over flowed the margins, so I tried adjusting the size of the text to 10 point and it all fit in the PS window.  And thanks, as well, for keeping tabs on things after the chapter is uploaded.  You're a dedicated marvel. 
Saturday 16th April 2005 10:16
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
Another great chapter, Tante!  Molly's book on Magical Childcare is bound to be a success.  For parents and non-parents alike., it is a wonderful read.  Well, maybe parents only - and teens.  Don't want to scare those we'd like to start reproducing from doing so.  However, knowing there's a bit of magic to fix everything should help.

Sticking charms would be great, even past toddler-stage the sweet  young ones are able to take one's things for a walk and misplace them, though not as often.

I guess you needed a calming draught too, after Emma had her cat litter incident.  At least she might not have to worry about toxoplasmosis when/if she eventually gets pregnant, eating cat litter should be a good way to immunize against that.  Sounds like the adventurous one.

Saturday 16th April 2005 17:45Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Yes, I needed a little bit of recovery time after the cat litter incident.  My Pediatrician and Maryland Poison Control really did have an excellent laugh at my expense.  I was SO grossed out. I hadn't thought about cat litter as a vaccine against toxoplasmosis.  How interesting! 

The fun thing about this guide is the old "truth is stranger than fiction" adage.  The children in my immediate and extended family are incorrigible.  I love my little ones with all my heart, but they wear me out.  And if I didn't have such a sense of humor, I'd probably have suffered multiple nervous breakdowns by now. 

Lovely reviews like yours make it worth it, though.  (That and the fact that these children will be wealthy one day and will support me in style in my old age.  They owe me.)  Thanks for taking time to leave a detailed review.  I love your thoughts!    

Laurel Carmer
Saturday 16th April 2005 10:12
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare

I want to read this, but the format is such that I have to slide the bar at the bottom back and forth to read it.

Is there anyway this can be fixed.



Saturday 16th April 2005 17:51Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Heavens Laurel, I want you to read this too!  My lovely beta is looking into the formating problem.  I don't have the ability to upload stories, that's her domain. 

When I read it through here, I was able to fit it all within the page margins by adjusting the size of the font to 10 pt.  It's a little feature at the top of the page.  Good luck!  If that doesn't work for you, email and let me know.  Gracious, dear - you mustn't be deprived of Molly's remarkable wisdom.  lol.  And of course, eye strain and carpel tunnel syndrome must be avoided at all costs. 

Saturday 16th April 2005 09:45
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
Been there, done that.

On my computer, at least, the formatting was quite wonky this morning - going beyond the screen width of my monitor.

Again, lovely writing.  Oh, how  I could have used an age line time and again!

Saturday 16th April 2005 17:55Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Yes, sorry bout the formatting.  It was wonky for me as well, until I adjusted the font to 10 pt.  A bit small but better than scrolling.

Thanks so much to taking time to review again.  Every now and then I just mutter the incantation to one of these spells, hoping against hope that one day they'll actually work for me.  sigh. 

Muggle Witch
Saturday 16th April 2005 06:56
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
That is so cute. Well done! Imagine Ginny a full fledge tantrum specialist. And little ronnie sliding across the floor on his bare bottom These spells would make any Muggle parent wish they were magical. Excellent job!! Update soon.
Muggle Witch
Saturday 16th April 2005 17:58Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Your wish is my command - the whole Guide is almost done.  Everything should be finished and uploaded before the middle of May 2005.  If you want to see something particular in the Hogwarts years chapter, now's your chance to suggest/request it.

Saturday 16th April 2005 06:48
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare
I think my favorite part of this is the sories and examples Molly uses to illustrate the usefullness of hte charms.  I think part of why I like those so much is because I'm sitting here imagining Ginny's reaction to having the whole world know that she was the queen of temper tantrums or Ron's reaction to Molly telling everyone that he squeaked when he hiccuped.

And I meant to mention this in my review of chapter one.  This part is hysterical, and EXACTLY how I feel on MANY nights, when the baby's been up to eat at 2am after just eating at midnight and now thinks it's time to play.

"All those sleepless nights when you are rudely awakened hour after hour by a screaming, starving infant while your husband sleeps blissfully on, snoring away as only a great inconsiderate git can.  Sorry.  I’m sure your husband is much more enlightened and has a much more equal view about parenting.  But just so you know, a focused amplifying charm right in his ear will do the trick nicely."

"Great inconsiderate git."  Perfect description on some nights! Again, I want that amplifying charm, and I want it now.

Thanks for a fun read.

Saturday 16th April 2005 18:21Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

Poor exhausted sweetie!  I have an excellent cartoon for you.  I'll try to email it to you soon.  Thanks SO much for your excellent comments.


I think Ginny's reaction to the Guide (and I see Molly writing this for Witch Weekly while Ginny's in her fifth year - post OtP) would be more of an eye roll.  It would  make sense that she was a tantrum queen, she's quite the formidible girl.  The fact that she's quick on the draw and has developed her own signature hex (the bat-bogie hex we in fandom seem to love so much) means that she learned something useful and powerful from those tantrum years.

Ron, however, would be mortified. (as Molly means him to be)  There are better ways to let your teenagers know you mean business than howlers.  Embarassment is the most effective weapon in an intelligent mother's arsenol.  Ron hadn't fully paid for his rule breaking, until now.

The twins.  They're another thing altogether.  They'd think this was great publicity and would be first in line to purchase copies to display at the shop.  Their anecdotes are more venting for Molly than anything. 

For Percy - see Ron except substitute pride instead of rule breaking.

Bill & Charlie, they'd be first in line to congratulate their mother on the success of her independent venture.  They might also be feeding her muse with letters detailing their own memories of growing up Weasley.  And, they'd try to convince her to spend the royalites on herself. 

Saturday 16th April 2005 00:23
Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare

Hmm, eating cat litter you say? Sounds...Weasley-esque, to say the least!  Very thorough description with just the right antidote of anecdotes to make the story lovable.  Bravo!


Saturday 16th April 2005 18:01Molly Weasley's Practical Guide to Magical Childcare (Author Response)

And, she's a red-head to boot! 

Glad you loved it!  Praise is a lovely fuel for my creative processes.  lol.  Thanks for leaving a review!