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Reviews For Acceptance by Gabriella Du Sult

Monday 11th July 2005 13:58

And chapter 2 delivers much the way chapter one did. A compelling read, matched with some lighthearted humour. The way Sirius went aobut getting a date reminded me of the twins, and it seemed to fit well with the way you portray him.

The easy banter between the marauders is well written and your most impressive feat: keeping Peter a somewhat likeable character. No inbetween the lines or clearcut ribbings, no foreshadowing of things to come that we all know about, but hasn't happened yet in the timeframe you are working in. Peter is just an insecure boy following his 2 idols. It's believable and that's the best thing about it.

I'm really starting to like Remus, he's so very likable and unassuming. If I didn't know the story was going to be about him later, I wouldn't have guessed it, even though you throw in plenty of hints. Something I forgot to mention on chapter 1: I love the way you tossed in the scent comment, it matches well with his comment of being an observer of human nature here.

Onwards to chapter 3, did I mention I'm having so much fun reading this!

Monday 18th April 2005 15:41
Yay!  Marzipixies.  <laugh>

I'm really enjoying this story.  It's refreshing to see a take on James and Lily that deals with them as if they're real people, as opposed to cardboard cutouts. 
Muggle Witch
Monday 18th April 2005 14:29
Poor James, hehe. Well done. Update soon.