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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents by Aragog

Thursday 21st December 2006 13:00
Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents
That was great. Soo that is where the gum went. Brilliant.
Tuesday 10th May 2005 16:13
Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents
LOL! What a brilliant chapter! I'm glad Harry got revenge on the Dursley's, even if it was inadvertently! Awesome job! I hope Harry remembers his dream!
Monday 6th June 2005 20:02Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents (Author Response)
LOL! What a brilliant chapter! I'm glad Harry got revenge on the Dursley's, even if it was inadvertently! Awesome job! I hope Harry remembers his dream!
The Great Gum Assault was one of the reasons I started writing the story; I had the idea several years ago and didn't want it to go to waste.
Cacoethes Scribendi
Wednesday 4th May 2005 06:12
Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents

This was absolutely hilarious. Loved the bubblegum.

PS: Australian, New Zealanders and a few other nations actually use the term football in the same manner as Americans.

Tuesday 3rd May 2005 17:55
Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents
Priceless, I can't wait for the next indtsallment, keep up the good work.
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 17:14
Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents
Amazing...I actually had to remind myself that I was reading a fanfiction and not the real story once or twice. Love iiiit!
Monday 2nd May 2005 22:30
Harry Potter and the Staff of Serpents
Great fun :)

Thanks for sharing - keep it up.