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Reviews For The Reason by emmamoonpotter

Wednesday 11th May 2005 17:25
The Reason
Sorry it took me so long to review sis.As you know I've been sick.I really love your story and can't wait to read more of it.You're a gifted writer.Love ya.
Wednesday 11th May 2005 17:28The Reason (Author Response)
Thank you dear sister for dragging yourself out of your sick bed for me. I can just feel the love!  You're the best!
Tuesday 10th May 2005 14:06
The Reason

Congratulations on writing a wonderful story.  Please keep up the good work.  Cannot wait for the next chapter.


Tuesday 10th May 2005 17:50The Reason (Author Response)
Thank you very much for your review! I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. Chapter 3 should be up soon.
Monday 9th May 2005 13:16
The Reason
I love this story! Your Ginny is so believable- and my god- that Malfoy scene was so creepy...  The broken part- my god that was great writing! When Ginny was upset and thinking about herself being tainted-- ive seen stories where the author tries to portray that feeling of Ginny- and you got it better than i have ever seen! Please update soon!!
Monday 9th May 2005 14:53The Reason (Author Response)
Thanks so much. Your review means a lot to me. It made me  

I do try my best, but I couldn't have done such a good job without my beta-ninkenate, my friend Muggle Witch and my sister xtrememama2001. They have all helped me with my story to try and make it more believable.  There will be more to come, and Draco is even more creepy. (Insert evil laugh here)