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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind by twins-rule

Monday 20th July 2009 11:16
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I like the way that you have Ginny and Harry in this. She is understanding on why he is not able to be in a relationship. In this case with her having a crush on him I would be hardpressed to see her not "look up" on him. Which leads to the point that neither Ron nor Hermione did that in any fic that I have read and that includes canon.
Tuesday 26th September 2006 18:16
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Are the evil twins offering to help? Unbelievable .
How could Tonks be so foolish ! So your Dumbledore is rather a dumbdore or a bumbledore ('"Molly?" Dumbledore asked calmly.').
Friday 4th August 2006 11:06
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
oh my god poor harry i feel so bad for him and pray to god that Vernon gets in trouble and i hope harry is ok. this is so good
Thursday 25th May 2006 22:32
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
*TEAR* *TEAR* *TEARS* Good story still, execept for the beatings.
Thursday 25th May 2006 20:56
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
He had better not. HE had BETTER NOT! If Dumbledore leaves him there I will NEVER forgive him EVER!!! And what I'd do to him (which is pretty graphic) is NOTHING, I'm sure, to what Molly will do to him.

On the happier side...Fred and George are the BEST EVER...I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how well you characterize them considering your name...
Ima Quidditch Fan
Friday 11th November 2005 16:23
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

so sad..

Do Ginny and Harry share a bond?


Do not like your DD, he should have taken a good look at Harry.

Comet Moon
Monday 16th May 2005 10:46
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Love the story as always.  Fantastic.

I can picture Dumbledore doing that if he felt it needed (Greater good my butt).  Even maybe Molly and the order going along with it.

Same with Hermione and Ron.

Ginny however is another story.  If your interested in a couple of ideas i had, please email me at  That way they can remain secret.

two month count down.  Yessssssss


Monday 16th May 2005 15:07Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Hi there, thanks for responding and the offer.  Most of the story is set in stone for the next several chapters, but I am curious about your thoughts anyway.  I do appreciate your review and letting me know the story is alright. 

I wonder sometimes myself why DD does what he does...
Sunday 15th May 2005 17:15
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

I hate this! 1. I also have Harry getting beaten up by Dudley. Only yours is better writen, better lay out, and basicly a better fic. 2. you also got your's out before mine. For which I can only commend you,LOL. 3. You really shouldn't end the chapter like this. I have to wait now, untill you update. 

I really liked your fic. it was enjoyable to read, I onoly hope my fic's turn out half, if not a quarter, better than this is. Once again thank you for a wonderfull read. Please update soon. I want to know how it turns out. (If it's the same as mine I shall be most upset. I will have to crack open another tub of  Ice-Cream.)LOL. Please keep up the good work.

He who is checking the copyright as we speak Name 

Sunday 15th May 2005 19:37Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Okay your review had me in stiches it was so funny.  I will be looking out for your story because I like your sense of humor. 

Thanks for reading and reviewing.  Let me know when your story comes out!
Saturday 14th May 2005 20:44
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Evil authors and their cliff hangers!

Just found this story, so far so good

Sunday 15th May 2005 01:15Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
I know, as a reader I hate cliffies, as an author, I know I suck. 

Thanks for reading and reviewing, its appreciated.
Shasta Von Ryan
Saturday 14th May 2005 16:05
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Thank you for the update.

I seem to recall recommending revenge ala Hagrid or the twins.  I think Ginny will do justice to the Dursleys.  It would seem that she resembles the twins more than I thought!  Jolly good!  I look forward to seeing what you have her do.  Maybe the twins can help!

The conversation with Fred, George, and Ginny was wonderful.  I always thought they cared for Harry like a brother.  Maybe even better than a brother.  They don't cause him the same grief they do Ron - even before he gave them the joke shop funding.

I love the way you write Fred and George.  Their little trip to Ron's room will probably cause side-splitting laughter down the road.  Poor Ron and Hermione will never live it down.

If Tonks' reaction to Molly is anything to go by, it would seem that George did hear Dumbledore right.  What is that man thinking?  Harry may be safe from Voldemort at the Dursleys, but he isn't safe from the Dursleys.  I really wonder just how safe he is from Voldemort there.  After all, Voldemort has Harry's blood.

I was happy to read that you have through chapter ten finished and with the beta.  Excellent!  I look foward to the next several updates.  Please update soon!



Saturday 14th May 2005 18:53Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Hi, welcome back.  Its great to see you again...well you know what I mean.  Anyhoo, the revenge will come and I was a betting man, I would think the twins would strike back first...its in their nature.

I am glad you agree with me about the twins, they are my favorite character and I do think they really care about Harry quite abit.  Somehow I do not think that Ron decided to fly an enchanted car across the county to save Harry.

Yeah, you know I wonder about how safe Harry is there too...but what does DD think?
Saturday 14th May 2005 12:24
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Yeah, it's a bit graphic, but I still think that it's a wonderfully written story.  I hope those next chapters come out quickly because I don't know how long I can wait to find out what happens next.  Please don't let the Dursleys get away with all of this!  Update soon please!
Saturday 14th May 2005 18:48Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
The Dursley's are so not getting away with anything.

Thanks for reading, check back next Friday, the plan is to update weekly.
Saturday 14th May 2005 09:04
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
very good chapter I look forward to your update please update soon.
Saturday 14th May 2005 11:36Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
And thanks again.
Saturday 14th May 2005 09:04
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
very good chapter I look forward to your update please update soon.
Saturday 14th May 2005 11:36Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Hi, thanks for reading and reviewing.  Next chapter should be out next Friday, that's the plan at least.
Friday 13th May 2005 20:31
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Happy to see that you updated! I love your story so far!
Friday 13th May 2005 22:40Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Hi!  Thanks for reading, I have really enjoyed putting together my first story.  Reviews like yours are awesome, I am glad that you approve.  Its nice to know that someone likes the effort.

Updates should be more regular now, my new beta Kelleypen has been awesome to work with.  We are well ahead in chapters now, so no worries, the long delay is over.  Hopefully. 
Friday 13th May 2005 14:42
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Interesting concept, I'm looking forward to reading more I'm looking forward to the couples getting together! + and +
Friday 13th May 2005 15:15Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
I am looking for to young love as well...just do not expect it to happen to fast.  They are still teenagers and there are plenty of opportunities for misunderstandings.  I like reading about courtships (romantic at heart) there is plenty of courtship to come, with lots of fluff.

Thanks for reading!
Friday 13th May 2005 13:29
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Good to see you back!  I liked how everyone rallies around Harry.  I'm on tenderhooks wondering what DD is going to do.  I liked to see Molly taking charge, although it's difficult to see Harry so wounded.  Poor kid has been through so much.

I'll be happy to see updates start rolling again.

Friday 13th May 2005 15:21Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
There is just something about Molly the momma bear protecting her cubs that I just love. 

I am happy to see updates going again too.  My new beta and I have gotten ahead of the game now (took longer but better dividends in the long run), so hopefully no more slow downs.
Friday 13th May 2005 11:52
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Okay, I'm placing a lot of trust in you that things are going to work out somehow. Don't make me wait too long for the next chapter. Please?
Friday 13th May 2005 15:17Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Things are going to work out, the road may be bumpy, but there will be plenty of score settling.  You do not think that I will let poor Harry suffer without any retribution do you?