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Reviews For The Art of Healing by jadzialove

Thursday 1st January 2009 21:32
The Art of Healing
I enjoy reafing your Dumbledore almost as much as canon!
Saturday 4th February 2006 19:06
The Art of Healing
Great great fic. Really wonderful. I wish Jo makes things this way!!!!!
Wednesday 15th June 2005 15:16
The Art of Healing
Great so far.  Can't wait to see what you have planned for Harry & Co.  How come you don't have the option for author updates like most of the others on this site?  I've never understood why some authors have it and some don't.
Thursday 16th June 2005 21:10The Art of Healing (Author Response)

Thanks for the review Neely! 

I'm not sure about the author update option.  I don't think the author's have any control over that.  I do know that option should be available for my author name, as others have taken advantage of it.   Perhaps you weren't logged in when you tried?

Lady Ginny Potter
Saturday 4th June 2005 20:11
The Art of Healing

Okay, I am sorry for my first review.  Okay I'm really now cause I'm in love with you!  Or rather, your writing.  Please update soon cause I think that I might die with giggling.  lol.


Thursday 16th June 2005 21:03The Art of Healing (Author Response)

Don't apologize for reveiws, Ginny! 

It was very enjoyable.  I'm really glad that you enjoyed it so much and hope you find the last chapter just as entertaining.  Thanks for the review!

Sunday 29th May 2005 14:57
The Art of Healing
I liked the conversation between Ginny and Hermione, very nicely played.
I also very much enjoyed Harry taunting Vernon about Remus being a werewolf. :-)

I think this was quite possibly the best Harry / Dumbledore reconciliation scene of any I have read...  It felt... right...  especially Dumbledore. Most depictions of Dumbledore leave me with the vague feeling of..  wrongness..   if that makes any sense.

I also liked Harry's reaction to the prospect of seeing Ginny again.

'Harry did not lower his wand. “Tell me something only I would know.” '  Shouldn't that be 'Tell me something only you would know'?  *ponders*   now that I think about it I guess it works both ways...   it just seems a odd way of putting it.    *shrugs*

That aside, it was good to see Remus sharing more about the Marauders and the changes they went through. Methinks thats exactly the kind of perspective that Harry needs to hear...    some interesting theories there...  and I like the conclusion to this chapter  too.

Does the title for this chapter hint at the title for the next one?   Considering where Harry and Ginny left things, the following phrase would seem to be a relevant title... :-)
Monday 30th May 2005 10:25The Art of Healing (Author Response)

Oh Sib - it just wouldn't be a reveiw from you if you didn't call me on something.  Honestly, if I was still writing this story I would beg you to pre-beta it for me!

Ginny is having a bit of breakdown at the moment - she just feels overwhelmed by it all but she'll come around. Talking to Hermione helped some.

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to hear what you thought of Harry and Dumbledore's conversation.  This chapter took a very long time to write and it was especially tough to do.  I wanted to get Dumbledore just right and he's a tricky customer let me tell you.  So I'm just so happy that you thought it was done well.

I'm glad you like the conclusion too.  The larger  point of the chapter was to acknowlege everyone's humanity and their subsequent fallibility - especially Voldemort.

As for the title, actually the forgiveness was built into the chapter itself so the next chapter title does not include that.  However, I don't think you'll be disappointed by anything that Chapter 6 contains.

Sunday 29th May 2005 03:21
The Art of Healing

am I fast.  It hasn't even been Saterday for four hours and I've got a review up for Chapter 5.  lol. 

While I like Chapter 4 because it's more fun, a lot of really good and important stuff is happening here.  Harry's talk with Dumbledore, Harry's talk with Remus, Harry's acceptance of his feelings for Ginny, these are all big things and they all happen here.  This fic wouldn't work without this chapter, even if it doesn't have Tonks. 

I think Chapter 5, and the whole story, works better with the little Ginny interlude in the beginning.  It helps set up everything that happens in the next chapter. 

I'm a big fan of Harry letting Dumbledore know just what a jerk Snape has been to him each and every year.  That is a conversation I would like to see.  Dumbledore laying into Snape for letting Harry down with the Occlumency.  I know Dumbldedore isn't really a yeller, but I can't see that going any other way.  Snape messed up bad and he can't just be let off the hook for it.

Great chapter, can't wait to see a reworked 6.

Monday 30th May 2005 10:10The Art of Healing (Author Response)

Casey, it was especially awesome of you to review since I never responded to your chapter 4 reveiw!  Probably because you said you hate me.  I blocked it out but you should know that I don't hate you. 

As you know, I tend to think this chapter is too dry, but it is very important to the story.  Even though it is Tonks-free (I couldn't very well let her hi-jacked the whole story - I let her in to begin with when she insisted, and then let her take most of chapter 4 after all!)

I find stories especially gratifying when Harry convinces Dumbledore of Snape's deplorable behavior and then Dumbledore actually does something about it. Although I didn't include it here, in my mind, Dumbledore really let Snape have it.  Unfortunately though, I think that Snape might take it out on Harry later on - the man has a very long memory for grudges after all.

Saturday 28th May 2005 21:46
The Art of Healing
Great discussion chapter.
Fills in some holes in your plot - quite nicely.
Love the "he screws up too" comments. Voldey never was the best bad guy out there...

Ack. midnight. must get sleep.
Good work.
Monday 30th May 2005 09:49The Art of Healing (Author Response)

Thanks Sonic.  I'm glad this filled in the holes for you.  The whole chapter was about being human and I thought that Harry would feel comforted by the fact that Voldemort is, at least in part, human.

On a side note: I must say that I don't often see the word "Ack", but it never fails to amuse me when I do.  Makes me think of Bill the Cat - and in revealing that, I believe that I've just aged myself. 

Saturday 28th May 2005 21:35
The Art of Healing
This was a well-written chapter.  Very informative and connective.  I think your insights into Dumbledore could well be played out very closely on July 16th.
Monday 30th May 2005 09:43The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thanks Kelley!  Just a few little theories and speculations on my part.  I'd be really thrilled if I even came close to what HBP holds for us, but I'm not going to hold my breath! 
Saturday 28th May 2005 21:32
The Art of Healing

Nice talk between Harry and Lupin, I'm glad Harry got some of those feelings about Sirius out, although I wish it wasn't so hard for him to express himself.  I'd really like to see Lupin continue to "haunt" the Dursleys.

I'd never given the idea that by killing Harry, Voldemort would be killed as well.  I'm still not sure that would work, though.  I tend to believe that no one BUT Voldemort can kill Harry, and vice versa.  He can be hurt a lot, but one of them as to actually kill the other before the survivor can live "normally".  That's how I'm seeing it, anyway.

Monday 30th May 2005 09:39The Art of Healing (Author Response)

I'm glad that you enjoyed the talk between Harry & Lupin.  I think it was really important for them to clear some things up before they could move on and become closer.  This was actually a tough chapter to write, but more so because of Dumbledore.

Harry had a difficult time expressing his disappointment about Sirius because he felt so awful and ungrateful for feeling that way and he didn't want to expose that to Remus.  Harry is pretty reticent anyway, I think.

You're probably right about Harry and Voldemort.  Although, I tend to think there is more to it because of what JKR said.  One of the questions she thought people should be asking and don't, is - why didn't Dumbledore kill Voldemort at the MoM?  Since the 'kill or be killed' prophecy was revealed in the same book, I have to wonder if there isn't more to it, and this was my attempt to answer that.

Thanks again Melinda!  It's still sort of unbelievable to me that you've been reading and reveiwing regularly.  (Sorry, control over my inner fan-girl slipped for a moment.)

Wolf's Scream
Saturday 28th May 2005 18:02
The Art of Healing
Very illuminating conversations, especially
between Harry & Dumbledore and Harry & Moony.

I particularly enjoy your depiction of Moony.

Very well done so far!
Monday 30th May 2005 08:47The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thank you, Wolf.  I am very fond of Moony and I'm really pleased with the way he turned out.  I'm glad that you like him too. 
Muggle Witch
Saturday 28th May 2005 17:44
The Art of Healing
Loved the talk between Moony and Harry. I hope Ginny will not be too hard on Harry Update soon!  
Monday 30th May 2005 08:46The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thanks!  She won't, just any other human, she'll be harder on herself.