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Reviews For New Year, New Hope by Arnel

Thursday 18th September 2008 18:44
New Year, New Hope
Well, I know I'm repeating myself, but gosh darn it, I can't help it. The pacing of this story is just so good!

Well done also on the scene in Dumbledore's office. It was a pretty powerful moment, but it didn't become over the top, soppy or cringe-worthy. Everyone was totally in character (having said that, I like the new side of Luna we're getting glimpses into).
Thursday 18th September 2008 23:54New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
When I'm writing a chapter I try not to push the action too much or make it feel like it's dragging; I want the chapter to flow at a rate I'm comfortable with. I'm glad you've noticed and approve.

I took a long time planning the "rescue Harry" meeting in Dumbledore's office. The object was to give Harry the support he needs to cope with what he must eventually do while not overwhelming him. As for Luna, there had to be a reason for why she was placed in Ravenclaw, so I wanted to explore what she might be like when she's with a group of friends who actually are her friends and not just her housemates. In this new group of friends, she can blossom because she's accepted and not considered an oddity.
Tuesday 6th November 2007 12:27
New Year, New Hope
mm yummy a forfar bridie, you just made me very hungry with that. might have to head out to the bakers now lol
Tuesday 6th November 2007 20:15New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
When I read the recipe for forfar bridies in one of my British cookbooks I knew I had to find a place for them in my story. I'm glad I made you hungry! Thanks for reviewing!
Sunday 7th October 2007 23:37
New Year, New Hope
I like how the different members of the group will use their individual talents to collectively help Harry fight Voldemort.

Also, Harry and Ginny's deepening bond through the necklaces is touching. I liked how how he held her tenderly in the Common Room after seeing her nightmares. It is a bit misguided of him to feel completely responsible for her having those dreams, but Harry has often had a tendency to feel responsible for every bad thing that happens to those he loves. It was wonderful when he was able to reach out and hold her hand while speaking to her telepathically when they were with Mrs. Chang after the Tai Chi lesson. It was also good that he was able to do so, because they dealt with how Ginny was feeling, rather than her retreating to the hallway to try handle it on her own, as she'd wanted to. It seems that the six have to realize that they are stronger together than they are apart or as individuals. Therefore, they (especially Harry and Ginny) have to try to come together when they are worried or upset, rather than allowing negative emotions to come between them. One aspect of this story that I really like is that it DOESN'T appear that Harry will be pushing Ginny away, in order to protect her while he does what he has to do, as he did in DH. (I know there are a bunch of conjugations of "to do" in that last sentence. Oh well. I'm tired, and it's late.) There have been fan fiction stories written where Ginny went on the search for the horcruxes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione (or whatever the equivalent search/mission was, if it was written pre-HBP), which I thought was a great idea. Ginny has too many talents and strengths to be left out of the fight against Voldemort, not to mention how much her presence and love helps Harry "be all that he can be." So, I like that your story definitely seems to embrace Ginny standing beside Harry in the fight, rather than her being kept safe at home or at school. I also didn't like how, in DH, sometimes the social atmosphere wasn't balanced when it was just the trio searching for the horcruxes. Ron and Hermione had each other to commiserate with when they were surprised that Harry didn't have more to go on in the search, and Harry knowing they were talking and sharing significant looks behind his back made him feel a bit isolated. Therefore, having Ginny be an equal part in the group supporting Harry is a great thing, since she and Harry are bonded together in the same way that Ron and Hermione are. So, it's less likely that one person will feel isolated and excluded.

I also like how you have Harry being taught to re-direct his energies in a more positive manner through Tai Chi, as well as Professor Lupin being his Occlumency tutor this time. Those, along with the other new things he and the others will learn, are great ideas to help him in the fight against Voldemort. I like that this is all so pro-active, rather than things being more passive with everyone just hoping that Harry will be ready when the time comes.

So, great job with this chapter.
Tuesday 9th October 2007 11:41New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
Wow! I’m honored you had so much to say about this chapter! To that end, I’ll try to make my answer just as detailed.

First, the longer Harry and Ginny wear the necklaces the stronger their bond will be. Little things like their sharing Ginny’s dreams or Harry’s memories will become other means of communication because the spells Ginny used were more powerful than she ever expected. Their mutual powers will develop slowly like their relationship has. It was important to me that Harry accept Ginny’s help and love as he did in the end of “You’re Still You” because mentally, at this point in the story, he is still somewhat fragile. Any support he can grab onto is like a lifeline to him: he’s not going to push Ginny away at this point in his recovery.

One of the questions I was asked by my betas was “when would Harry learn he was not alone.” I hope I gave them and my readers the answer they wanted in this chapter when Harry and his friends met with Dumbledore. My premise is that the more support Harry has, the more successful he will become. Also, this group of friends works well together as established in OotP and it seemed to me that they would continue to support each other through to the very end. Since Ginny found herself at the Department of Mysteries, it’s only natural that she be included in the group training.

Finally, I selected the Tai Chi because of how calming this exercise is. True, there are aspects of it that are quite violent, but the part that Mrs. Chang is teaching them is providing the control that they all will need to survive a battle with Voldemort. As Harry is learning, there are people, both friend and adult who want him to succeed.

Thanks for reviewing. I really enjoyed what you had to say.
The Boss
Wednesday 4th July 2007 02:23
New Year, New Hope
Now that is interesting to see about the classes first thing in the morning - I like how Harry and Ron got their morning 'sleep in'.
Oh dear I hope Harry hasnt done anything to major in the potions lessons...looks like I will have to wait and see

The Boss

PS(sorry about the previous post - internet wasnt working properly)
Thursday 5th July 2007 01:47New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
Everyone deserves a lie-in every once in a while and I think Harry was definitely over due for one. As for the Potions lab, well, just keep reading to find out.

Thank you for your review. And no problem about getting the same review twice. I never delete one unless it has an offensive content to it.
Wednesday 9th May 2007 12:11
New Year, New Hope
I'm a little late to the reviewing game on this chapter, I know, but I really love Snape's fate!
Thursday 10th May 2007 07:54New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
Congratulations, GhostWriter...even though the review counter says this is my 101st review, I consider this my 100th *real* review! I'm glad it's you who helped me reach the triple-digit review mark!

I await your review of the Quidditch game with bated breath because it's not a particularly well-written game; it's too one-sided and contains a rather flat description of the action. However, Professor Snape had it coming as you will see in the next chapter.

Happy reading. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.
Friday 30th March 2007 04:43
New Year, New Hope
Good Harry and his friends are getting the training they need. That is good.
I am glad that Luna was able to make her stand clear. She did not lie. That is good. I'm glad Dumbledore and Harry supported her. It sounds like Harry and Ginny are linked telepathicly. We will see how that developes. I can't wait to hear what Snape said to make Harry blow up all the potions in class. That has to be priceless. Thanks for writing. p
Friday 30th March 2007 08:57New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
I want to thank you for reminding me of a part of this story I've forgotten about; Professor Snape's fate and what he did to get Harry so angry. I need to wrap up that little detail and will put the aftermath of the explosion in Part Eighteen.

Part of Luna's character that makes her so attractive to me is how candid she can be at times. I see her efforts in canon to be accepted by her peers but because of her airy-fairy attitude, most people think she's very callow, and not worth valuing as a friend. Her acceptance by Harry and Dumbledore helped the others to acknowledge her opinion.

There's definitely more to Harry's and Ginny's connection and later on in the story they put it to good use. Keep reading and reviewing. I really appreciate your comments.

Thursday 30th June 2005 14:55
New Year, New Hope
I would have been in shock if Luna had answered in any other way. you cought her essence perfectly. everybody writes her as an airhead,dreamer type,but her still waters run very deep. This was an excellrnt chapter, and every time Harry gets angry for not being told about the full prophecy years ago,why is it never mentioned that voldy could have got it out of him much eaier at 11-13 or so as he wasn,t even trained with leglimency.just some thoughts.
Friday 1st July 2005 06:11New Year, New Hope (Author Response)

I'm glad you like my Luna.  I admit it's fun to write her wackiness, but in situations where it really counts I believe she wouldn't have been Sorted into Ravenclaw if she didn't have a keen mind.  Therefore, I like to write her with a depth and breadth that most people don't.

As for the reasons Harry wasn't told about the Prophecy at an earlier age, I believe that both Dumbledore and JKR have their reasons.  Most likely we will find out a little more in Book 6.  It is my opinion, though, that Dumbledore wanted Harry to experience the happier side of the Wizarding world first before subjecting him to its darker side because of Harry's horrible experience with the Dursleys.  Furthermore, Harry's magic may not have been sufficiently developed for him to take on being trained in Occlumency or Legilimency.

Again, thanks for the review.

Wednesday 15th June 2005 18:18
New Year, New Hope
No way could I stop between chapters to review, so here is an overall one. In plain words, this fic is excellent,and I don,t look for mistakes unless they are horrendous ones. I can either criticize or read and enjoy,and I choose to leave advice to others,and concentrate on the great plot line and  "ENJOY"Thanks,Jeanne.
Thursday 16th June 2005 01:34New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
I'm really glad you're enjoying the story.  As long as some of the chapters are it flatters me that you took the time to read them all in succession.  Part seven will be up soon.  It's nearly finished.  Thanks for your kind review.
Sunday 12th June 2005 15:04
New Year, New Hope

AWSOME   It was sad ans touching in the middle with the Tai Chi, but then the ending with the potion rolling straight over Snape's hair was hillarious. I'll be waiting for more, this is excellent

Great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Monday 13th June 2005 22:46New Year, New Hope (Author Response)

I had a good giggle myself when I added that line about Snape's oily hair.  I seem to have this "thing" for causing mayhem and destruction in his classroom just because he's so horrible to Harry in canon.   

As for Harry's response to Mrs. Chang's questions, all the clues to how he might associate with each of those terms/concepts came from my perception of Harry's emotional state at the end of Book 5.  As I wrote that section I found myself wondering how he would have answered at the end of Books 1 and 3: that would be an eye-opener!

Thanks for the kind review.   Arnel

Tuesday 7th June 2005 15:47
New Year, New Hope

I'm really enjoying this story. It really showing the togetherness  and love that the group have for one another and the different training they are going through will surely help Harry out in the end result. I think that the pendant Ginny gave to Harry to share magic is a brilliant idea.

I'm looking forward to reading more. Great job so far. Keep up the Awsome work.


Tuesday 7th June 2005 23:28New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
Thank you so much for the kind review.  The "attitude" of Harry's core group of supporters seems to have grown from just Ginny and her potion to one of solidarity against a known evil force.  By sticking together and helping each other out, they're helping Harry too. He just needs a little more time to realize that he's not completely alone.