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Reviews For Never Give Up by Gabriella Du Sult

Grandma Kate
Thursday 31st August 2006 21:52
Never Give Up
This is a wonderful chapter. I am so glad that St Margarets praised you enough that I wanted to read something of yours.
Monday 11th July 2005 04:32
Never Give Up
I can understand why this is your favorite chapter. Remus and Bea, sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G....

It is a great chapter, and I hope Harry figures out Ginny soon, it pains me to see how clueless he is. Even I figured it out, and I won the Clueless bloke award.

Anyway, great chapter!

Sunday 10th July 2005 23:21
Never Give Up

Oh, well done!  More fluff and action than I'd anticipated!  Will you permit me the luxury and unwarranted liberty of one revision?  "No one thought to restrain Beatrice however.  Perhaps she was too fast for old Moody--or perhaps he didn't even try to stop her.  A resounding crack echoed through the kitchen as her hand made contact with Snape's face."  Not much of a difference, but I like the implication that Mad Eye was OK with letting Beatrice resolve the conversation with Snape in her own way.**snicker**grin**

And getting Ginny to trap herself with her own words...brilliant!

Eagerly awaiting your next chapter.

Monday 11th July 2005 13:24Never Give Up (Author Response)
Very clever addition.  Yes, I don't think Mad-Eye would be opposed to some "Muggle Brawling"
Wolf's Scream
Friday 8th July 2005 22:17
Never Give Up
Ummm... advice on romance from Mad-Eye, huh?  That *definitely* creates a (disturbing) mental image....

Well done!
Friday 8th July 2005 22:11
Never Give Up
Heh heh heh! Liked that last part with the kids!
Friday 8th July 2005 20:05
Never Give Up
He hee. The ending of this chapter gave me the giggles! Loved it! Can't wait for more!