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Reviews For Dragon Riders by Sassenach

Wednesday 18th January 2006 18:55
Dragon Riders

YES! I'm always looking for a good Weasley fic and THIS IS AWESOME! Seriously, though, you should post it on and The Burrow at Sycophant Hex. Though FictionAlley will get you more reviews. Happy Writing!


Thursday 19th January 2006 18:23Dragon Riders (Author Response)
Thanks...I'm really happy that you enjoy it. Hmmm I might just have to get my stuff up on other sites. Thanks for the tip!
Tuesday 16th August 2005 18:17
Dragon Riders
Ooooh! I LOVE this story. it's awesome!! great, great, great, great job. I love Jade's personality and her name! Plz update soon, this is a wonderful story!!
Tuesday 16th August 2005 18:40Dragon Riders (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I was trying to come up with a name that was unique but not out of the ordinary and that name just captured the type of woman I wanted to portray. The next update is on the way. Thanks again!
Tuesday 16th August 2005 17:58
Dragon Riders
Great chapter m'dear Sassy! I'm still waiting for an honourable mention in some way shape or form :D Keep up the great work and update soon!

Tuesday 16th August 2005 18:29Dragon Riders (Author Response)

Oh dear....I forgot the Author's notes. I was supposed to say hey to you, Lady_Padfoot and Dance

Hmm next chapter...Thanks for the support!

Tuesday 16th August 2005 01:02
Dragon Riders
Ouch.  Dayton is such a... and a ponce. And a poisonous, evil.... grmbl...  That said, you did a wonderful job writing this.  Dayton is just as sickening as the RL Daytons out there.  And being the sole woman in a male working environment is hard, though if you (like Jade) give them some of their own back, the respect is incredible.  I like the way the other guys support her, and have added some of their own wishes for Dayton to the tale (getting one between the legs) - he doesn't seem to be the most popular guy around, does he?  Great chapter, I really look forward to the next.

Thanks for sharing!
Tuesday 16th August 2005 10:12Dragon Riders (Author Response)
Thanks....yeah, Dayton isn't Mr. Popularity. I like the fact that Jade is coming into her own in this completely male dominated work environment. She's found a really great nitch with these two guys who respect her. Thanks for the feedback!