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Reviews For In Memoriam by Faelaern

Sunday 30th July 2006 09:35
In Memoriam
Cool. Thestrals. And the itching powder was a nice touch. Good job Fred and George.
Wednesday 29th December 2004 14:44
In Memoriam
I really like the idea of the Thestrals being used to convey Harry to the Burrow, but will it not remind him of the trip to the DoM?
Wednesday 29th September 2004 19:25
In Memoriam
Another well written chapter. It was interesting to see Harry sit back and watch his friends defend him to his uncle. I kept waiting for Vernon to strike out, though he wouldn't dare while outnumbered. Your take on Harry has him past his anger faster than I would have thought. Of course, he has had a great deal of introspection over the past few weeks. Seeing the Weasleys interact with each other was nicely done. Good use of their teasing nature and good humor as a family. (I love that Fluer fits right in: both with the teasing, temper and protectiveness.) Excellent job of writing the Order's scenes. The crisp dialogue illustrated that these people are trained, and preparing to fight a war, with out getting heavy handed or dragging out the security issues. Your grammar and spelling were very good. My thanks to your betas. And once again, thank you for taking the time to create. and share this story. pixie or ellie